The Carnage Mystery Box

Sheriff_K написал:
Can you please stop releasing these Mystery Boxes? They're what's wrong with other F2P games' monetizing methods..

It's basically gambling where no one ends up happy, and other than an initial surge in sales, it'd end up with many players having a bad taste in their mouth and potentially quit/never buy MTX again.

It's a double-edged sword, and one not worth wielding. Just release MTX like you've always done in the past.
I'm happy. I spent 50 points and got about 400 points worth of items. Unlike how other games do it you can always just get these later when they hit the shop.

Alysma написал:
This time I'd only really want the design of the box itself as a hideout decoration... large enough to cover the stash/guild stash - that would be awesome :-D

Yeah I thought the same, it would be awesome as a stash.
Only had enough to get 4 boxes. I got Tentacle Wings, Sacrificial Shrine, 5 Skin Transfers and the Grasping Hand pet. I already have a Sacrificial Shrine in my hideout, but I'll gladly add another one. I may find a use for the Tentacle Wings at some point, but right now they don't fit any of my characters' aesthetic. I was running low on Skin Transfers, so 5 more is fine. I am going to wait until December and buy the Vampiric Wings then. The Grasping Hand pet was the one I wanted most, along with the Vampiric Wings, so for me the gamble pair off so long as the price of the Grasping Hand pet turns out to be 100 or more points. Hopefully this sale doesn't mean there's nothing coming in October for Halloween, as I'm looking forward to more cool pets. Missed out on the Demon Hand pet awhile back, which would have gone good with the Grasping Hand pet or the Rolling Head pet I have.
I love the stuff, ill buy boxes. My only dream is that there was a "reroll duplicates" we could do for like 50 ggg coins. Thanks for the sweet looking stuff though. Time to have a fight with my wife :)
Последняя редакция: Schiriki#7637. Время: 4 сент. 2016 г., 19:44:05
HA good fucking try chris! took me 2500 points to learn my lesson.

PS box are stupid just add the items or at least guarantee the item after X amount spent.
Please stop with the mystery scam boxes!! Shame on you GGG, shame on you.
DO.NOT.BUY I've spent 2k points on last mystery and this is pure skin transfer baiting. Unless you enjoy getting 5 stashes of same mtx you cannot even get rid of, DO.NOT.BUY this. Chris I love poe but I cannot promote this sickening shameless practice. If you want money put out mtx worthy of it without RNG bs, then I'll gladly buy supporter packs and mtx. Guys, please resist temptation and vote with your wallet about this evil practice GGG seems to cannot let go of.
Последняя редакция: dotori242#2436. Время: 3 сент. 2016 г., 21:44:07
Sigh, the temptation of these boxes are always too much to resist. Didn't get what I wanted but didn't fare that badly too I suppose. Such a shame because I already own most of the older microtransaction.

Really need an option to deal with duplicates :/

On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered
Последняя редакция: tsumetiv#3302. Время: 3 сент. 2016 г., 21:39:59
Toma_Hawk написал:

I just want a way to get rid of the Mess in my MTX Stashtab.

Gunslingerx64 написал:


Aldora_the_Summoner написал:
Until you give me some way to Trade in or at least delete any unwanted MTX you won't get a single dime out of me.

Make it so that you can trade in an unwanted MTX for 20% of the original purchase price and I will happily drop $$$ on these promotions.

it's 2016 FFS. Do it already.
GORE PORTAL! It sucks to wait a month but this is such amazing news, I've been waiting my whole life for this. Thank you for being transparent and letting us know that none of this is exclusive! It's the opposite of manipulative. :)

Sorry a lot of your fanbase can't stop themselves from gambling, then blaming you when they lose. As the divination card says, "The house always wins"

I really love the new expansion, but please rework the MTX stash. Given it's only accessible to paying or fairly dedicated players it really should function much better. I'd love to see the following:

-MTX equip to a separate paperdoll than the character's inventory, so swapping gear does not require removing and reapplying effects.
-MTX Stash reworked to allow rearranging items as the normal stash
-MTX can be favorited or hidden, which allows them to show up only in specific tabs (this would help us separate what we want from what we got via events or duplicates from boxes, I think this is a better solution than deleting items)
Последняя редакция: Vedgy#0068. Время: 3 сент. 2016 г., 21:55:22

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