[2.3] Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker build – 150k+dps – 6k hp (Abaxoth and Atziri easy kill)
" Я скажу что высказанная выше мысль о чемпионе(дуэлисте) тотемщике не дает мне покоя. походу поробую его, если запорю то хотя бы шмот на сционку останется (билд то копеечный) |
Hi could you make a leveling skill tree.
thanks |
hmm hmm,as i'm a pretty much a rambo player,i'm always in front,so i wonder,whould culling strike,q gem not better compared to the inc melee dmg on full life in bor?
Which ascendancy points do you take first?
i went for hierophant 1st,so then you can level,if you have facebreakers allready with 2 totems and infernal blow,you fly through content,i specced for tripple totem right before malachi cruel,in mercilles i respecced it again,and then as soon as i had my bor i wen't full tripple totem
my gear doing 65043 dps atm with increased aoe gem,and 1 totem up,and aura's on,with conq effect and 1 totem up i do 102767 dps each totem :d my tree is https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAADBAdwDlgSzBqAIZwthEMwUIBW4Gjgi4icvKhMqTS_MMZ4yCTWSNdY64TsoPAU8LTxLPfw_J0UKR35H4krITeNQR1gXWGNY5VnzWitfP2LsZIRlTWZUZp5nm2jybEZuPW6qbztyD3Jscql2rHfjeA15aHsge257w3zZguSDX4RThNmE74qvjM-QEZBVlG-WMpchn9-iAKI-o_KkOaSgplepbqyqrY2uPq9stfK2ir02vqe-vMAawGbBBMGCxPbGrsbYyFvPfti93tzkUeoY7w7vfO_98B_yRfTG9kj3MviT-b3-Cv6H_o8=?accountName=shumi82&characterName=HHaaRRiiBBoo i specced out of marauder point,i like the shield points more,and that way i can go for the hp the health aswell Последняя редакция: shumi82#1597. Время: 5 сент. 2016 г., 18:13:42
" Thank you for the tip. |
Последняя редакция: jinn77#7700. Время: 11 сент. 2016 г., 16:21:51
150k dps at lvl70, fresh out after merc, done labs and jumped straight to tier 8 lol Последняя редакция: Milomir#4615. Время: 18 сент. 2016 г., 22:00:45
nice build, and easy to level!
anyway i have looked around the ladder and i found a tree like tree that looks safer, less attack speed more phys and more defence, still tweaking it around. http://poeplanner.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Последняя редакция: tuttifrutas#1930. Время: 22 сент. 2016 г., 12:16:20
What do you think about new league, will it be suitable for it? Also Tokahomas fortes ebony shield would make this build even better, am I right?