foolfog написал:
Another thought of mine, considering using Shield Charge in this build is to get some endurance charges. One could change fortify for End. Charges on melee stun, which works nicely with shield charge. It means a bit less phys reduction and attack but may help with elemental resists since with this amount of uniques we want to put here, we need really top rings, which are not that cheap unfortunately. One could drop purities if used.

Aye, that's a nice setup as well.

Funny you mention rings and Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - one of the new uniques would give some insane damage for facebreakers. Reduced attack speed not a big deal for this build, and frenzy charge on stun would mean you don't need Blood Rage at all.

This ring is also a good option for those who want to wear a different helm instead of using Abysuss for the phys damage, or use a different belt instead of Meginord.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 3 сент. 2016 г., 1:09:09

I loved your build at first sight ! :)

I think I'll try out Ice Crash (because it looks more badass :p) but I would like to know if Ice Crash decreases that much DPS on single target ? Doesn't that matter for not being able to use multistrike ?

Thank you in advance !
could i level and farm the gear for rigwalds while using this build without the crit?
Datness написал:

I loved your build at first sight ! :)

I think I'll try out Ice Crash (because it looks more badass :p) but I would like to know if Ice Crash decreases that much DPS on single target ? Doesn't that matter for not being able to use multistrike ?

Thank you in advance !

Thanks bud. Lol, you guys are reading my mind. I just got a new laptop and was testing out Ice Crash (I was on a Surface before so Ice Crash lagged really bad, and was impossible to use with Fraps).

So far I'm loving Ice Crash A LOT - it clears ridiculously fast, even feels faster than Infernal Blow because you don't have to click on enemies - just target ground and move on to next pack.

The good thing is that colors on my chest are 3R2B1G from Frenzy setup and interchangeable for a lot of different melee skills.

So Ice Crash I was using Ice Crash + MPD + Added Fire + FA + Inc. Crit Chance + Inc. AOE. This was massive AOE and very fast clearing.

Unfortunately yes the single target is not great, and you do not have shock without P2L. HOWEVER for bosses you can either swap Inc. AOE for P2L or for Conc. Effect. Ideally you would do Conc. Effect and use a VoV for Shock - that would be some insane DPS.

If you want to run Phys Reflect maps you can also just use P2L instead of Inc. AOE / ICC for 100% phys conversion.

I'll post my new DPS numbers and an Ice Crash vid soon.

What I've actually done to my Ranger is make her use a 4L Ice Crash for AOE, and then my 6L Frenzy charge I replaced Melee Splash with Added Fire for bosses.

This was suggested by ctaszeus on the previous page, but he uses Shield Charge. This way your Ranger can get the best of both worlds: fast AOE clearing skill, and 6L insane single target.

Ragnar0kkr написал:
could i level and farm the gear for rigwalds while using this build without the crit?

Yes! It's very flexible - some people like to start on crit immediately, but with Facebreakers your damage is so high (especially with Frenzy charges) that you will find you won't really need crit until you start doing higher level maps.

In fact, I'm sure some people have started this build but found they don't need crit at all. And so they customize the build to how they like (i.e. drop Ass Mark, drop crit gems, use nice life amulet etc.).

Upside to going crit is that you also get ridiculous freezes on bosses which can be nice.

My suggestion would just be to level this build without crit and see how you like it, if you want more damage you can then get rigwalds and spec the claw nodes. Otherwise if you are already happy with the damage you can spend your points on other things.

- Tree no change

- Enchant: I managed to get a 9% inc. frenzy damage per frenzy charge enchant on my Abyssus. This got me some higher damage.

- Full Ascension: full frenzy charges now give me Phasing = 6% dodge, 10% spell dodge, ele status effect immunity, and 20% inc. movt speed

Updated DPS numbers (Frenzy and Ice Crash) below.

Скрытый текст
Frenzy Full DPS:

Hideout with NO buffs: 148k

Add Hatred: 190k

Add Ice Golem: 200k

Add 9 frenzy charges from attacks: 538k

Add 3 power charges from Assassin's Mark: 643k

Sip Taste of Hate: 761k
Sip Lion's Roar: 1,000k

Add Blood Rage (usually I turn this off for Vuln/degen maps and very hard bosses): 1,070k

Replace Melee Splash with Added Fire on all the above:
Blood Rage Off: 1,237k
Blood Rage On: 1,316k

Note: Using Atziri's Flask instead of Taste of Hate will give you higher DPS but I prefer Taste of Hate for better freeze on bosses and phys damage reduction.

Ice Crash Setups:
ICrash + MPD + Added Fire + Inc. Crit Chance + FA + Inc. AOE: 768k
ICrash + MPD + Added Fire + Inc. Crit Chance + FA + Conc. Effect: 1,218k
ICrash + MPD + Added Fire + Inc. Crit Chance + P2L + Inc. AOE: 731k
ICrash + MPD + Added Fire + Inc. Crit Chance + P2L + Conc. Effect: 1,182k


T15 Dark Forest (Rigwald King): https://youtu.be/W2jdtGbt-HM

T15 Overgrown Ruin: https://youtu.be/2U0vM8coGAk

Ice Crash Gameplay: https://youtu.be/rNrjI5gdZHU

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 6 сент. 2016 г., 19:04:07
Hey man this build looks great! What do you think about going Gladiator and doing max block instead of a eva build? Should still be able to do insane damage while having a better defensive option
Pharcri написал:
Hey man this build looks great! What do you think about going Gladiator and doing max block instead of a eva build? Should still be able to do insane damage while having a better defensive option

Hi bud, yup Gladiator would be a very good option. I would recommend for Gladiator you do not take Acro so you can get your full blocks without the penalty - i.e. focus on block and then supplement with Stibnite flask for blind and Vaal Grace for emergency dodge.

Ceryneian написал:
Pharcri написал:
Hey man this build looks great! What do you think about going Gladiator and doing max block instead of a eva build? Should still be able to do insane damage while having a better defensive option

Hi bud, yup Gladiator would be a very good option. I would recommend for Gladiator you do not take Acro so you can get your full blocks without the penalty - i.e. focus on block and then supplement with Stibnite flask for blind and Vaal Grace for emergency dodge.

Yea sounds like a good idea. Hmm gonna have a hard time deciding which way i wanna play. But Thank you for the build, looks awesome! Been a long time since i have done a melee splash build lol
Ceryneian написал:
Thanks bud. Lol, you guys are reading my mind. I just got a new laptop and was testing out Ice Crash (I was on a Surface before so Ice Crash lagged really bad, and was impossible to use with Fraps).

So far I'm loving Ice Crash A LOT - it clears ridiculously fast, even feels faster than Infernal Blow because you don't have to click on enemies - just target ground and move on to next pack.

The good thing is that colors on my chest are 3R2B1G from Frenzy setup and interchangeable for a lot of different melee skills.

So Ice Crash I was using Ice Crash + MPD + Added Fire + FA + Inc. Crit Chance + Inc. AOE. This was massive AOE and very fast clearing.

Unfortunately yes the single target is not great, and you do not have shock without P2L. HOWEVER for bosses you can either swap Inc. AOE for P2L or for Conc. Effect. Ideally you would do Conc. Effect and use a VoV for Shock - that would be some insane DPS.

If you want to run Phys Reflect maps you can also just use P2L instead of Inc. AOE / ICC for 100% phys conversion.

I'll post my new DPS numbers and an Ice Crash vid soon.

What I've actually done to my Ranger is make her use a 4L Ice Crash for AOE, and then my 6L Frenzy charge I replaced Melee Splash with Added Fire for bosses.

This was suggested by ctaszeus on the previous page, but he uses Shield Charge. This way your Ranger can get the best of both worlds: fast AOE clearing skill, and 6L insane single target.

Thank you for your answer.

FA stands for Faster Attacks right ?

What if changing the green socket ? Switching to blue socket for P2L seems to be the best option in this case, isn't it ?

(By the way, we can indeed notice you've got a new computer, no more lag on your videos :D)
Последняя редакция: Datness#7056. Время: 7 сент. 2016 г., 9:04:56

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