silentkarl написал:

Can you show your gear?

Currently running this, not the best but I can comfortably use the 3 Auras, still trying to get proper lab enchantments though.

For movement skills + gem levelling

current dps is ~97.5k per totem at the moment
Последняя редакция: Carrmatt93#7754. Время: 3 июля 2016 г., 13:17:16

I make this build and one big question don't let me in peace:

Why you spent passive point on attack speed? Character attack speed don't affect the totem attack speed right?

szmegma написал:

I make this build and one big question don't let me in peace:

Why you spent passive point on attack speed? Character attack speed don't affect the totem attack speed right?


No, this Totem works like an Melee skill from your character and take every bonus from attack speed or accuracy, stun, knockback, etc.
I've used a respec point into a 12% Attack Speed and noted a good break in Totem DPS.
( Sorry for my bad english )
Well i respeced into this build one of my older chars (aptly named I_Sling_Turrets was a ballista build)

and i got to say it is so much fun

In hideout with inc aoe hatred herald of ash flame golem and one totem out i am at

79,372 dps

129,824 with flasks and bloodrage

149,229 with charges vaal haste bloodrage and flasks

with con effect and one totem and auras

126,918 dps

207,594 with flasks and bloodrage

238,622 with charges vaal haste bloodrage and flasks

Movement alt weapon set for labbing

Скрытый текст
Swapping out my HP potion for a
puts me over 300k dps per totem with charges flasks auras golems bloodrage

I have broken 1 million DPS tootltip with 4 totems out

Hey, just curious, what's the gem priority on Warchief before levelling high enough to wear BoR? Thanks :)
projectsix написал:
Hey, just curious, what's the gem priority on Warchief before levelling high enough to wear BoR? Thanks :)

Warchief>Melee DMG>Added Fire>Concentraded Effect/Increased Area of Effect>Faster Attacks>Less Duration
Evil_Trapper написал:
projectsix написал:
Hey, just curious, what's the gem priority on Warchief before levelling high enough to wear BoR? Thanks :)

Warchief>Melee DMG>Added Fire>Concentraded Effect/Increased Area of Effect>Faster Attacks>Less Duration

Awesome, thank you.
Is there a better 2nd ascendancy than Chieftain? If you aren't getting the 15% added fire dmg buff (correct?) it seems kind of lackluster. How about elementalist, pathfinder, slayer or champion?

Also my character is really aching for more defense and while Quad totems feels safe when I do get hit it hurts like fuck. Prob not gonna last long in HC unless I start using fortify/enfeeble/ECs but not sure how to work it into this build.

Dextera написал:
Swapping out my HP potion for a
puts me over 300k dps per totem with charges flasks auras golems bloodrage

I have broken 1 million DPS tootltip with 4 totems out


can you show us the numbers with a normal facebreakers, not a legacy one to compare

Последняя редакция: EpicPureGamer#2974. Время: 6 июля 2016 г., 21:14:34

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