[3.0] Dzz1rt's Crit Bow for Proficient players/Expensive/ALL Map Mods/Shaper/U.Atziri/Guards Videos/

Is this build hc viable? Also can I replace pathfinder with raider?
whats your view on the new updates with weapon elemental damage how there changing it please let me no
Will this build survive 3.0?
Последняя редакция: shaokim#6144. Время: 13 мая 2017 г., 15:45:06
shaokim написал:
Will this build survive 3.0?

Ofc it will. There will be some tweaks but it will.

limchu написал:
hey regarding elemental resistances, do you recommend aiming to get everything at 75 cap? I mean because you get resistances from flasks and majorly from the Wise Oak, is it really necessary to get 75 from gear?

Also, what about chaos resistances? Do you aim to get chaos resistances from equipment or just skip it and use atziri flask if necessary or?

75 is needed to be caped without flasks.
Chaos resists are not important, at all. There are few real chaos threats in the game and we have enough LL to forget about them
Последняя редакция: Dzz1rt#4733. Время: 14 мая 2017 г., 18:19:25
gd! Have a question about kaoms heart. We need to get one with max roll of fire dmg, its boost our elemental dmg im right?
Was planning on using double legacy ROTC, as I have one. Was going to swap out GMP with Crit Multi. Will be using +500hp kaom's. Will TS be enough to do end game content with a double legacy ROTC? Also, would a Curse on hit, HOI, Assassin's Mark, Hatred be more damage than blasphemy, assassin's mark with hatred as you have posted in your gem set up?

Последняя редакция: Amon3760#7979. Время: 26 мая 2017 г., 17:20:48
Is Legacy Reach still good for this build ?
Hi there, and thanks for this guide!

I have a bow with 3 greens, 1 blue and 2 red sockets. What gem should I use in that red slot? Empower seems the best choice, but I'm still pexing it, so I use added fire damage...but it's not very usefull.
I know it's not optimal but it's not my main character. I just have lot of fun with it!

Последняя редакция: Dezosseur#0505. Время: 31 мая 2017 г., 12:25:39
Anyone knows how much dps I should look for in a harb before it's better than legacy reach? Looking to upgrade from my opus because i feel like single target dps on bosses is still not high enough.
Hi again.

How many dps do a harb need to have to be better than a double legacy RoTC ?

I think rotc will be better just for barrage, right?

My actual bow ->

i have like 70 ex atm. Wait until i can pay 200 ex+? or better get rotc?


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