[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS
" I see your'e running CI. The damage starts kicking in once you go Low Life with Shavronnes (that also gives 10% spell damage), get the passive for 30% spell damage when LL, also having alot of jewels will boost your damage drastially so you will need alot of levels. If you have for example spell damage on jewels, then you will get the 30% bonus from LL passive, every small bit counts. ALso I have to say that projectile damage scales better than for example damage over time mod on jewels. I have about 46k/s dot in H/O without any buffs/flasks and more than 60k when fully buffed, but im also lvl 95. The thing with this specc is that actually big portion of our dps comes from lvls and jewels, and maybe some other passives once you reach to 94+. Also I remember difference between lvl 3 and lvl 4 empower was about 5k dot dmg for me. Also having all ED support gems at 21/20 will increase the dmg. You can check my tree, jewels and gear. I know I kinda ripped my gloves with uber enchant, it looks like it did override the 16 spell damage from the silk gloves, so trying to find a new pair in near future. Anyway, have a good one! Gammel |
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Funny to see that noone use Blasphemy lvl 20 20% in heretic veil. Since it will be the same lvl what heretic gives the extra curse effectivness will proc from the gem.
Guys use it! Последняя редакция: smogger#1641. Время: 26 окт. 2016 г., 16:28:30
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At least for my part, I cannot fit a 20% blasphemy. I would need 2x unset rings in order to get my preferred setup, something I was unable to get (with good enough rolls) for the time being. With the current state of curses, I have to say I look at them more as a utility rather than something that carries the build. They make the clearing more comfortable due to high survivability, but against bosses they hardly do anything. Vaal lightning trap, CWDT IC and Vaal disco is simply more comfortable for me.
Последняя редакция: Nedieth#5846. Время: 26 окт. 2016 г., 16:31:11
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Ripped at lvl 92 (50% to 93) at Gorge boss, added cold, lightning and crit.
Still a very stupid demise, that freaking goat just jumped me to death, 6k life / 5.3k ES didn't help as well as 2 HP flasks. Screw hardcode. |
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Tough luck. Use more scours next time!
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Hey again!
Quick small update from me. I finally decided to try out a decay weapon. Even a crappy rolled one is doing wonders, tried all 4 guardians, uber Atziri, uber lab and Shaper with it. managed to corrupt one delirium myself and crafted it on a prophecy wand for some extra spelldmg. The result: I'm actually very surprised of the result. The dps increase is just insane on most of the bosses (especially the poison immune ones, obviously doh :D). I regret for not trying it out earlier. Now time to try find one with int, high spellpower and cast speed! And maybe scrap togetehr 10 more exalted and grab a HeadHunter for some late league fun! Also how would you rate the balance between crafted spelldamage and damage over time from Leo? is the up to 30% damage over time way better than a crafted up to 44% spelldamage? Obviously the dream would be high spelldamage, castspeed, int and leo craft but how would you rate them for min/maxing? Over and Out, Gammel Последняя редакция: larsahh_#1574. Время: 2 нояб. 2016 г., 18:21:08
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I decided that I was done with Essence league today, and ripped all my chars to standard. I still have some currency left in Essence league tho, so I guess it is time to spend everything to figure out this Decay stuff. Assuming Decay scales with delivery method (spell, projectile), the spell damage would obviously be better. It might also just scale with chaos and increased DoT, and in that case the DoT damage craft would be the best. I am out of town for the weekend, so I might be able to get some more educated guesses next week.
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Hey Mate,
just a quick question. Is it correct, that you have not invested in CI and you don't have any gear with chaos resistances? How can you sustain playing in HC? |
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Shavronne's Wrappings body armour makes the chaos resistance pretty much irrelevant. It was not included in my gear section for Essence HC league as I had a 6-linked one that I decided to vaal.
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Obviously, not moving is not an option, so Decay beats poison in almost all situations. A wand or dagger with 0 useful stats on it + decay will be better than Consuming Dark. So I spent all the currency I had left on some deliriums, and crafted some Imbued and Opal wands and a couple of Ambushers. This was the best I could come up with, plus some other stuff with potential if i had a lot of exalts for master crafts. The decay wand adds a little bit to my tooltip, and obviously the decay damage is awesome. With level 21 ED + level 4 Empower, the ED DoT is 1227.6. Decay simply adds to this, which gives us 2227.6 base damage on the DoT. My current ED tooltip is at 65k fully buffed, so my actual DoT damage is around 100k DPS before shock, wither and vulnerability. With a single application, Decay is way stronger than poison. Since Decay cannot stack (and with my current cast speed, I can apply about 6 stacks of poison by nuking), poison will still be stronger if you are able to sustain the mana and not have to move. Scaling: Now, the scaling on Decay. We already know that it scales with damage over time, and chaos damage from passives. I decided to go test a level 1 Essence Drain (about 200 tooltip dps) on Voll. Unlinked, it tickled a bit, and in my 6L it killed/almost killed him. So we know it scales with the chaos damage and damage over time from our gem setup. I then added my Controlled Destruction Support to the unlinked level 1 ED, and shot Voll again. The increase in damage was consistent with the more spell damage modifier on the support gem. In conclusion, Decay scales with everything. Both passives and linked gems to skill used for the hit that applies it. It also scales with whatever tags the skill that delivers it is supported by, in this case Spell and Projectile. This leaves us with the question if Empower is still the way to go for our sixth link. Level 21 ED + decay gives us 1898.7 base DPS, and a level 24 gives us 2227.6. If we were to use Slower Projectiles instead, we would get (assuming gem level 21) 2468.3 base DPS. I will probably still opt for the Empower, as I hate to play with projectiles you can easily out run yourself, but for the DPS horny, the option is very much viable. We could also gem poison as our sixth link, again opening the possibility to nuke targets.
Poison VS. Empower math
To make the math as easy as possible, I only include numbers that double dips to poison, while keeping everything else at base value. Assuming level 21 ED, our average initial hit is 323.5 chaos damage. Poison applies a DoT that deals 8% of this damage every second for two seconds. Poison by it self has an average base DoT of 25.88 DPS. My damage that double dips: My current passive tree has a total of 463% increased Gear gives 93% increased Link gives 30% increased and 20% + 40% + 45% more. Ignoring potions, damage from poison support, jewels (forgot) 25.88 x 5.86 x 1.2 x 1.4 x 1.45 = 369.44 (lolwhat) level 24 + decay = 2227.6 level 21 + decay + slower proj = 2468.3 level 21 + decay + 1 stack of poison = 2268.14 Slower proj > poison > empower for single application on single target dps WITH MY CURRENT LINKS/GEAR. If your gear is better/more dps oriented than mine, you will benefit more from poison. |
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