[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

WalkwithWolves написал:
Hey guys,

I'm finally gearing out this character (almost level 81) and I feel like I must be doing something wrong. Granted I don't have dying sun / Skyforth yet yet or any 6 links (both 5l) but I feel like 1) im outrageously squishy and 2) I don't deal much damage... I was getting rekt by the tier 6 strand boss (embarassing I know) with some rippy mods, and even uber izaro takes ages to kill. I have a 340 pdps harbie too, would you guys be able to check out my gear / tree and help tell me where I've gone wrong? I really appreciate it!

The character tree is for my toon named Mini_Hydra

Thanks again guys, really excited about trying to get this moving!

get rid of doryani's get an es belt with wed. Get attack speed on ur gloves. Try to get some upgrades on ur jewelry, be flexible, if you find a decent wed/accuracy/phys ring you can def get rid of valyrium and just use eye of chayula. Also you're using wise oak and the uptime should be pretty much 100% so dont be afraid to sacrifice resists for more es/dmg. Getting rekt by t6 maps doesn't make any sense to me because you're running vinktar so you should have no problem leeching everything back. I guess if ur dmg is rly bad don't be afraid to tp to town to refill flask charges. I would recommend atziri flask cuz I find it to be better than non-legacy vinktar for boss fights but then again atziri flask w/ bad dmg doesn't do much. In terms of Es, ur gear looks kinda fine so just upgrade jewelry and get a 6 link.

Not too sure about ur bow, but do some calculations, maybe a 2ex opus will even do more dmg, not sure.
Последняя редакция: skirocer#6646. Время: 13 марта 2017 г., 10:42:54
Hollycz написал:
Yo guys, so it has been few leagues since i played with a bow and also a first build this expensive since I dunno any easy way to make currency. But this league I got lucky and got my hands on few Exalts. So can you suggest:
Leveling path + uniques which are best to use before switching to CI and a bow?

At the moment I basically only have a signalshot I bought for 25c (with 33% conversion) but it is not corrupted for additonal arrow. I might use some ES items from my other build so my main concern right now is a weapon. Rest i can buy for few C and upgrade later on.

Also I can work with aprox. 10-12 ex, what do you suggest I should buy? I think I might get 6L bow or 5L ROTC (non-legacy) + 6L ES armor 700+. I won’t get any cool flasks, 20% gems or great jewels like energy from within with that ammount of currency spent on bow and armor. I can make some during playing and upgrade this as I go but I was wondering what’s the best path to choose so I can farm T16 maps or shaper? I saw a video that face-tanking shaper’s laser is possible with 5L ROTC but I dunno if it was legacy and if non-legacy is even worth buying.

Also I didnt get one thing. We are running 2x 6L so we can use 2 skills together and not swap gems, is it ok to go 5L + 6L and still be able to do T16?

So I read that its not really clear whether ROTC is a good bow anymore after nerf to 2 arrows so 5L ROTC is probably not a great option. ALso 6L is 10 ex which is basically my current budget.

Again I am still leveling up but I wanna do uber atziri, guardians and shaper + uber lab so basically end game content but I dont know how powerfull this build is with 12 ex budget.


I'd say use opus instead of nerfed reach of the council. If you're struggling with currency I would suggest just using a kaom's heart and play life based for a while. I was playing life based qotf with this build early on and switched to kaom's once i hit red maps. Getting enough ES + Stun immunity etc. can be a pain on a low budget CI build but if you're set on playing CI I would say forgo the 6-link for now and just focus on getting good stats on ur gear first and upgrade to a 6-link later on. This build typically doesn't lack dmg and a 5-link is more than good enough all the way up until I'd say T11's.
Последняя редакция: skirocer#6646. Время: 13 марта 2017 г., 10:49:54
What bandits to kill and what flasks to use?
WalkwithWolves написал:
Hey guys,

I'm finally gearing out this character (almost level 81) and I feel like I must be doing something wrong. Granted I don't have dying sun / Skyforth yet yet or any 6 links (both 5l) but I feel like 1) im outrageously squishy and 2) I don't deal much damage... I was getting rekt by the tier 6 strand boss (embarassing I know) with some rippy mods, and even uber izaro takes ages to kill. I have a 340 pdps harbie too, would you guys be able to check out my gear / tree and help tell me where I've gone wrong? I really appreciate it!

The character tree is for my toon named Mini_Hydra

Thanks again guys, really excited about trying to get this moving!

You're missing a ton of damage scaling which explains the low damage. Here's what the focus on in order of priority, with comments about Barrage damage:

1) Get Point Blank on tree (will raise your barrage damage by 50%)
2) Dying Sun (will raise your barrage dps by 75% until you get more arrows via helm and quiver)
3) 6L for Barrage (will raise your Barrage by 30% once you slot in slower projectiles)
4) WED on rings, belt, and amulet (massive scaling of damage is accomplished via WED; flat phys is a bonus, but WED is the priority). For belt get a Rustic Sash with T1 WED (37-42%). Dump that increased duration in your links to bring down your STR requirement, which is presumably why you opted for Doryani's. The STR requirement in this build shouldn't exceed the requirement for a level 20 WED gem.
5) +2 Barrage helm (will raise your dps by 50%, or by 125% total in conjunction with Dying Sun)
6) Swap Wise Oak for Taste of Hate - better defenses and slightly better dps boost unless by some miracle you can balance your fire and lightning resistances

As you can see from the notes you can still scale your Barrage dps by a significant amount. The LA/Ice Shot damage will improve quite a bit with some of these changes as well. Your bow is fine for now, it's the rest of the gear that needs work.

Some other suggestions:

Create a Jaws of Agony set-up in your second weapon slot, and insert Fire Trap, Multiple Traps, and Cluster Traps into the 3L. This will be your power charge generation against bosses such as Uber Izaro so that you don't enter fights without power charges. Get rid of that weak HoI (not sure why you have it in your links, since you're not even running any WED on gear). The only point of HoI is cursing enemies, not boosting damage - the damage from HoI is pathetically small. Definitely run HoA instead for a big damage boost, unless you actually want to apply curses with your hits - if so, create a seperate set-up with HoI, Curse on Hit, and Assassin's Mark.

You also have 0 jewels, and thus you're missing out on massive, massive damage scaling. Set up a poe.trade search focusing on at least 3 damage affixes. Top priority is 8% attack speed with bows, followed by 16% physical damage or 16% physical damage with bows. Damage and Projectile damage affixes are good too, since they double dip on ignites. This build derives much more damage from jewels than from damage passives on the tree.

As to why you're dying: it's your damage. Increase it and you won't be dying. If your ES is anywhere over 6K that's plenty until you reach T16 maps. Valyrium is also junk and causes you to miss out on a lot of dps, and should be dropped once you get the damage up via the other suggestions. Get a stun boot enchant to address the occassional stun when mapping, but otherwise focus on eventually getting Skyforth. Still, bow builds rely a bit more on manual evasion, and if you're getting stun often its your mobility that needs work, not the gear. Ideally you don't even want to see much on screen as you offscreen kill most mobs, and bosses should get burst down in seconds after you teleport or run behind them. You should very infrequently get hit on this build.
Последняя редакция: DicemanX#7029. Время: 13 марта 2017 г., 11:21:51
One other quick note about leveling this build to very high levels: my map of choice is Shaped Mud Geyser, not Shaped Strand. Sometimes Shaped Strand bosses can be dangerous, particularly that Flicker Striker on a vuln/minus max/extra ele damage maps. Shaped Mud Geysers are cheaper and more profitable to boot, since blue/rare mobs can drop T13 maps which you should sell, sell, sell. Mud Geyser is also a pretty cheap map to buy typically, mainly because others are afraid of the boss, Tunneltrap. Tunneltrap is a pushover for Signalshot since it's rooted in position and allows you to unload from behind. Just don't stand in the path of its projectiles, obviously :P.

Aside from Shaped Mud Geyser, Shaped Ashen Wood is good too. Again it's not a popular choice for all those Vaal Sparkers and Malice Dischragers, but on our ethical build that doesn't use movement skills and relies on one flask to generate 177% or more movement speed we can run Shaped Ashen Wood as fast or faster than Strand, while once again opening up the T13 map drops for us. Plus, the Shaped Ashen Wood boss is pathetically easy, ripe for a barrage down his gullet as he admires his Blast Rain projectiles raining down on the spot you were 1 second ago.
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_Saranghaeyo_ написал:
Hollycz написал:
Yo guys, so it has been few leagues since i played with a bow and also a first build this expensive since I dunno any easy way to make currency. But this league I got lucky and got my hands on few Exalts. So can you suggest:
Leveling path + uniques which are best to use before switching to CI and a bow?

At the moment I basically only have a signalshot I bought for 25c (with 33% conversion) but it is not corrupted for additonal arrow. I might use some ES items from my other build so my main concern right now is a weapon. Rest i can buy for few C and upgrade later on.

Also I can work with aprox. 10-12 ex, what do you suggest I should buy? I think I might get 6L bow or 5L ROTC (non-legacy) + 6L ES armor 700+. I won’t get any cool flasks, 20% gems or great jewels like energy from within with that ammount of currency spent on bow and armor. I can make some during playing and upgrade this as I go but I was wondering what’s the best path to choose so I can farm T16 maps or shaper? I saw a video that face-tanking shaper’s laser is possible with 5L ROTC but I dunno if it was legacy and if non-legacy is even worth buying.

Also I didnt get one thing. We are running 2x 6L so we can use 2 skills together and not swap gems, is it ok to go 5L + 6L and still be able to do T16?

So I read that its not really clear whether ROTC is a good bow anymore after nerf to 2 arrows so 5L ROTC is probably not a great option. ALso 6L is 10 ex which is basically my current budget.

Again I am still leveling up but I wanna do uber atziri, guardians and shaper + uber lab so basically end game content but I dont know how powerfull this build is with 12 ex budget.


With 12 ex gonna be pretty rough to try to do T16 etc imo. You can easily farm T15 and other content without many issues on that budget. I put together a gear set worth probably 6-7 Ex if that even and chained Strands/Atoll/Reef until 92 where I could finally afford Skyforth.

I'm gonna try Guardians maybe this week after some small upgrades so I will be using 5L LA and 6L Barrage most likely.

So you think that its too little budget? so what do you think I should invest to? 6L bow and 5L armor? i can get away with around 7k CI on my current gear from my first char and thats having 550 es armor so if i can get 700+ which I can i will have enough to get 6L bow. the question is whether to get Opus or ROTC, what will give me more DPS and what I wont have to upgrade for T16 bosses. I am no good at gathering currencies and i have a build that (my 1.) that can farm up to T14 maps pretty easily so I can lvl up my archer and farm maps with the other while gathering more currency for better gear. So I am basically just now wondering about the BOW. I dont think i will get currency to get Sky's coz I am doing smth wrong and dont know how to generate currency. I see ur running low tier maps and i dont understand how u saved up for those :O pm me :)
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:

I don't know if "get Dying Sun, 6L, and +2 Barrage Enchant" is sound advice, I think he already knows that and is looking for things to upgrade or change in the meantime mate. I mean this is the same as telling a poor guy on the street "hey I figured out why you're poor, it's because you don't have money."

Just because he cannot afford some of the things listed doesn't make the advice any less sound. I listed things in order of priority - he's welcome to move down the list if certain items are out of reach for the moment. We often see people asking about order of priority - while they might know that a Dying Sun is something to get, they might not realize how important it might be.

Plus, how do you know he's not sitting on 10ex in his stash, not knowing what to pull the trigger on, afraid that if he invests in a 6ex item he won't be able to afford something more important?

heartedly believe that telling someone without the appropriate level of gear to "just go buy a 3-7 ex item" is poor advice, and experienced users here should be at a higher standard of help than that.

This is out of line. We're taking the time to offer advice, and quite frankly telling us to adhere to a "higher standard" when we spend time inspecting his gear and tree and then type out 20+ things that he can work on to improve his build, ranging from expensive to cheap, is pretty insulting.

Furthermore, he's generating currency while playing. Don't assume he'll be in poverty for a long time. Players have been messaging me in game with like 10 chaos to their name one day, only to link me a Dying Sun the next day since they ended up doing some map farming or dried lake farming. It's not that difficult to generate currency in league play.

Последняя редакция: DicemanX#7029. Время: 13 марта 2017 г., 11:54:55
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:

With 12 ex gonna be pretty rough to try to do T16 etc imo. You can easily farm T15 and other content without many issues on that budget. I put together a gear set worth probably 6-7 Ex if that even and chained Strands/Atoll/Reef until 92 where I could finally afford Skyforth.

I'm curious to know your strat if you don't mind. I can farm shaped strand as well and sustain these but what earn you that much ? Unid chaos recipe + few lucky uniques ? Sell excessives maps ?

I mean, I can sustain strands but for some reasons I don't have much map drops, my pool is always around ~15 strands, even going +20% quality, breach leaguestones + onslaught.
Последняя редакция: ploxirion#7934. Время: 13 марта 2017 г., 11:54:32
ploxirion написал:
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:

With 12 ex gonna be pretty rough to try to do T16 etc imo. You can easily farm T15 and other content without many issues on that budget. I put together a gear set worth probably 6-7 Ex if that even and chained Strands/Atoll/Reef until 92 where I could finally afford Skyforth.

I'm curious to know your strat if you don't mind. I can farm shaped strand as well and sustain these but what earn you that much ? Unid chaos recipe + few lucky uniques ? Sell excessives maps ?

I mean, I can sustain strands but for some reasons I don't have much map drops, my pool is always around ~15 strands, even going +20% quality, breach leaguestones + onslaught.

chaos recipe of any kind is a waste of time even on day 1 of league imo. If ur poor as fuck chain prophecies, they are better profit than most ppl realize. The easiest way to make currency at the beginning of league is to play alot on day 1-3 and farm stuff that people need, which also requires you to have decent game knowledge. Sustaining strands and stuff isn't too important, I would not chisel them if ur hurting for currency, but ultimately the best profit isn't gonna come from chaining strands if ur not a t1 clearspeed build.
What bandits should i kill

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