[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

dm_clean написал:
One question, didn't read all pages sorry, but I want to start the build with relatively low budget, so what are the gemlinks with 2 5link pieces and no skyforth for ts/barrage?
I need pcoc gem then, so i must leave out 2 other gems of the featured 6links, which are they?

If I manage to get a 6l chest and have a 5l/6l combo, ts or barrage for 6l?

Thank you

I also use two 5-links at the moment, I dropped PCoC from them, because it would eat up way too much damage. You could try a Frenzy + GMP + ICS + PCoC (without the ICS gem, maintaining power charges is just too cumbersome in my opinion), or use Assassin's Mark instead of Poacher's Mark (which doesn't help on bosses though).
daish0 написал:
dm_clean написал:
One question, didn't read all pages sorry, but I want to start the build with relatively low budget, so what are the gemlinks with 2 5link pieces and no skyforth for ts/barrage?
I need pcoc gem then, so i must leave out 2 other gems of the featured 6links, which are they?

If I manage to get a 6l chest and have a 5l/6l combo, ts or barrage for 6l?

Thank you

I also use two 5-links at the moment, I dropped PCoC from them, because it would eat up way too much damage. You could try a Frenzy + GMP + ICS + PCoC (without the ICS gem, maintaining power charges is just too cumbersome in my opinion), or use Assassin's Mark instead of Poacher's Mark (which doesn't help on bosses though).

Thank you.

Ok, I think I would prefer an Orb of Storms/assassin's Mark/Curse on hit/Pcoc setup then
The Rest:
Herald Of Ice/enlighten/Hatred/Disci
Vaal Haste/inc. dur./ice golem/blink Arrow

Which gems do you leave out in your 5link? Pierce? WED?
Rupenus написал:
@bloodyz its 90% conversion, this would make something around 10% less dps. on top of that the dps you get by signalfire is really good, 35% damaged added as fire damage + 3 passive points +10% more conversion is almost at mirrored quiver level.

just pointing this out, it's not 90% conversion. Ice Shot was changed to 60%, so with 40 on the tree, thats 100% ele conversion. if you get a rare quiver with chance/multi/flat/AS, you can just use an Added Fire gem in your setup...and suddenly you have all those stats from the rare quiver.

frost bomb, cold pen, OOS-CoH-FrostBite...If your argument all stems from "10% less damage", then you need to reconsider. Blasting mentioned he just did a Ice Shot/Barrage character in HC (legacy?) too -- can we get some feedback on the dmg?
dm_clean написал:

Thank you.

Ok, I think I would prefer an Orb of Storms/assassin's Mark/Curse on hit/Pcoc setup then
The Rest:
Herald Of Ice/enlighten/Hatred/Disci
Vaal Haste/inc. dur./ice golem/blink Arrow

Which gems do you leave out in your 5link? Pierce? WED?

Orb of Storms is not the greatest way I think, as you have to get close up and personal (except if you took Point Blank, which I'd rather would not on a ranger build) anyway.

Not really convinced that this works well while mapping on a non-spell build without a lot of cast speed and the range issue. On bosses ... probably ok.

Although a simple Frenzy + PCoC would only be a 2-Link and generates already Power AND Frenzy charges for you on bosses ...
daish0 написал:
phocas99 написал:
I was copying a person from these forums who uses the Lioneye's Fall Jewel for endgame content (lvl 90+)


Anyone else trying this? Other then Vitality Void and gear, where else can we get the life leech? Mana leech from a point in essence sap?

I couldnt find any other discussions on this.


I checked this in Path of Building. Although for me it doesn't look that good. Yes, the Claw nodes are good ... unfortunately they are in a bad spot, AND you also need to get to the Jewel socket (which you will loose then) which is quiet an amount of passive points.

This is my current "to go" endgame tree: http://poeurl.com/bcNd (mind that this is already around level 96-97 depending of what your bandit decisions are, I took attack speed from Kraityn in Cruel - so I will most certainly not reach this level anyway)

This would be the adapted tree (I tried to keep the ES wheel cluster, as this is quiet a large amount of ES there): http://poeurl.com/bcNe

With the Claw nodes I would get around +1,6% crit chance (this already includes running diamond flask!) and 45% crit multiplier (which is not that much, given that Death's Opus raises your multiplier by a lot).

I actually LOOSE damage (those 5-6 points mean Deadly Draw cluster or not ... and that cluster is really really good!), some Energy Shield and 0,8% life leech > not the best bargain for +1,6% (non-base) crit chance.

He just dumped the Melding Cluster which is a lot of ES, what was his gear? He must have had insane amounts of ES!?

He sits with 7k and I am around 8.3, both without melding cluster. Also, he uses 4 arrow reach of council and I use

I am going to check out those skill tree links now.
CatOfGreatness написал:
just pointing this out, it's not 90% conversion. Ice Shot was changed to 60%, so with 40 on the tree, thats 100% ele conversion. if you get a rare quiver with chance/multi/flat/AS, you can just use an Added Fire gem in your setup...and suddenly you have all those stats from the rare quiver.

frost bomb, cold pen, OOS-CoH-FrostBite...If your argument all stems from "10% less damage", then you need to reconsider. Blasting mentioned he just did a Ice Shot/Barrage character in HC (legacy?) too -- can we get some feedback on the dmg?

That's good for Ice Shot, what is he using for Single Target - Barrage? You would have 50% from Physical to Lightning and 40% to Cold from Tree? Which makes 90% ... loosing 10% ele conversion and reducing effectiveness of those 3 passives by probably around 40-50% (as they only work with cold damage, Hatred included).

Not sure if boosting Ice Shot and reducing Barrage damage makes sense.
Which is better:

Death's Opus: 190 PDPS

Harbinger: 315 PDPS, 25Crit, 0 Crit Multi

shlazar написал:
Which is better:

Death's Opus: 190 PDPS

Harbinger: 315 PDPS, 25Crit, 0 Crit Multi

Check my post about this a few pages back.

Short answer: there's no way to tell without knowing how many arrows you fire in total, and what your current overall crit multiplier is. All forms of damage scaling go into diminishing returns, so the more arrows you have (from helm enchant, dying sun, and quiver) and the higher your crit multiplier, the stronger the harbinger gets compared to Opus.

You can always calculate how they compare. For instance if you fire 4 arrows from barrage and get +3 from dying sun, then the opus will fire 9 arrows in total and the harb only 7. That gives the Opus a damage multiplier of x9/7 or x1.29 relative to the harbinger. If you also have, say, 400% crit multi, then that will be boosted to 550% with the opus, giving the opus a 550/400 (x1.38) damage multiplier relative to the harbinger. Overall then you can multiply that 190 opus pdps by 1.29 and 1.38 for an overall pdps of 338 relative to the 315 pdps of the harb. However, things are not so simple because you won't crit 100% of the time, and thus the Opus gets worse the lower the crit chance and accuracy.

Still, the opus likely wins in this scanario, since a Diamond Flask bridges the gaps in crit chance greatly between bows.
Последняя редакция: DicemanX#7029. Время: 22 марта 2017 г., 13:35:52
Thanks for the reply.

One more question:

Which should i use for stun Eye of Chayula or Valyrium?
shlazar написал:
Thanks for the reply.

One more question:

Which should i use for stun Eye of Chayula or Valyrium?

Use a Kiara's Determination instead. You shouldn't waste valuable dps slots on anti-stun measures, especially on a build that should be rarely hit once you push damage to high enough levels. When mapping Determination should be up 100% of the time.

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