[2.2] Dime's Earthquake Ascendant - 100,000 tooltip dps 10,000 Life Level 100 in Perandus Hardcore
Here is my build of character "dimeAsc" - 30th rank 100 on PHC ladder.
Gameplay Video: https://www.twitch.tv/pairdime/v/58599226 Offenses: - Berseker 10% more damage - Slayer 30% increased Damage against Rare and Unique Enemies - RT + Mace damage nodes - Blood Rage + Frenzy charges - Hatred + Herald of Ash Defenses: - Stun - Huge life pool + life leech + life regen - 6-8 Endurance Charges - Taste of Hate - Arctic Armour once you have level 3 Enlighten & crafted BM Weapon Strengths: - Very fast clear solo & party: leap slam > earthquake > repeat - Super easy to gear and progress with few requirements prior to T10 maps - Feels like Diablo 3 Crusader Endgame Thorns Build with The Invoker Set Weaknesses: - Party play might feel weak against rares unless you swap out AOE for Concentrated Effect - Must tank bosses - Elemental Reflect
1.5% of Damage Leech as Life 5% increased Damage taken 25% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've taken a Savage Hit Recently 10% more Damage Slayer: 30% increased Damage against Rare and Unique Enemies 10% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life Your Damaging Hits always Stun Enemies that are on Full Life 15% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Leeching
Character Stats
Ignore the Earthquake Tooltip DPS, trust me it spikes over 100,000
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Gear, Gems, Jewels, Flasks
Note that my gear is quite poor, I focused on 169% all resists and 60% chaos res. Even at level 100 a Belly of the Beast chest with 40% life roll grants 1000+ LESS life than Kaom's Heart. I used a 6-Linked Belly until I crafted the maul which is effectively a 7-link. I don't think you need the Belly at all which is why I changed to Kaom's Heart, and was just barely able to fit all my gems in minus the 6 sockets. You will want to fit Enduring Cry in somewhere, unless you are playing with a conduit support party member.
Leveling & Bandits
Optionally help Oak in Cruel for Phys Damage (more overkill, but unneeded) Optionally help Kraityn in Merciless for another Frenzy charge Optionally kill all in Merciless (extra charge is up to preference) Once I put on Kaom's Heart I stopped using Enduring Cry & Endurance Charges Gearing progression: Marohi Erqi 4-link (20c) Belly of the Beast 5-link (2ex) Kongor's Undying Rage (20c) Taste of Hate (2ex) Kaom's Heart (3ex) Level 3 Enlighten (3ex if buy corrupted one) Crafted 6-link Coronal Maul - "The Warlord" divination card (10c or farm in Arsenal) (Elreon 8 multimod + Vagan 7 Blood Magic, pay someone to craft it)
Passive Tree
Level 100:
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQDBAZEB3AJfBLMFLQmWC2EMXw3NDjwQYhLhFCAUTRRxGJEaOBynHM4nLytQLdIuUzGeNI41kjXWOQ46UjrYOuE7OzwFPC09_EE_QzFFCkd-TeNQR1HmU6VYY1oaXz9g3mVNZlRoZWjya9lvO3KpdO12rHdTd-N4enloeu982YIHgpuDX4PMhFOE2YTvhVKFe4Y7h2qMz5BVkc6Uh5d5mjuexZ_fogCi6qQMpleou6knqW6plK2Nr2yvp7c-u-28n702vqe-vMAawGbBBMMzxBXE9sauz37Tb9i92WHZfNrB37LkUeoY6wnsOO8O73zv_fAf8kHyRfPd9Mb2SPcy-Ov8S_4K_lT-jw==?accountName=dime&characterName=dimeAsc Prior to hitting high level drop things like Bloodless, Juggernaut, and the Marauder life/armour nodes. Example Level 80 Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQDBAdwCXwSzBS0JlgthDF8NzRBiFCAaOBynHM4nLytQLlMxnjSONZI11jkOOtg64Ts7PAU8LUE_QzFFCkd-TeNQR1HmU6VfP2DeZU1mVGhlaPJr2W87cql07Xasd1N343h6eWh82YKbg1-DzIRThNmE74VShXuGO4dqkFWRzpSHl3maO57Fn9-iAKQMpleou6knqW6plK2Nr2yvp7c-u-29Nr6nvrzAGsBmwQTEFcT2xq7PftNv2L3ZYdrB37LkUeoY6wnsOO8O73zv_fAf8kXz3fTG9zL46_4K_lT-jw==?accountName=dime&characterName=dimeAsc IGN @dime Последняя редакция: dime#0720. Время: 10 апр. 2016 г., 0:16:12 Last bumped11 нояб. 2016 г., 13:43:14
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Builds that clear slowly, and passively degenerate health, and take more damage.
Good stuff, you belong on reddit. |
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Where is the 100k Tooltip?
I don't rly like your weapon, as it deals a lot less damage than a Marohi on hit and just increases the tooltip through attackspeed. But if you made 100 in PHC, gratz anyway. |
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gz on 100
Последняя редакция: Hetzey#3480. Время: 4 апр. 2016 г., 13:53:18
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" Wat? Hello I have a question.
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" Wow, only level 91 on standard, 12 achievements complete and you're really gonna talk trash on someone who hit 100 in HC with such a "bad" build?
Скрытый текст
Get the salt rock out of your ass it might help your constipation.
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" The faster you hit the ground, the earlier you stun the enemys which adds safety with 100% stunchance ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" With 25% less dmg on each hit your stun chance will drop aswell. And a) this is quite some bullshit reason to go for atk speed and b) with more dmg each hit you can actually stun bosses better, which is the real deal. |
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how do u keep up your mana?
didnt find any mana leech regen on first glance im thinking of doing smthg similar with marohi erqi or atziris axe. i tried looking at some scion 2hander builds for inspiration and thisone was only one i found. makes me kinda suspicios if its viable? but u got to 100 in HC so it gota be :) Последняя редакция: VladsOdyssey#3958. Время: 7 апр. 2016 г., 6:42:10
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" My weapon grants Earthquake Blood Magic. Leap Slam is linked to a blood magic gem. For everything else: Mana leech from my amulet, before that you can get mana leech on a Viridian jewel, or spend 3 points for mana leech on the Duelist side of the tree. Your question reminded me to post all my Jewels which I have done in the OP. Marohi Erqi is great but the slow attack speed almost gives it its own play style which I do not enjoy. For my build I tend to do a lot of leap slamming, which feels terrible with a slow weapon. My build is viable and can keep up with Voltaxic builds in Gorge/Plateau ;) - the only thing which was questionably viable are some end-game (red tier) map bosses, for those you probably will want a support with you. You can totally go in and tank both Village Ruin bosses with Taste of Hate up if you want, depending on map mods, I did it a few times solo but tend to play safer normally. I have been doing lab runs as level 100 in PHC, like 50 runs down and no close calls. " Conc + Blood rage + Frenzy charges + taking a savage hit (or party member running anger/wrath). The tooltip doesn't even account 30% increased Damage against Rare and Unique Enemies, AFAIK. Spikes above 100k, most elemental damage. Attack speed's great, aftershock after every 2nd hit. IGN @dime Последняя редакция: dime#0720. Время: 10 апр. 2016 г., 0:22:49