GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Rhitorius написал:

I would like to add that there is some merit for using Void Manipulation over Swift Affliction. I also did some PoB math and SA adds a little bit more damage but VM doesn't shorten the duration of blight and allows easier, full stacking and therefor more total dps. This can potentially differ for each individual setup (casting speed, duration, etc).
I tested with Arcane Surge Lvl. 10 and Breath of the Council. No other big differences.

I'll try this, thanks mate! :]

Frotchy написал:
Hi I'm going to try this build out. Would you recommend using that want and shield or double wands? Thanks in advance.

For early leveling use double lifesprig wands or any other wands with nice spell damage if you cant afford the lifesprigs, and once you can get a decent dagger and shield that offers more spell damage than the wands swap to that. I used the double lifesprig wands until level 50 and had no problems whatsoever. As soon as you can get a breath of the council, that's BiS
Последняя редакция: 7443560#1726. Время: 12 авг. 2017 г., 15:52:14
Two quick questions:
1) Are there any gems we shouldn't be leveling?
2) What are some good shield options? Seems to consistently be my worst slot.
Rhitorius написал:
Additional note to the Blight Totem variation.
Ditch the Vaal Lightning Trap for Wither in the Cwdt group. After 2 casts you gain more damage than the nerfed shock buff.

Awesome thanks. I just did that and looking good.
seelroy6 написал:
azaanis написал:
Can someone tell me why we pick +1 maximum frenzy charges in skill tree? how do we generate them, I'm probably blind

Ascendancy node: Swift Killer

Allows us to generate charges.

Oh well, then I'm not blind, just dumb :P

Anyway, I'm pretty new to the game, that's my third build I'm trying on and I'm having a blast, it's fantastic. I'm picking ascendancy nodes in a bit different order [pantient reaper>swift killer>weave of the arcane>walk the aether] but that doesn't change a thing, it's working great.
What shield should i be using? As i can't shield charge with the energy shield recommended.
tcarr713 написал:
What shield should i be using? As i can't shield charge with the energy shield recommended.

You can use any shield you want, your problem is the weapon, you cannot shield charge with a wand equipped.
Hey Ghazzy, I am a bit curious as to why you spend so much on mana in the passive tree when you are trickster running 35% reservation. Especially traveling down to Dreamer seems a bit excessive. Is this just to have an easier time getting to a place where your mana matches 30% of your HP pool, or do you use all the surplus mana for something that I don't see?

Just curious, since on my current char in HHC I have only taken Deep Thoughts as a pure mana node, and surprisingly I have 6k life and 2k unreserved mana already.


erp_lsf написал:
Since you died, (may you rest in piece) I would recommend practising a few times in STD with the fight since it is brand new

I immediatly delete my dead HC characters, so no easy way out for me! :D

Ah, well watch a few vids on the fight, once you learn the mechanics in & out you won't have that much of a problem with the fight. I would recommend pushing 4k life and lvl 68+ via Ossuary before going in though!

skaillor написал:
Hey, im doing this build right now.

should i go for ES or life ?

Life, not ES. Only use ES pieces if they will help you with coloring the gear.

Seppukucide написал:
Probably a stupid question, but where does this build get endurance charges for immortal call?

First time playing, just hit 65, pretty fun so far, thanks for the build! I don't even have a 5L or 6L yet and made it through Act 9 with no deaths :)

There are no stupid questions in my community, threads, stream, discord.

Endurance charges is not needed to proc a quick Immortal Call, though the duration will be very short. Despite the short buff it saves you vs porcupines/bone husks or connecting hits.

Awesome to hear bro!

keroksi написал:
Seppukucide написал:
Probably a stupid question, but where does this build get endurance charges for immortal call?

First time playing, just hit 65, pretty fun so far, thanks for the build! I don't even have a 5L or 6L yet and made it through Act 9 with no deaths :)

Immortal call has base duration of 0.4sec and that is enough for it to do its job here. Endurance charges only make it last abit longer, but they are not mandatory.


amstafff написал:
The Mind Over Matter mod has the same effect as the keystone, Mind Over Matter. Taking the keystone in addition to equipping this item will impart no additional benefit.

So why would i want to get this chest? Is it just for the mana reg?

It gives another 10% MoM effect on top of it, the reason we go for the Keystone as well is due to the MASSIVE mana boost behind it :)

kazafz написал:
What is the highest DoT dps this build can get to? I'm only doing around 35-40k DoT dmg with charges ><

Sadly haven't had time to minmax a number for it via path of building :/

Marchosiae написал:
Should I use armor, evasion or es gear?


Use what ever base helps you with coloring. This has become a more and more frequent question so I will go ahead and add information about this in all my guides that doesn't care about the base defence of items. It should be visible within a few hours on all my guides from now under the Gear section.

Darrothan написал:
Thanks for all your help, by the way Ghazzy! I'm noticing improvements already, and I'll ask again ont he forum if I run into any issues.

By the way, why do you take Shield Charge instead of Whirling Blades?

Simply faster :)


cybertier написал:
kazafz написал:
What is the highest DoT dps this build can get to? I'm only doing around 35-40k DoT dmg with charges ><

Per Path of Builing my ED is at 63k DPS.
Additionally I'm using the Allelopathy Gloves with Spelltotem instead of Wither which does 83k dps after fully stacking.

Today I got the Allelopathy Gloves + Breath of the Council and tested this setup on some Uber runs and I'm pretty sure it's optimal and much better than an essence-crafted dagger with wither. Character:

The level 3 empower also helps a ton.

Thank you! :)

KankaFc написал:
You should change the cwdt link, according to wiki vaal gems can't be triggered by other gems.

Cast When Damage Taken:

- Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Increased Duration, Vaal Lightning Trap


Vaal skills themselves can not be activated by trigger gems, they can trigger other gems however.


Very much correct and the gem setup is correct as well, we don't use CWDT to proc it, you self-cast it :)

Prismaa написал:
Which one would be better now? Breath of the council or delirium crafted weapon?

Breath has the best clear potential, delirium helps more for single target boss fights.
Due to 3.0 boss HP buff I would recommend Breath and only do bosses once then skip em if they don't drop fast enough later on.

djnat написал:
I consider Breath of the Council the absolute best in slot weapon for ED in 3.0. And by a large margin when compared to other options.

- 10% extra AoE makes clearspeed better and it's a QoL upgrade if you use any curse on Blasphemy.
- 40% duration is awesome in endgame content, and it works on all chaos spells in the typical ED setup (Wither, Contagion, ED). Plus, if you attach Arcane Surge to Contagion, the 40% extra duration increases Arcane Surge's duration too.
- Up to 100% chaos damage, which is huge.
- It's not a wand, so it allows for Shield Charge usage to replace Whirling Blades.

Best explanation of my personal opinion on the topic as well.

Nolagamer написал:
Can this build do any and all content in 3.0?

Without a doubt :)

Rhitorius написал:
Additional note to the Blight Totem variation.
Ditch the Vaal Lightning Trap for Wither in the Cwdt group. After 2 casts you gain more damage than the nerfed shock buff.

Very good point.

Frotchy написал:
Hi I'm going to try this build out. Would you recommend using that want and shield or double wands? Thanks in advance.


Never use wands, Shield Charge is too good to give up imo.

Dagger/mace + Shield.

Silverbrit написал:
Sorry if this has been answered before, but what is the point of having the clarity aura if you're not in a party? I feel like my mana regeneration is good enough without, and the mana I'm losing is better off going towards MoM.

Considering how all my build guides are literally running red hot of spammage I don't blame you for going through all the pages of comments.

You will have over 6k mana in the late game stage, having some extra mana regen is always nice for this type of approach and the mana reserved by it will never be noticed at that point.

cronik написал:
Two quick questions:
1) Are there any gems we shouldn't be leveling?
2) What are some good shield options? Seems to consistently be my worst slot.

1) Arcane Surge needs to be kept in check so you don't "overlvl" it ahead of the mana cost of the ability it's linked to.

2) Anything that gives stats you need, life/res/dmg

azaanis написал:
seelroy6 написал:
azaanis написал:
Can someone tell me why we pick +1 maximum frenzy charges in skill tree? how do we generate them, I'm probably blind

Ascendancy node: Swift Killer

Allows us to generate charges.

Oh well, then I'm not blind, just dumb :P

Anyway, I'm pretty new to the game, that's my third build I'm trying on and I'm having a blast, it's fantastic. I'm picking ascendancy nodes in a bit different order [pantient reaper>swift killer>weave of the arcane>walk the aether] but that doesn't change a thing, it's working great.

Glad it's working out great for you!
You should absolutely join our Discord community, anyone is free to join we got tons of people helping eachother out <3

Nedieth написал:
Hey Ghazzy, I am a bit curious as to why you spend so much on mana in the passive tree when you are trickster running 35% reservation. Especially traveling down to Dreamer seems a bit excessive. Is this just to have an easier time getting to a place where your mana matches 30% of your HP pool, or do you use all the surplus mana for something that I don't see?

Just curious, since on my current char in HHC I have only taken Deep Thoughts as a pure mana node, and surprisingly I have 6k life and 2k unreserved mana already.



This is a common missconception of how MoM works.
It's basic algebra:

30% MoM:
3/7 = 0.428.... = 42.8% mitigation which will require 42.8% of your life pool as unreserved mana

To calculate your eHP with this you take: "Life * 1.428 = eHP"

40% MoM:
4/6 = 0.666.... = 66.6% mitigation which will require 66.6% of your life pool as unreserved mana

To calculate your eHP with this you take: "Life * 1.428 = eHP"

The build in it's late game stage has over 6k mana with some reserved to make full use of the mitigating effect of MoM :)
cybertier написал:
Getting back to using Allelopathy gloves and napkin math:
I'm pretty sure skipping wither and using spelltotem, efficacy, swift affliction and controlled destruction in gloves gives max dps.

We lose a 140% increased damage modifier (on top of already roughly 260% for my character) from max stack wither but get 64k dps from max stack blight.

(Calculated with Breath of the Council, which I is too good to skip for mapping.)

Im not much of a theorycrafter and always just blindly follow the guides, BUT i had a little idea regarding this.

What if you do that gloves combo, but replace spelltotem with another support making Blight selfcast and putting spelltotem and wither with cwdt and ic, replacing the inc duration and vaal lightning trap from that.

Also had an idea of using the chest that gives +1 to totems, that would let you use both wither and blight on totems, right?

Why is breath of the council BiS if it makes shield charge go super slow? am I missing something that makes it go faster other than the ascendency stuff from trickster? I really dont notice the whole 25% faster attack speed/cast speed after using a movement skill with a dagger that has 1.45 atkspd.

I havnt actually tested it yet, but am I wrong to assume it'd be considerably slower than a dagger with atkspd % + essence + spell dmg?
Jkurs on twitch, come and join the action . :)

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