GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Mikefield написал:
To those struggling with damage against high health tarhets :
a) Allelopathy is a free 5-link lvl22 Blight; this is easily taken all the way to over 200k dps (without Wither) when close to max stacks. 200k dps helps against bosses. I'm at t14 and this is a HUGE boost to damage.
I support Blight with Swift Affliction - Controlled Destruction - Efficacy - Void Manipulation
Works like a charm against high health bosses and mobs.

Blight can use Spreading Rot unique jewel (Right below MoM node) for extra chaos damage and huge hinder slow. Hinder does, by the way, help immensely against melee bosses.

I use wither with a Spell Totem as suggested.

Sorry to be dense - you drop a wither spell totem, self cast ed, and then self cast blight on single targets? Then re-apply ED as necessary?
I have also been using Allelopathy gloves, but to have spell totem Blight instead. I'm liking it so far. The totem is very helpful not only for bosses, but for rifts, harbingers, and those "allies are immortal" enemies.

I highly recommend The Unshattered Will as a shield option if you want to be tanky. It has good resists, life, refills mana on block, and adds damage to the previously mentioned Blight totem.

Another fun side effect is self-casting wither instead of from a totem (I replaced VLT with self-cast wither). The Harbinger of Focus skill will give you Immunity to status ailments, Stun immunity, and 20% damage reduction while channeling (most of the time).

I'm a big fan of this alternate setup, but I'm sure other ways work well too.
CoolLink19 написал:
I have also been using Allelopathy gloves, but to have spell totem Blight instead. I'm liking it so far. The totem is very helpful not only for bosses, but for rifts, harbingers, and those "allies are immortal" enemies.

I highly recommend The Unshattered Will as a shield option if you want to be tanky. It has good resists, life, refills mana on block, and adds damage to the previously mentioned Blight totem.

Another fun side effect is self-casting wither instead of from a totem (I replaced VLT with self-cast wither). The Harbinger of Focus skill will give you Immunity to status ailments, Stun immunity, and 20% damage reduction while channeling (most of the time).

I'm a big fan of this alternate setup, but I'm sure other ways work well too.

Really cool idea. I got everything set up like you do, but im using rathpits shield atm. Getting this unshattered will would enable me to use those boots with pierce on them too. BUT is it worth losing the spell damage ja spellblock from rathpits? Thoughts?

i have a problem with your Setup.

CWDT can't trigger Vaal gems and i only create Frenzy and Power charges, Immortal call need Endurance charge.

so the only thing i can use is phase run.... :-( and Discharge (super lame)

Has someone any better idea?

Best regards
Heidewitzka написал:

i have a problem with your Setup.

CWDT can't trigger Vaal gems and i only create Frenzy and Power charges, Immortal call need Endurance charge.

so the only thing i can use is phase run.... :-( and Discharge (super lame)

Has someone any better idea?

Best regards

Immortal Call doesn't need Endurance charges, it has a base duration.

You use Vaal Lightning Trap on bosses and you cast it yourself, it is just there because that gem slot was left.
Последняя редакция: Inkov2#0803. Время: 15 авг. 2017 г., 3:22:14
Yeah, but what bring 0.4 seconds? i can't run so fast :-)
I have also been using Allelopathy gloves, but to have spell totem Blight instead. I'm liking it so far. The totem is very helpful not only for bosses, but for rifts, harbingers, and those "allies are immortal" enemies.

I highly recommend The Unshattered Will as a shield option if you want to be tanky. It has good resists, life, refills mana on block, and adds damage to the previously mentioned Blight totem.

Another fun side effect is self-casting wither instead of from a totem (I replaced VLT with self-cast wither). The Harbinger of Focus skill will give you Immunity to status ailments, Stun immunity, and 20% damage reduction while channeling (most of the time).

I'm a big fan of this alternate setup, but I'm sure other ways work well too.

Blight totem has terrible range and dies very quickly because of that. Wither totem has really decent range so I find it advantageous to apply Blight myself while the totem applies vulnerability from afar!

Sorry to be dense - you drop a wither spell totem, self cast ed, and then self cast blight on single targets? Then re-apply ED as necessary?

Yep. There is a HUGE difference between the damage dealt by 5l self cast blight and 4l totem cast one. Blight totem's range is quite horrible as well so using Wither totem makes way more sense as it usually lasts way longer.

Mind you, self casting blight makes sense only when you have good duration on the debuffs/DoTs you apply (and that comes with Breath of the Council!)
Mikefield написал:

Yep. There is a HUGE difference between the damage dealt by 5l self cast blight and 4l totem cast one. Blight totem's range is quite horrible as well so using Wither totem makes way more sense as it usually lasts way longer.

Mind you, self casting blight makes sense only when you have good duration on the debuffs/DoTs you apply (and that comes with Breath of the Council!)

Got any idea how to link this? The only way I see this working is skipping the CwdT setup for the wither totem.

This would lead to a buttload of DPS at the expense of the valuable CwdT defense.

If we get full stacks of Wither and full stacks of Blight we are looking at 400k Blight DPS and
150k ED dps.

This is without 2 spreading rot jewels.
Последняя редакция: cybertier#6539. Время: 15 авг. 2017 г., 4:39:02
Mikefield написал:
To those struggling with damage against high health tarhets :
a) Allelopathy is a free 5-link lvl22 Blight; this is easily taken all the way to over 200k dps (without Wither) when close to max stacks. 200k dps helps against bosses. I'm at t14 and this is a HUGE boost to damage.
I support Blight with Swift Affliction - Controlled Destruction - Efficacy - Void Manipulation
Works like a charm against high health bosses and mobs.

Blight can use Spreading Rot unique jewel (Right below MoM node) for extra chaos damage and huge hinder slow. Hinder does, by the way, help immensely against melee bosses.

I use wither with a Spell Totem as suggested.

b) Voidwalker (Unique boots) has free pierce and is an overall decent item. This means you can have pierce even with Empower in place on your 6l(at a cost of health/res which means you need good jewelry to cover it up). Pierce helps a lot when clearing packs.
c) Cloak of Defiance seems to be a really solid item choice, this 10% extra MoM it gives is huge and keeps us alive longer.
d) The MoM node itself is a 1-point expense which nets us a ton of mana in retrun on the later nodes. It's just a single point used to reach a very lucrative bonus. Since ED heals us constantly, mana is the resource that will be most likely depleted first.
e) Don't be dumb like me and use Shield Charge from very early on. It's broken.

Could you maybe post your complete build please? I dont really understand how you can link the blight and still use wither with spelltotem. Thanks a lot. :)
Heidewitzka написал:
Yeah, but what bring 0.4 seconds? i can't run so fast :-)

There is also inc duration support and nodes in passive three that increases duration. But that is not even the point of it.

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