[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)

Ah no problem, thank you for that :)
ign: Roguesenpai

no worries
Hi i m trying actually a build in the same way but with more burning damage.

I chose Witch too but i dont want to rely on Elemental Conflux (specially for boss) and Pierce node is a waste imo.
So i m going to a Burning Arrow with 100% Chance to ignite.
I can achieve 100% chance to ignite with :
BA (20%) + Chance to ignite (43%) + nodes (23%) + curse (14%) = 100%

For the 100% pierce i will use Infractem.

Gems in Infractem 5L : Burning Arrow / Gmp / Chance to ignite / Increased Burning Damage / Rapid Decay

Yes, Rapid Decay work with Burning Arrow, if u link Rapid Decay with Split Arrow for example u dont have his icon, but with Burning Arrow u can see Rapid Decay icon so i m pretty sure that its effective.
I prefer to not use Fire Penetration coz it doesnt work with the burning dot damage, it only work with the hit.

In Ascendancy, i will take Liege, Pendulum and Mastermind of Discorde
Mastermind of Discorde is good if u curse manually with Shrapnel Shot/Gmp/Coh/Flammability
Why Shrapnel Shot and not LA ? Coz u have 100% pierce so the chain on LA doesnt work.
Using a lightning skill mean that ur damage gonna penetrate 20% RF (Mastermind) and mobs losing 44% RF (lvl 20 curse). I wanted to double curse but gloves with Elemental weakness on hit is expensive.

I will go mom+zo+eb for defensive, using Geofri's Crest (zo included in it)
With node regen life (3.8%) and 4 frenzy charge with Blood Dance (2%), its enough for the es regen.
Its not like Burning Arrow cost a lot of mana.

Tree :


So with this tree and stuff its possible to have for the increasing burning damage :

nodes :

140% increased elemental damage
100% increased elemental damage every 6 second with Pendulum
170% increased fire damage
40% increased fire damage with the flame golem and Liege
85% increased burning damage
87% increased damage over time
25% increased damage against Ignited Enemies

stuff :

29% increased burning damage - Burning Arrow lvl 20
69% increased burning damage - Increased Burning Damage lvl 20 q20
10% increased burning damage - Chance to ignite q20
39% more Damage over time - Rapid Decay lvl 20
10% increased Damage over time - Rapid Decay q20
100% increased projectile damage - Drillneck

Total : 895% increased damage and 39% more damage scaling on the burning damage

we can add 60% increased burning damage with 2 corrupted jewel Combustibles but we lose 20% iiq and i dont really like this idea.

I just started the leveling so i will surely tell u if its work well.
Последняя редакция: Shaen#7706. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 9:42:14

I think it's best to scale burning damage through increased fire/elemental/projectile damage since they double dip. This is because your initial hit is increased by fire damage (which increases the burn), and your burning damage is also increased by fire damage.

Anyways good luck with your build. Let me know how it goes and post a video if you can.

If it doesn't work out, you can always respec to my build as a back-up plan, since the trees are quite similar.

Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 10:19:47
well i want to do a burning build so i dont want to one shot the mob with the hit, if i can kill the mobs with only the hit from burning arrow its useless to invest on burning damage imo... so i prefer to increase the burn and not the hit.

Edit : i looked ur video a 2nd time, ur damage with burning arrow is actually really high, the mobs doesnt even burn they are just killed by the hits. What the point to take beacon of ruin, burning damage node and Dyadian if mobs doesnt even burn... now i understand why u cant do reflect elemental maps
Последняя редакция: Shaen#7706. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 10:52:55

Huh I see. I guess that might work better for elemental reflect maps.

So the way my build works, is that I scale both burning and the the burning arrow damage up. So my burning arrow damage is really high, which causes a really powerful burn. This burn is then proliferated through beacon of ruin to the rest of the pack.

Since the burn is so high, surrounding enemies that are not hit by the burning arrow will die instantly to the burn damage. This gives us a very high clear speed and area spread.
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 11:10:25
I just want to clarify my point of view about what i saw in ur video/build

Ur damage with Burning arrow hits is too high, u will do the same clearspeed without Beacon of ruin, Dyadian, burning arrow enchantement and burning node dmg.
U have 100% pierce so u hit the all pack and with the fire penetration u kill instantly the pack, the mobs dont even BURN and the proliferation is pointless coz the pack is already ignited by the hits with Elemental Conflux.

I m not saying that its a bad build, its not a BURN build, u will do better dmg without area node and more projectile/fire/elemental node.
its a good high dps fire build but u dont need to take burn node/stuff.
Последняя редакция: Shaen#7706. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 12:36:39

Thanks for your feedback. I'll take what you said into consideration.

Wish you the best for your current build, and let me know if it works well.
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 18 апр. 2016 г., 13:15:07
nice to see some love for an underused skill
the guide is also well written!
Couldn't resist, so I ascended some old character on standard for a little burning arrow action.

some observations
a couple notes at first:

#1 Attackspeed
The build lacks the attack speed other bow builds will grab. A glare is a very fast
bow, so with burning arrow you don't notice it much. However, with blink arrow it becomes very apparant. I suggest linking a faster attacks gem to blink arrow.
(instead of the faster projectile gem i see in your gear)

#2 Defenses
Lack of primary defenses hurts. Have got to use a 20% physical mitigation basalt flask.
A jade flask of reflexes will help alot too. Cannot count on the dodge to fix everything. Gotta get a second layer of solid defense. And that will probably mean dropping the koams.

#3 Reflect
The "can't be evaded" mod from lioneye's glare makes you unable to evade reflect damage. Even though this might seem obvious to many, might be worth to write up in your guide.

#4 Leech
The Dawn belt's leech was inconsistent for me.
The build can't leech with the flask Atziri's promise because of avatar of fire.
Same goes for %phys mana/life leech.
The 0.2% from atziri's belt isn't anough for anything.
The only easy other way would be with warlord's mark / lifeleech gem. The walord's mark would mean one two punch with CoH split arrow followed by BA. That would slow you down while you need all the clear speed to keep elemental conflux up.
A far fetched way to make atziri's promise work, would be by dropping avatar of fire and drillneck for the classic black gleam quiver.

#5 Curses
The tree walks passed the curse node whispers of doom. By freeing up some sockets
(drop koams or get corrupted gloves?)
you could double curse, or even tripple curse on hit with split arrow.


I've tried some burning with CI.

Used a 6L glare with a LL gem. Vaal pact & Ghost reaver.
Still.... with that kind of leech I would not run elemental reflect maps.

Why take the extra risk. So I wouldn't bother trying to make your life build viable for elemental reflect Maps. If you are forced to do it, link BA to a trap gem / multiple traps. Easiest fix ever.

You DO have to be able to survive a rare with elemental reflect + extra damage.
And here's the catch:
An unlucky 5% CRIT reflect versus a shocked rare monsters wmight be able to kill you.
Those stars align too fast for any HC player or high level SC player for that matter.

Nerf your own critical strikes with:
-Resolute technique (no crit)
-Elemental overload (no critical strike multiplier)<---*wrong

Since you got a lioneye's glare with auto hit, elemental overload is worth it, even though it doesn't proc alot.

Последняя редакция: MinstrelShadrak#5606. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 12:34:01

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