za6i9ka написал:
Yea, Bleed+Maim+Warchief and bloodlust on frenzy 6 slot looks great. But not so realistic for 4l shield charge for aoe build. I'll need to drop inc duration or one of my two vaal grace gems for it. For pure frenzy it looks op tho, just swapping splash for bloodlust on boss.

Or just thought of another thing... If we use avatar of veil, then shield charge+faster atks+fortify for movement and perseverance belt. Thats like perma onslaugh+phasing+fortify. There is 1 free gem slot for bleed that way and then frenzy can be used with melee splash/brutality for clearing aoe/st. Losing 10 flat phys, 60str and 2% hp, but gaining free cold resist(up to 20%), some armour+eva, onslaught, fortify and phasing even if not on full frenzy charges(like when starting map or if you entering boss room without charges). Plus we use both armor and eva so there like 5% atk dmg too.

Aye that's another good option bud if you like going for Avatar of Veil. Haven't tried it before - let me know how it goes.
Its okish, lost about 5% dps and some hp but got 20% move speed and about 2k eva compared to non-legacy meginord. Plus fortify helps with survival too. Not worth using over meginord tho, we have really low hp already and every bit of less hp hurts. But i'll most likely still use shield charge with fortify and maybe will try shield charge+fortify+onslaught+faster atks. Shield charge 1shots white mobs on crit so we can get good uptime on onslaugh this way. That'll lead to drop of bleed support in warchief link, but ruthless is good enaugh, most bosses die fast enaugh anyways, so it'll not lose to bloodlust untill very endgame bosses.
Последняя редакция: za6i9ka#5388. Время: 15 окт. 2017 г., 9:27:56
i cant damage with melee skills ony item diff. is reginald.Help me
za6i9ka написал:
Its okish, lost about 5% dps and some hp but got 20% move speed and about 2k eva compared to non-legacy meginord. Plus fortify helps with survival too. Not worth using over meginord tho, we have really low hp already and every bit of less hp hurts. But i'll most likely still use shield charge with fortify and maybe will try shield charge+fortify+onslaught+faster atks. Shield charge 1shots white mobs on crit so we can get good uptime on onslaugh this way. That'll lead to drop of bleed support in warchief link, but ruthless is good enaugh, most bosses die fast enaugh anyways, so it'll not lose to bloodlust untill very endgame bosses.

Hmm, nice. You've already tried Bloodlust? Also depending on what kind of maps you are doing, if you are just leveling I would run the 4L version with Kaom's for more life and use Shield Charge. Or drop Abyssus and use a life helm. Or drop the shield and get something with life. Really don't need over a million DPS on this build to be honest if you are not doing T16 bosses.

acuninho написал:
i cant damage with melee skills ony item diff. is reginald.Help me

Link your gear please. You need Rigwald's Curse on this build.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 16 окт. 2017 г., 14:19:25
Hi guys, build will be updated for 3.1 but there are a few changes I am keen to try first that I didn't get time to try in the last patch, particularly some bleed items and also shock given the changes to how it works. Also ofc VP has now moved to Duelist area but since we go there anyway it should be easy to grab and might actually save us some points on the tree. Also want to adjust using Damage on Full Life for a different gem and then trying Blood Rage. Yriel Fostering has also been changed it seems as now the ursa beast requires much much less mana to summon so it's easier to use.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 28 нояб. 2017 г., 3:06:00
Hey there what do you think about the flat 5-8 physikal damage to attacks & 6-9 physical damage to claw attacks abyss jewels? should be pretty op for facebraker with rigwalds. would you be still running crit or aim for most jewel socket(maybe as scion).
Последняя редакция: gebboo#2001. Время: 13 дек. 2017 г., 6:43:16
gebboo написал:
Hey there what do you think about the flat 5-8 physikal damage to attacks & 6-9 physical damage to claw attacks abyss jewels? should be pretty op for facebraker with rigwalds. would you be still running crit or aim for most jewel socket(maybe as scion).

Hi bud, aye those jewels would be really quite nice. I would need to see if they are worth swapping out for Pugilist. Yes this build would still use crit, it needs the Frenzy charges to make it work well and best ascendancy is Raider.

Please hold off though on playing this build as I need to update it because of the Vaal Pact changes where before we could instantly leech very high life instantly even with just the leech from tree, now it is no longer the case bud.
I'm looking at doing this as my second build but going Scion for Slayer, Assassion, Path of Shadow with this tree. Can you give me your thoughts on this?


Edit: sorry about the old version of the tree but I do pick up Vaal Pact, Acrobatics and go for as many jewel slots as possible for the new Abyss jewels.
Последняя редакция: pathofexile003#3740. Время: 13 дек. 2017 г., 22:36:46
pathofexile003 написал:
I'm looking at doing this as my second build but going Scion for Slayer, Assassion, Path of Shadow with this tree. Can you give me your thoughts on this?


Edit: sorry about the old version of the tree but I do pick up Vaal Pact, Acrobatics and go for as many jewel slots as possible for the new Abyss jewels.

Tree looks good bro. But please hold off on playing as I need to test it for 3.1 - given work and travel for the holidays most likely I won't be able to update this build until January. This is a difficult build to play because it is melee with Abyssus and relies on damage avoidance (both EV, dodge, block and blind) on top of that leech is now less effective so I need to see how it handles in 3.1.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 14 дек. 2017 г., 2:39:14

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