[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

ShadowWordHate написал:
dingis написал:

ooo nice you run no regen maps, I'm curious about your set up, I'm thinking of changing up the base tree by a little towards level 90 and putting that up and I hate that I ripped doing dumb while doing that.

Man I know I said it's too soon to reroll the character, but I've been leveling a juggernaut warchief totem for just lab farming and I miss the EA character already. I was planning on rerolling for a few things and probably running grandmasters in HC since I never got around to it.

Actually all you need to get to run no regen is either fire doryanis, also gives us damage \ 10% ignite chance \ a bit of armour, which is nice trade for HP, but i kinda miss the hp on belt(gives me about 500hp with a nice leather belt q_q). Other option fireleech corruption on rearguard, but you kinda wish to have addtitional arrow here for some boost in clear speed.

I also run grace\essence worm\iron reflexes combo. You can look up "OhSwetExplosions" character under this acc for my full setup. far, far from optimised.

EA was my favourite and most fun to play skill for a couple of years now, honestly, so i feel ya bro <3

Mate, your account is private and I'm interested to see your character can you make it public? :)
Aaskilde написал:

Mate, your account is private and I'm interested to see your character can you make it public? :)

oh snap. dunno how that happened, fixed now.
Thoughts on dropping GMP once you get the dying sun flask? Or just leave it and have 10 projectiles or whatever you'll have.
ShadowWordHate написал:
Aaskilde написал:

Mate, your account is private and I'm interested to see your character can you make it public? :)

oh snap. dunno how that happened, fixed now.

Cheers mate, thanks!

I really like that you are running Grace and Iron Reflexes, but I guess that Rumis is a must have item then and my item drop rate have been so bad this league.

How come you took Explosive Impact instead of going for Hearth of Flame with that extra Fire penetration and fire damage?
Aaskilde написал:

Cheers mate, thanks!

I really like that you are running Grace and Iron Reflexes, but I guess that Rumis is a must have item then and my item drop rate have been so bad this league.

How come you took Explosive Impact instead of going for Hearth of Flame with that extra Fire penetration and fire damage?

First of all, im planning of dropping both explosive impart \ hearth of flame after crafting a couple of nice opal rings with essence of anger, but heres current explanation:

I tried both, and explosive impact "felt" better. On paper you are better off taking hearth of flame(but takes 1 point more). And i probably would do it as soon as i will have any problem with singletarget, and thats probably guardians. So far the longest fight was twinned excavation, all other bosses literally live 5-10 secs.

Rumis is not "must have", actually. You would do just fine with basalt. And vinktars IS a must have after t10s +-. Gives you insane clears, and insane boss killing potential, also some survivabilty via max light res.

Also the reason i run grace+IR is to justify using essence worm ring, yea, it gives you nice survivability boost, but thats for 4 points in tree... But the utility of swapping different purities on hard bosses \ -max maps is sooo fine. Or haste for faster clears of lab \ low maps.

My current plan is: Getting 21\13+ EA, crafting 2 opal rings with %fire damage, dropping as much damage off tree as i can + dropping IR, bumping all survivabilty, and shaper. Will post results :>
Последняя редакция: ShadowWordHate#6869. Время: 20 сент. 2016 г., 8:03:48
Can you go into some detail as to why you went Master Surgeon? Its benefits seem so small.

Ive found Veteran Bowyer to be awesome for me. The one issue is that every third hit you fuck up your EE.
KBdark написал:
Can you go into some detail as to why you went Master Surgeon? Its benefits seem so small.

Ive found Veteran Bowyer to be awesome for me. The one issue is that every third hit you fuck up your EE.

EE is the biggest reason why I don't take bowyer. I had boywer at first, but I couldn't control number of attacks and EE would wind up hitting with an explosion while the boss is resistant to fire, which results in a way smaller burn. The pen is nice but the reduction of resists also helps out with burn which is better overall

Might not be as huge early in maps but I was taking on the higher end and I wanted consistency. Master surgeon also allowed me to run 3 unique flasks without worrying about bleed. Obviously you don't need 3 unique flasks, but I had set of rotating flasks and not worrying about bleed made it easier.

Life recovery from flasks and the point before master surgeon being better than the point before bowyer is a small plus. In the end it's a matter of consistency for me, EE is pretty huge.
Последняя редакция: dingis#0536. Время: 20 сент. 2016 г., 22:20:32
ShadowWordHate написал:

First of all, im planning of dropping both explosive impart \ hearth of flame after crafting a couple of nice opal rings with essence of anger, but heres current explanation:

I tried both, and explosive impact "felt" better. On paper you are better off taking hearth of flame(but takes 1 point more). And i probably would do it as soon as i will have any problem with singletarget, and thats probably guardians. So far the longest fight was twinned excavation, all other bosses literally live 5-10 secs.

Rumis is not "must have", actually. You would do just fine with basalt. And vinktars IS a must have after t10s +-. Gives you insane clears, and insane boss killing potential, also some survivabilty via max light res.

Also the reason i run grace+IR is to justify using essence worm ring, yea, it gives you nice survivability boost, but thats for 4 points in tree... But the utility of swapping different purities on hard bosses \ -max maps is sooo fine. Or haste for faster clears of lab \ low maps.

My current plan is: Getting 21\13+ EA, crafting 2 opal rings with %fire damage, dropping as much damage off tree as i can + dropping IR, bumping all survivabilty, and shaper. Will post results :>

Thanks for the explanation this is much appreciated and gives me an better idea for future possibilities with the build and it makes sense getting as much dmg on gear so that we can get more survivability from notes.

I'm doing t8s as the highest at the moment as no higher maps have dropped - but I will focus on getting a vinktars and stay with the basalt until I find a Rumis.

Cheers mate!
Aaskilde написал:
ShadowWordHate написал:

First of all, im planning of dropping both explosive impart \ hearth of flame after crafting a couple of nice opal rings with essence of anger, but heres current explanation:

I tried both, and explosive impact "felt" better. On paper you are better off taking hearth of flame(but takes 1 point more). And i probably would do it as soon as i will have any problem with singletarget, and thats probably guardians. So far the longest fight was twinned excavation, all other bosses literally live 5-10 secs.

Rumis is not "must have", actually. You would do just fine with basalt. And vinktars IS a must have after t10s +-. Gives you insane clears, and insane boss killing potential, also some survivabilty via max light res.

Also the reason i run grace+IR is to justify using essence worm ring, yea, it gives you nice survivability boost, but thats for 4 points in tree... But the utility of swapping different purities on hard bosses \ -max maps is sooo fine. Or haste for faster clears of lab \ low maps.

My current plan is: Getting 21\13+ EA, crafting 2 opal rings with %fire damage, dropping as much damage off tree as i can + dropping IR, bumping all survivabilty, and shaper. Will post results :>

Thanks for the explanation this is much appreciated and gives me an better idea for future possibilities with the build and it makes sense getting as much dmg on gear so that we can get more survivability from notes.

I'm doing t8s as the highest at the moment as no higher maps have dropped - but I will focus on getting a vinktars and stay with the basalt until I find a Rumis.

Cheers mate!

I'd recommend actually trying out making vinktar square, first one I tried earlier in the league and it dropped me the phys flask. sold for a lot and it's not hard if your character is properly geared. just carry a topaz flask and decoy totem.

I'm thinking about the next time I'm rerolling to complete somethings. I'm considering adding windscream for leveling uniques if it might help people who had issues with damage when switching.
Nice build
IGN : Moogleinabox
Последняя редакция: Moogleinabox#0294. Время: 23 сент. 2016 г., 12:54:24

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