[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
It's 10% of your phys not 10% of your total damage. More multipliers and added damage are different.
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" yes they are different. in that example they are modifying for same values but they are not the same. there are situations that they both work like same. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 2 марта 2017 г., 12:55:15
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ok , blasting , and death's opus are better than harbinger crafted ?
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" at page 167, i did a comparison between leg reach - deaths opus and best mirrored bow. you can check from there. if i'll get a 420 pdps bow, i'll try that too. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 2 марта 2017 г., 13:11:35
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" It is still a 12 point investment and a gem slot with lions gem just to get like 60/45 crit chance/crit multi and like 20% + 8* from gem path in added physical damage where vitality void area is only 5 points. Not sure thats really going to be worth the 7 extra points to get yet I guess time and testing will tell. |
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Is there a tree to start the new league with? I only want to level one build, I dont mind going life then transitioning
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" The wording on that ascendency node makes it pretty clear that it scales like an added fire damage support gem/hatred/hoa/ptl/toh etc. And since we have like 200% added dmg already the 10% extra would result in aprox. 3% more damage. Do you have any confirmation that it does not work like that? edit: Path of Building seems to confirm my statement edit2: Since you always seem to make these little calculation to help the understanding about the sacling let me do that too: If we have 100 phys base dmg that we conver via ptl and signal fire we get 100 conversion to ele and 60% of our phys dmg as extra elemental dmg (30% signal fire + 21/20 used for this calculation) we end up with 160 dmg. If we now add vet Bowyer we get 10% of our base dmg as elemental dmg extra (the wording seems to be exact same as all the other sources of extra dmg as ele) we get an additonal 10 (and not 16) damage as elemental making it 170 in total. Even for this calculation were we dont use half of the other sources of extra dmg its clear that its not 10% more but way less. edit3: I removed the last paragraph cuz it was about as dumb as the "hurr durr im an enginee" comment from you Последняя редакция: giully#2041. Время: 2 марта 2017 г., 14:18:54
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Geeez .. pretty scaring what i read here in the last pages.
Guys, first of all, this is NOT a league starter build! If you play in legacy league, make a caster, farm exalts until your fingers glow and then Level a ranger. This build needs some currency to work, thats it. Every bloody bow build wants a death Opus now, so don't even think about it ... 2nd thing, this build lives from Vinktar. Thats it, no discuss, even non legacy vinktar is a must have. Pathfinder, and nothing else. Anyway, i wonder why you dont use a taste of hate instead of Silver Flask? With the flask effect nodes it should offer a huge amount of additional damage and a nice physical mitigation of ~ 22% The new version of Auxium seems to be interesting too |
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" no problem, your math is correct there. i'm trying to show people a direction, you critisize the finger, this is called ad hominem. anyway, it is still 10% more damage in comparison to the flat untouched damage. (the examples i have given were very basic stuff and signal fire or phys to light werent included there, thats why i didnt see any problem of using more% damage in my wording there while explaining added damage as X) 6.66%~ more damage in this scenario(simply 10 is 160's %6.66, it is still not 100% correct approach i know), this can get lower, this can get more with different setups. that guy thought 10% phys damage added as X elemental damage is same as "increased damage" the whole thing i was trying to explain was that. i didnt care to give exact numbers since they would change with every different build. for example i said 10% pen gives 10-15% more damage, is the maximum benefit you can get from 10% pen exactly 15%? of course not, these are approximate numbers so they can make you think about how things work. maybe 14-maybe 15, maybe 11, if anybody is very enthusiastic about it, you are welcome to do the math fitting your gear and numbers. 10% pen, 10% added as X, isnt 21% either. it can be 21% in some scenario, might get 17%, maybe for some build 15%, i dont know. all these numbers are changing for every character/gear. the idea remains same there, pathfinder tooltip dps is misleading and always lower than what actually it is due to pen mechanic and hidden ele addition. verdict: it seems i should be more careful with my wording "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 2 марта 2017 г., 15:09:47
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" Have you ever played this build in HC, or just talking nonsense? :D I've done two signal shot builds in Breach HC, see my earlier posts in this thread. And I sure as hell didn't use rearguard. Only way to play this build properly in HC is as elementalist IMO. You don't kill yourself to reflect even when using Barrage, and it helps with the penetration issues, too. Less dmg of course, but still enough... |
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