[2.2] [Berserker/Deadeye] Life Voltaxic Spark - No Crit - BloodMagic - VaalPact - 80k DPS!
" I was actually using a self cast projectile weakness for a while and had Enfeeble in my CwDT setup. You can still see the Proj Weakness gem in my off hand weapon. I thought Projectile Weakness was all right while leveling, leveling gems, working on getting gear and doing lower tier maps (Tier 1 - 6 Maps). Once you start doing tougher maps and start adding Zana's Onslaught mod to your pack size maps you'll definitely want enfeeble. Some monsters will just tear you down with little hits (Tentacle/Whipping Miscreations) and Projectile Weakness won't matter if you get stunned/crit by those. For standard leagues, Enfeeble when you start doing tougher maps or when you start caring about not dying because the exp loss sets you back a few maps. Also definitely Enfeeble if you don't have your CwDT setup or Lightning Coil. For hardcore leagues, Enfeeble all the time imo. |
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Thank you, exactly the advice I was looking for.
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Build is insane and there r lot of variations. They r all good because dmg is very high (dps tooltip shows nothing). Problem is offscreen killing so loot is free for all and build is for solo. Build is so strong in dps that i use in high level maps without res maxed.
Spark - Echo - Controlled - Pierce - Void - Poison is best combo for now. I replaced Faster Pro with Void because bosses die faster. CWDT - Immortal - Inc Dur - Chaos G HOL - Curse on hit - Warlords Vaal haste - Vaal grace are welcome With good Quicksilver flask this is all u need from gems. Vaal spark is cool, but really u dont need it lol. Gear
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Mana regen on rings is for MOM.
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im playing a voltaxic non-crit spark too, but a little diferent, more defensive oriented:
using lioneye vision (still 5l) with blood magic gem, rearguard quiver, around 6.7k life, over-cap resistances (high tier ele weakness have no effect), around 6 or 7% life reg (20 stack of corrupting blood dont do any dmg lol), i also use vaal grace, blasphemy+ enfeble + CoH + HoT, 34% reduction physical damage... soulthrist... taste of hate...... sound like a tank with 0 dmg, but this is my first build that can kill atziri and it do it really fast... i cant wait to have a vision 6l and a empower lv4 |
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nice build, can you add ~34/53/.. Leveling Skilltrees?
thanks :) |
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" Sure thing. The following trees assume you prefer defensive over offensive nodes (HC players) and assume you grab The Way Forward skill point in A2 and A4 skill point while leveling, up to the level 80 tree - by then I'll assume you've grabbed all the skill points available from quests.
Level 35
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABARiRGmwc3Cj6NZI26DpSOuFBh1ivaHR4DYKbgseGYJSgmjudrqcIqW618rc-uJO8n8Aa1abYTdi92mLkIuvu7TzyRfno_go= At this point you're still using Mana and working on building a decent life pool for the life regen nodes you'll be getting within the next ~20 levels or so.
Level 55
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQSzBS0OPBiRGlUabBzcJbwo-jWSNug6UjrhQYdYr18_YSFodGjybzt07XgNeWh7boKbgseE74ZgjxqUoJchmjudrqIApwipbrXytz64k7yfwBrAZsEE1abYTdi92mLawdtP37_gw-Fz5CLr7u088B_yRfno_go= By now you might be finishing up Cruel or starting with Merciless. You should have a decent enough life pool to support all your skills with Blood Magic. At this point you'd drop any auras you were using to level. If you're lacking in damage for some reason or simply want to grab more offensive nodes rather than defensive ones then feel free to grab Storm Weaver or even Mental Rapidity instead of some life nodes. I remember having to use a Dexterity node or Jewel while leveling to keep up with your green gems.
Level 75
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQDBBLMFLQ48Fm8YkRo4GlUabBvxHNwkqiW8Jy8o-i2oNZI26DbpOlI62DrhQYdYr18_X7BhIWh0aPJvO2-edO14DXloe25-x4KbgseDCYTvhmCHB48akFWUoJchmjudrqIAplenCKlusZC18rc-t9a4k7yfwBrAZsEEwXzKStWm2E3Yvdpi2sHbT9tZ37_gw-Fz42rkIuWL6-7sOO088B_yRfno_go= Now you're grabbing some damage nodes and maybe some Jewel nodes if you're in a Standard league and prefer damage over defense. You're also going towards the Ranger/Shadow side of the tree and getting ready to transition from Life Regen to Vaal Pact once you have the Berserker Ascendancy, which should happen by level 80 if it hasn't already. IF you already have the Berserker Ascendancy at this point then feel free to grab Vaal Pact and refund the life regen nodes and make your way towards Method to Madness and Mental Rapidity. By this time you should definitely be using Voltaxic and Drillneck. Having Lightning Coil at this time would be great too.
Level 80/Transition from life regen to Vaal Pact/Berserker Ascendancy
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQDBA-4Esw48D6sQYhRNFm8WvxiRGjgabBvxHNwdviSLJKok2CW8JpUnLyj6KjgtqDOHNZI2PTboNuk6UjpYOtg64UGHSshN41VLVcZYr1pSX7Bh4mKsbIxtbG6qbztvnngNe25-x4KbgseDCYRThW2GYIcHjxqPRpBVlyGaO5tdm6GbtZ2qna6iAKZXpwiomqlurJixkLXytz631riTvJ_AGsBmwXzDOspK1YHVptgk2L3bT9tZ37_gw-Fz42rkIuWL6-7sOO087_3wH_JF8pf31_no_Ev-Cv6P By now you should have all the quest skill points as well as both Deadeye and Berserker. If you're in a Standard league or simply prefer damage over life then feel free to grab Jewel nodes or Method to Madness/Corruption instead of making your way to Cruel Preparation. IF you don't plan on using Vaal Spark then feel free to not even tough Potency of Will/Exceptional Performance and go for the damage nodes instead. Keep in mind that this also means your Vaal Grace/Vaal Haste/Immortal Call won't last as long as the guide claims. After this you should work on getting the rest of the nodes you need in whatever order you'd like. As long as you have Vaal Pact, Lightning Coil, a CwDT setup and at least 200% life from the tree then you should be fine to take on any map you'd like. Hope that helps. Последняя редакция: deadlul#3893. Время: 4 апр. 2016 г., 12:55:38
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awesome, thanks a lot!
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I was leveling before the leveling trees above were provided (in PSC) and seem to be doing alright with:.
www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAAPuDjwYkRzcHb4lvCj6LagzhzWSNug6Uj8nQYdKyFZIWK9aUl-YbqpvO2-eeA17w4LHgwmGYI8am12nCKiaqW6xkLXytz631riTvJ--gMAaykrYJNi920_bWd-_4MPr7vKX-ej8S_4K With notable differences: - I went for the Harrier node very early (extra movement speed is heaven) - I went for Blood Magic very early, the mana potions couldn't keep up - No regen nodes, I use 4 life potions instead. - The dex nodes to the right were for leveling green gems. Will do Normal Lab soon, which gives a 40 dex node, so I can remove them again. - am currently getting the increased skill duration nodes, both to give my sparks more range and for that sweet Vaal Haste. - using a Victario's Acuity, which adds a lot of dps, especially in combination with Elemental Overload, with three power charges you have a crit% of 15%, and that is easily done in 8 seconds. - currently running well on a 4L (Spark-Pierce-Echo-LightPen), will probably add a 5L soon (thinking of Slower Projectiles for the MORE, using a Q20 Spark, so this should counterbalance nicely, especially with the Duration nodes) Life was a little hard in A4 Normal, but once I got a Stone Golem and an Echo gem, it was plain sailing again. I am now thinking to get Berserker+Vaal Pact before Deadeye, because the instant life leech will make me a *lot* tankier, and this will hopefully allow me to do Merc Lab right after Hedge Maze (with a high-level friend to do the damage) so I have both. If not, I will have to wait to level 64 so I can run the Vortex. Already saving up for a +2 Sparks helmet. Am also thinking that probably level 95 will be my final level with this build, so I need to cut off 7 nodes from the level 100 tree (I will definitely want the Frenzy node all the way to the right: Frenzy adds immense dps). Suggestions are welcome. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Последняя редакция: Flapdrol#5373. Время: 5 апр. 2016 г., 6:47:11
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Why aint this as much damage as manabased sparks?
This is the skilltree I am thinking of going: Would love some feedback :)
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Последняя редакция: snakzz#1547. Время: 5 апр. 2016 г., 8:51:50
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" Deadeye is a HUGE damage boost. With the Pierce gem, you'll get to 100% pierce. The Spark projectiles also gain damage as they travel further allowing you to kill offscreen stuff even faster (this also makes Merc Izaro easier: run-sparkspark-run-sparkspark). Also the additional projectile is 10/10. You can also run Merc Lab with a life leech gem and possibly grab Vaal Pact just for that fight? It'd be similar to having Berserker except you won't have to spend 15 Regrets refunding Berserker if you change your mind or don't like it. It's up to you though. If you're only going for 95 then feel free to get rid of the life nodes near Corruption and get rid of Trickery since Victario's Acuity does it better. You'll still be have 207% life which is enough for maps. You can also get rid of some jewel nodes since you really only need one for Clear Mind. " This build isn't as much damage as mana based spark because we can't/don't use Heralds of Thunder/Ice or Auras since we're using Blood Magic. I mean, you CAN use Heralds but I wouldn't reserve life. I made some changes to the skill tree you provided and I'll explain the changes here. Maybe you like them, maybe not but all the changes I made were for efficiency. From the Duelist portion of the tree you gain the following for 15 points: 28% life 1 frenzy charge 50% projectile damage no movement penalty from armor I removed all 15 of those points and placed them on the Shadow side of the tree, grabbing: Coordination, Blood Siphon, Fangs of the Viper, Blood Drinker and +1 Frenzy node For 13 points I got: 35% life 1 frenzy charge 20% chaos damage (which double dips with Spark and Poison) 6% cast speed In my opinion those changes are definitely worth it. Then I removed all the connecting nodes between Vaal Pact and Exceptional Performance (the stuff in the Ranger tree). From those 26 points you got: 37% life 1 jewel socket 20% projectile speed 71% projectile damage 36% chance to avoid being Stunned 4% movement speed I reconnected the tree through the Harrier node, getting the following for 10 points : 26% spell damage 5% movement speed 5% cast speed 2 jewel nodes Then I grabbed Purity of Flesh above the Templar side of the tree. For those 6 points I got: 20% life 20% chaos resistance I then reconnected the tree through Light of Divinity instead of Retribution which got me 1 skill point back. I now have 12 points remaining to match the tree you linked. I used 3 of those points on the Scion life square. The final 9 points went into Sniper and Nullification above Fangs of the Viper and the 5 chaos damage nodes next to Coordination. For the final points I got: 20% life +8% elemental resistances 30% projectile damage 10% projectile speed +56% chaos damage More life, damage, cast speed. Less projectile speed and less Dexterity. Dexterity should not be a problem since you should be getting some on your Amulet. 135 Dex from tree + 40 Dex from Ascendancy tree + 20 base Dexterity for being a Scion = 195 Dexterity +17-24 Dexterity from Victario's Acuity or a Turquoise Amulet = 212-219 Dexterity. 212 Dex is all you need for Voltaxic. EDIT: I've been reminded that projectile damage double dips making it more valuable than elemental/spell/lightning damage. The reasons above are still valid. I removed and added some reasons to make sense with this new tree, which makes up for the loss in projectile damage from your original tree with chaos damage since they both double dip with Poison. So here is my updated suggestion for your tree snakzz: Just to make the newest changes clear: Your original tree had: 143% increased Projectile Damage - double dips 54% increased Chaos Damage - double dips 26% increased Elemental Damage 182% increased maximum Life +12% to Chaos Resistance +22% to all Elemental Resistances 16% increased Cast Speed 39% increased Spell Damage 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed This new suggested tree to make up for the loss in double dipping damage has: 56% increased Projectile Damage - double dips 130% increased Chaos Damage - double dips 26% increased Elemental Damage 192% increased maximum Life +30% to all Elemental Resistances +32% to Chaos Resistance 27% increased Cast Speed 65% increased Spell Damage 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed So -11% chaos/projectile damage but +11% cast speed, +26% spell damage, +10% life, +20% chaos res, +8% all res AND 1 more jewel node where you can stick in a +projectile & +chaos damage jewel for the same number of skill points. Hope it all makes sense. Последняя редакция: deadlul#3893. Время: 5 апр. 2016 г., 16:39:16
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