[2.4 updates] Voltaxic Volley Fire Barrage Deadeye -- Well Barrage is now #1 Bow Skill

xMustard написал:
not sure if this is mentioned in your thread anywhere else, but i think you're overlooking the fact that the volley fire jewel arrows cannot hit the same target as normal barrage. basically they do nothing for single target, but great for pack clearing.

Yes, it's in the "Barrage & Volley Fire Mechanism" section.
Orlykthxbai написал:
40% would be a boost to your arrows that come from volley fire. +2 arrows adds mostly to your single target. You will want to upgrade to it eventually but the 40% enchant is fine until then. I would probably just use a Rat's Nest instead of worrying about the enchant though.

Chain doesn't work if arrows pierce so it would useless.

Thank you for replying!

The 40% is on a Rat's Nest so I think I'm set for a while.

I get that chain does not occur if the arrow pierces but not all of our arrows will pierce, right?
ign: SheCull / Sorrow_Shadow / Tipzy_ / WhatEverLaDiu
Последняя редакция: bennyng80#0719. Время: 15 сент. 2016 г., 9:20:17
What's your dps and life pool?
~A Women Can Change The World With A Single, Well-Placed Arrow~
Been looking for something new to try and along came BoTW. Ran a few T10 maps to get the feel of it and it feels very very strong. Looking forward to play with it more. I decided to go with lightning coil since I already have one six linked. At level 92, I'm sitting on 5.3k life and 20.3k tooltip dps. Thanks, to you and Bex.

My gears
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Oh, those new gripped gloves are perfect for this build.
I would love to try this build but i need to make sure that it can be done without having to get a cospri's will since it's expensive as fuck! Adding to that what chest pieces would you recommend besides a good rare one?

Also can the added lightning dmg gem be replaced by phys to lighting? Won't that make you basically phys reflect immune while also maintaing high dps?

And lastly can projectile weakness be replaced by vulnerability? Or is it impossible to invest on the pierce nodes or even the pierce jewel?
Последняя редакция: HeliosGR#0077. Время: 15 сент. 2016 г., 2:01:10
ign: SheCull / Sorrow_Shadow / Tipzy_ / WhatEverLaDiu
Последняя редакция: bennyng80#0719. Время: 15 сент. 2016 г., 9:20:44
哈哈 学姐赛高
Nice build man! But one question, in what order did you took the Ascendancy passives?
tipicozzy написал:
Nice build man! But one question, in what order did you took the Ascendancy passives?


Mine was pierce -> projectile damage/attack speed -> bleeding -> long shot

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