Kelvynn написал:
monkuar написал:
Not sure if I should do the witch or scion version! :( I have a 86 scion, and 94 witch. I really want to do end-game maps and stuff hmm. Is the witch version more powerful?
At this point I have to say Yes. The Witch version is more powerful and more safe than the Scion of the same level. It's still being tweaked a lot (make sure to read the last few pages of the thread; another major change is coming soon), but the results are already great.
Perandus and Prophecy leagues are very similar for this build because the uniques we use are very cheap in both. But my Witch in Prophecy is able to do the endgame stuff a lot earlier than my Scion in Perandus was, and for a lot cheaper. And after getting used to the safety of the anti-reflect node, I'm having hard time adjusting back to Scion when it comes to reflect. Or rather, I am simply rerolling ele reflect maps on the Scion.
Leveling past 90 is a LOT slower since the 2.3 patch. And past lv 94 it's a whole new level of slower. If you have a 94 Witch already - totally go with it.
Although lv 86 is already enough to do everything with either version of the build, except Uber Atziri and Core.
I see. Funny because I just refreshed this topic before buying regrets with my exalt. Just finished spending 2-3 hours on poe.trade gathering all my items lol.
I only play SC, so I appreciate you responding for us. I'm just not a league "hype" type of player :(, my motto is "All roads lead to softcore" -- and I love it here :D
I'm definitely going the Witch route then before I spend my exalts. She is already an Occulist (followed Mathil's guide) -- but I'm not tanky, I feel more like a glass cannon... that's why this build interested me because I do good deeps, and tanky as fuck (leech) is so nice.
Plus, I'm more of a casual player too and this fits perfect with my playstyle. I just want to do end-game maps and try to see if I can level my witch passed 94. As you said, it's damn hard. Especially when playing a glass cannon because I spend hours leveling, just for it to be gone. It's sad, but POE is so fun so I'm trying to find that build. I think this is it though. Thanks again, I'll do the Witch version!
Edit: I also want to sell my legacy mjolner too. So I am wondering how far I cant ake this build with 50 exalts.
Mjolner builds are absolutely shit now. I followed a cheap Wander build that had faster clear speed with that OP Frost Wall / Kinetic Blast shit. (for single target too) -- It's ridiculous broken
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym Последняя редакция: monkuar#2123. Время: 29 июня 2016 г., 13:42:58
Сообщениеmonkuar#212329 июня 2016 г., 13:39:35
I'm also looking forward for new videos on your channel featuring the Witch version. If you have time, ofcourse :)
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Сообщениеmonkuar#212329 июня 2016 г., 13:43:50
I ran the Scion version just because... I like scion model better than witch.
Witch is definitely superior based on the stats and wat ive seen from my friend who plays same build. Both are viable though and work in the end game. Im rolling through T9s and T10s right now. Working on doing Uber Lab...(2 more trials please pop)
At that point its just an ES game stacking as much ES as possible it seems. My DPS is medium and still working towards that 18k Tooltip.
СообщениеDrazyHaze#530330 июня 2016 г., 11:03:06
Please update your perandus signet information as well as the intelligence calculations.
You have the legacy version up.
Perandus signet no longer has 3% increased and is 2% now since a few patches ago.
I like your calculations and all so I wanted your feedback of the impact with a 2% increase per unique vs. the 3%. This will actually help me figure out whether or not I should be using the new perandus or I just shoot for a high int resist ring instead.
From there to lv 33 you will be using Lightning Tendrils. At lv 8 you can support it with Added Lightning Damage. At lv 18 add Elemental Focus (3L) and Controlled Destruction (4L). This will take you to lv 33. At lv 10 start using Rallying Cry for mana/dps boost.
How to obtain rallying cry on a scion, it doesn't seem to be available for me
This may be a crazy idea, but this build is possible as shadow/trickster or assassin (some crit version). And what about use Ice Storm w/ mines? Someone already tested it?
СообщениеNawul#40622 июля 2016 г., 12:21:52
CyborgCommunist написал:
Hey, love this build and though its been a bitch to buy gear for it, its tanky and clears relatively fast.
Just a few questions though.
If i didn't want to go Elementalist + Raider, what would be a good choice other than Raider. For some reason even with pack size maps and constant quicksilver + leap slamming, the frenzy charges just always run out.
And also why my DPS seems kinda low. Ive got 1,500 int and 6S but it feels a bit slow.
Frenzy charges running out: are you stopping a lot to pick up loot? I can't think of any other reason for that. It's up to you, but consider tightening your item filter and hiding the junk that's not really worth picking up.
EleSlayer is a good choice for party play, as mentioned a few posts above. I don't see any other good alternatives to EleRaider. It's too bad that Berserker was nerfed, EleZerker was unbeatable in 2.2.
Int, DPS - it all scales with levels a lot. What level are you? What level are your gems?
yeah, i wanted EleZerker but the nerf kinda sucks. Taking out LL gem would give me more DPS.
Its just purely force of habit that I run around picking up loot, might grab a Doedre's Elixir to keep up my charges.
My character is lvl 82 with lvl 18 gems.
Последняя редакция: CyborgCommunist#2104. Время: 6 июля 2016 г., 1:17:25
Kelvynn написал:
accoleon написал:
I'm having a lot of trouble transitioning past 33 (I am stuck at 33):
I have a 6S Whispering Ice - with just Faster Casting, Elemental Focus, and Life Leech supports, Icestorm costs 44 mana per cast but deals just an average of 179dps (for comparison, the 3L lightning tendrils setup of lightning tendils/faster/added lightning did 560dps at 33, and casts twice due to being socketed in reverb. rod)
I use an astramentis
Disc at level 4 - have 460 es without disc, 697 es with disc
disc + bm + warlords reserves 70% of my 506 mana, leaving only 151 mana to cast (barely 4 times)
If I fully supported WI (Faster/Controlled Destruction/Ele focus/lifeleech/Cold pen/hypothermia), the mana cost rockets up to 96 (I can only cast it once!) and still only does 231.6 dps, not even half of what tendrils did!
My tree is identical to yours at 33, and this is my gear:
I haven't bought any es gear specifically for 33 yet - most of the body armors are expensive, have no vendors online, and max out around 120-130 es.
I get 3-4 shot by white mobs, and spamming icestorm on the mobs around me barely leech anything (4% of 231 is 9 life, 4 mana)
How did everyone else get past this hurdle?
Your main problem is the lack of Int on gear. When you switch to Icestorm, you need to switch to Int+ES gear. It's not expensive at all, you don't need the top rolls. Take a look at the Leveling section of the Witch version of this build. I've leveled my Witch in the Prophecy league and recorded her gear and stats.
The damage of Icestorm is directly dependent on your Int. And the leech amount is a percentage of the damage. And Int also adds mana. And ES. All your problems will go away when you get items with Int similar to what my Witch had.
Just an opinion here, but his main problem is he switched to CI like you suggested. I don't think CI is a very good option on low levels. You shouldn't switch to it until level 70 when you can get the belt. The good of CI (chaos resist) isn't worth the all the issues caused by 1 health at low levels. For CI to be good you need more ES than you would be getting from health by using standard set ups. This doesn't happen until you get the higher level gear (70+ cause you need that belt).
Don't get me wrong, you can level with low ES with the build, it's just really dangerous. Expect to die often. Once you get up in level and your gear gets you over 6K ES (very easy after 70) then it works really well.
Последняя редакция: DrFugazi#5704. Время: 10 июля 2016 г., 14:23:00
СообщениеDrFugazi#570410 июля 2016 г., 14:22:31
DrFugazi написал:
Just an opinion here, but his main problem is he switched to CI like you suggested. I don't think CI is a very good option on low levels. You shouldn't switch to it until level 70 when you can get the belt. The good of CI (chaos resist) isn't worth the all the issues caused by 1 health at low levels. For CI to be good you need more ES than you would be getting from health by using standard set ups. This doesn't happen until you get the higher level gear (70+ cause you need that belt).
Don't get me wrong, you can level with low ES with the build, it's just really dangerous. Expect to die often. Once you get up in level and your gear gets you over 6K ES (very easy after 70) then it works really well.
Lots of people have been enjoying WI+CI right from lv 33, including even some in HC. When it doesn't work, the cause of all issues is usually not understanding the importance of Int (which gives you everything: ES, DPS, leech). If you don't use items with Int and ES then it will suck.
СообщениеKelvynn#660711 июля 2016 г., 15:16:57
Kelvynn написал:
DrFugazi написал:
Just an opinion here, but his main problem is he switched to CI like you suggested. I don't think CI is a very good option on low levels. You shouldn't switch to it until level 70 when you can get the belt. The good of CI (chaos resist) isn't worth the all the issues caused by 1 health at low levels. For CI to be good you need more ES than you would be getting from health by using standard set ups. This doesn't happen until you get the higher level gear (70+ cause you need that belt).
Don't get me wrong, you can level with low ES with the build, it's just really dangerous. Expect to die often. Once you get up in level and your gear gets you over 6K ES (very easy after 70) then it works really well.
Lots of people have been enjoying WI+CI right from lv 33, including even some in HC. When it doesn't work, the cause of all issues is usually not understanding the importance of Int (which gives you everything: ES, DPS, leech). If you don't use items with Int and ES then it will suck.
Just talking about leveling here.. I like the build a lot and it works great after level 70 when you have the gear. However int doesn't care if you are Armor or ES. With ES while leveling you either have to spend an astronomical amount of currency on leveling gear or you will have a low amount of it. This makes it very dangerous (much more than armor). I will say it again:
ES is good because:
1. Chaos resist
2. You can get it above Armor numbers
Chaos resist isn't very important while leveling, and to get the ES above Arm or even close to it is way to expensive.
Great build though, I love it. And your guide is very well done.
СообщениеDrFugazi#570411 июля 2016 г., 18:31:18