^^ Abyssus has been tricky to put into builds since 2.0 was released, thats why i was asking about bor.
Ive wondered about even making an elementalist es version or trickster/cyclone etc etc since you could get a huge potential life pool.
Blakecz написал:
I followed your guide
my gear - life is about 4,8k

Some words I have to say about your build:

For next potential players interested in this build, doesn't do it at least since it is almost useless for mapping in this form now.

Yes, it has A LOT of damage, but it is so easy to be killed... Any common monster can hit you easily results in about half of your life is away fast (T10+). At the first view, you will be impressed by damage in high tiers map, but then you will see the weak of this build = bad defense.

I have been trying to exchange some gear / gems to be more "tanky", for example change MPD for fortify in 6L, but I stayed only with change Assasin's Mark for Wardlord's Mark curse. Next thing I swaping AOE / ICS gem for multi / single target.

Anyway I like it, but we need some more defense version, I mean final defense version with same or similar items, which will work fine in compare with actual form.

Good Luck

Thanks for the feedback buddy. Appreciate the post, but I wouldn't say this build is "useless" for mapping - I've been doing T14s and T15s and it seems to be doing alright. I've actually started leveling a new Ranger from scratch - specifically for this build so I can move my Tiurakh to a different build. If you are dying on T10s then I think something is wrong.

I haven't made a "tanky" version yet because this build has already exceeded my expectations and I have yet to hit a wall. I haven't even started using my true single target for bosses yet.

Anyway, I always encourage people to customize my builds so please feel free to tweak for more tankiness to suit your playing style and needs!

Some examples below:

1. Add Vaal Grace: this is massive buff that is so simple to use - you will be running at max dodge + high block from your Rumi's flasks. While still one-shotting packs.

Vaal Grace is great on this build because everything is either getting one-shot, or dies in less than 3 seconds. Vaal Grace can last 6+ seconds.

You will hardly take hits with Vaal Grace (see Vaal Temple vid - damage I take is only from reflect on fire guy).

For permanent Vaal Grace: link Vaal Grace to Inc. Duration, and take OUT a jewel and use Chill of Corruption jewel so you gain additional Vaal Souls on shattering.

Want even faster souls? Well, take out another jewel and add Sacrificial Harvest jewel.

2. Use Blind on Stibnite flask - this is HUGE for more survivability vs. attacks

3. Use Basalt flask for more mitigation - combine this with Taste of Hate.

4. Grab Raider Ascendancy for Avatar of Onslaught - this will give you MORE % chance to evade (basically a mini-Ondar's Guile). This is extremely powerful. Use an Onslaught flask to make sure you always can have Onslaught up. If you are having more trouble with Spells get Avatar of the Veil.

5. Add Fortify to 6L like you suggest

6. Remove Assassin's Mark and put Temporal Chains or Enfeeble linked to Blasphemy

7. Remove Abyssus: and use BofR for more blind and block.

8. Remove Belly of the Beast and use Lightning Coil for more mitigation.

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 мая 2016 г., 1:10:01
Thank you for this really enjoyed it.

You tried to change P2L by Gemma Cold Penetration?

Well I know that DPS will decrease greatly.
Fhark написал:
^^ Abyssus has been tricky to put into builds since 2.0 was released, thats why i was asking about bor.
Ive wondered about even making an elementalist es version or trickster/cyclone etc etc since you could get a huge potential life pool.

Hi buddy. On the surface Abyssus seems tricky, but is not all that bad. I think a lot of people are forgetting that back in the day EV melee used to be very strong, if not borderline OP because you could avoid so much damage.

In those days you could get max block and then combine with dodge. Using blind with your EV made it so you rarely EVER took hits. You could do Atziri map on 2.7k life.

A lot of those builds died, but now in 2.2 I think EV melee should be back because you can do almost the same as in 1.2 (if not better), but it is a bit harder ofc.

Blind + 75% block + 40% dodge, 75% spell block + 30% spell dodge -> all simultaneous.

As several people argued in my guide back in the day - this was overkill. It was too much defense. I ended up dropping dodge and just used Blind + block. Spell block was good to have at all times but not that necessary.

Facebreakers is the most versatile build because you can swap seamlessly to Saffell's Frame shield if you need high spell block, without having to change weapons.

You can also do like 1.2, except I reversed dodge and block:
Attacks: Blind (flask) + 75% dodge (capped with Vaal Grace) + mid-blocks (with Rumi's flask).
Spells: Phase Acro + spell block. Swap to Saffell's for more.

The big thing we are missing from 1.2 is Ondar's Guile. HOWEVER, Raider's Onslaught Avatar is basically like a mini-Ondar's Guile - except for both melee and ranged attacks.

Combining that with all of the above you can see - results in SUPERB defenses.

Then combine that with very high DPS and you are good to go!

About the ES version - ES facebreakers is hard to do because a lot of FB's damage comes from gear, so if you drop helmet + boots + shield for ES items - you will have higher HP yes, but much lower damage. Also you will not be able to use Acro with ES, but ofc you can use Vaal Grace. Also stun may be a problem unless you can use Skyforth.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 мая 2016 г., 1:12:33
Ponto99 написал:
Thank you for this really enjoyed it.

You tried to change P2L by Gemma Cold Penetration?

Well I know that DPS will decrease greatly.

Haven't tried it yet but this is a good idea. I'll run some numbers and check it out buddy.
2. Use Blind on Stibnite flask - this is HUGE for more survivability vs. attacks

This flask will increase EVA only I think. I don't get it, how it is associated with Blind.

BTW my unchanged flask setup:
IGN: Blake_cz
The Smoke Cloud it creates on sip will blind surrounding enemies, which is 50% more CHANCE to evade.

It uses very little charges so it can be spammed. I rolled mine for increased charges so I have 40 total charges and use 10 per sip.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 9 мая 2016 г., 4:37:17
Ceryneian написал:
Ponto99 написал:
Thank you for this really enjoyed it.

You tried to change P2L by Gemma Cold Penetration?

Well I know that DPS will decrease greatly.

Haven't tried it yet but this is a good idea. I'll run some numbers and check it out buddy.

I've been trying cold pen and yes ofc it's much less DPS than P2L because you miss the 1.5x more multiplier on shock on all your damage, however with cold pen you can perma-freeze a lot easier. Unfortunately though - some bosses like 2nd form Palace Dominus I could not perma freeze even after taking out Multistrike and using a different damage gem to improve my per-hit cold damage.

On top of that most of the really dangerous bosses have cannot be frozen mod.

So unless you are tweaking a lot of things trying to get perma-freeze on this build - which I don't think you need anyway given most bosses die in < 3 seconds, P2L is much better. P2L is also very useful for those using Ice Crash or IB for 100% phys conversion so you can run phys reflect maps.
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 13 мая 2016 г., 12:51:34
Yay Rigwald's Curse div card has been made! You can now play this build in new temp leagues. Special thanks to whichever supporter made this!

New epic vid showing full build overview and customizations coming soon (trademark)
Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 18 мая 2016 г., 1:26:34
New upcoming changes:

Ancestor Totems now emerge 40% faster when first placed, have 50% more totem life, and remain active 40% further away from the owner -- by my estimate this should be near edge of screen and still active.

Raider Quartz now gives 100% phase when on full frenzy charges.

With 8 Ascendancy points you can now grab the Avatar of the Veil to get permanent extra 10% spell dodge on this build, as we as permanent status ailment immunity and permament 20% movt speed increase!

Alternatively you can build for Onslaught boosts instead by getting Avatar of Slaughter plus Avatar of the Chase (this is a shit ton of damage with Onslaught combined with the frenzy boosts)

Последняя редакция: Ceryneian#3541. Время: 26 мая 2016 г., 0:40:12

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