[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

THX very much for your opinion
Beagup написал:

Maybe its a stupid question, but i m trying the new set of gems on boots helm and gloves, but i dont understand the mechanism of poacher and curse on it. I link it on my boots, and there is no effect, no frenzy generation or curse at all. Any idea what i fail?

it doesnt work with ash, try herald of thunder(works with ice too? i dont remember)
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 3 марта 2017 г., 9:07:28
Why flask shock removal in flask section?

Master alchemist has "immune to elemental status ailments while using a flask"

What has changed that is not showing up in the patch notes I read or more - what did I miss in the patch notes?
smth wrong with the skill trees now
Bloodzy написал:
rossko написал:

i know a lot of ppl already asked this but how good will this perform as a league starter build?
I ask this again cause everyone is different in how fast he can get going with a build.

Let's say it has to perform decently up to tier 10 maps with 1-2ex budget and then with around 10ex(15 would be ok too but i think i hardly get more cause i get lazy when i reach a certain point) possible tier 16 maps?

And i will probably NEVER get skyforth.....as i said too lazy to farm constantly over some months....is it still worth doing that build?

Thx for answers :)

€dit: Is it ok leveling too or better use some of the "standart" level skills?

And last league i used the "King of the forest build" if anyone did that too maybe could you compare these builds for me?:)

I'd say it's not for you. Does it work on a budget? Yes. But it doesn't excel as well as other builds on a budget. The amazing part of this build is that it can increase so exponentially with the more investment you put into it and that's why a lot of people enjoy it, I think.

Thx so far.

But i am not sure if 10-15 ex are still a budget!?
Could it work fine with 10-15ex(maybe even 20?).

I like scaling builds too but i cant farm more then like 6ex for one item cause i want something for my money then :D.

Could you maybe tell me how much this build would need without skyforth? more then 10 ex to work up too tier 15? more then 20?

And COULD you level with it and farm up or is it nearly impossible!?

Ps. just want too make sure that we talk about the same amount of time/currency :).
Last league i had 6link qotf 6linked belly and overall probably like 20-25ex spend what is probably semi budget.
Последняя редакция: rossko#0686. Время: 3 марта 2017 г., 10:54:46
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see it called out which ascendancy points to take, nor do I see them in the trees.
Shieze написал:
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see it called out which ascendancy points to take, nor do I see them in the trees.

Blasting personally takes Nature's Adrenaline, Nature's Boon, Master Alchemist and Veteran Bowyer and depending on how you play, you might want to swap Veteran Bowyer for Master Surgeon. <--- This is last updated from his profile and a forum post he posted a few weeks ago :)
IGN : Ericaa
My Store! /108685
My Rain of Arrows Evasion build guide! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/791798
Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/samfishersam
ShredFred написал:
smth wrong with the skill trees now

They are using the new tree, won't function until GGG updates the site. Use offline tree planner or path of build etc.
Shieze написал:
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see it called out which ascendancy points to take, nor do I see them in the trees.

Added in tree section, thanks.
Any reason to not pick Vaal Pact on the elite tree ? Seems risky.

Any tips for the leveling ? I mean most important nodes first (budget version since it'll be a starter) ?

Is death's Opus really that good ? Low pdps even if it favors crit and since 325 pdps bows are easy to get wouldn't it be better to simply use a rare bow ?
Последняя редакция: ploxirion#7934. Время: 3 марта 2017 г., 13:43:42

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