[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

The OP setup work for path of building? yes? no?
I get not more barrage dps on standard boss then a average elemental bow build. Average elemental bow build raider get more dps on boss with path of building. whats wrong? Its all about penetration?
derbund666 написал:
The OP setup work for path of building? yes? no?
I get not more barrage dps on standard boss then a average elemental bow build. Average elemental bow build raider get more dps on boss with path of building. whats wrong? Its all about penetration?

What is an "average elemental bow build"? Can you show an example of an ele bow and tree that you think rivals Signalshot? What single target dps is Path of Building showing you?
i think he means raider > pathfinder.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
I know, you can give to me couple of a valuable advice. Please?
3 questions:

1 - Why we don't need the Life and Mana leech nodes near duelist when using Skyforth?

2 - Why the budget version of the tree doesn't get the 16% mana reserved (4+4+8) nodes since is required to run Hatred + HoI + Discipline (with Enlighten lv 3 at least)?

3 - Point Blank is a must? Aren't we losing clear speed at long range?

PS: I think you should add Brinerot Whalers as an early solution before getting Skyforths.

Thanks for the awesome guide.
Последняя редакция: tgodoy85#4726. Время: 27 марта 2017 г., 8:36:35
Why the budget version of the tree doesn't get the 16% mana reserved (4+4+8) nodes since is required to run Hatred + HoI + Discipline (with Enlighten lv 3 at least)?

I'm using it for me instead of these 4 points.
http://joxi.ru/bmo9EkjsDeE8Ay (3 points + Melding, if link doesn't work)
I can't afford gear provide you to use 3 auras without mana reservation tree. And 3 auras better than 20% of ES in my opinion.
Последняя редакция: CakeOK#6581. Время: 27 марта 2017 г., 8:39:49
CakeOK написал:
Why the budget version of the tree doesn't get the 16% mana reserved (4+4+8) nodes since is required to run Hatred + HoI + Discipline (with Enlighten lv 3 at least)?

I'm using it for me instead of these 4 points.
http://joxi.ru/bmo9EkjsDeE8Ay (3 points + Melding, if link doesn't work)
I can't afford gear provide you to use 3 auras without mana reservation tree. And 3 auras better than 20% of ES in my opinion.

IMHO, you should remove other nodes, maybe two from the other weel of life/ES or accuracy ones because with these that you mentioned + energy from within you get a lot of ES.
Последняя редакция: tgodoy85#4726. Время: 27 марта 2017 г., 8:58:13
tgodoy85 написал:
CakeOK написал:
Why the budget version of the tree doesn't get the 16% mana reserved (4+4+8) nodes since is required to run Hatred + HoI + Discipline (with Enlighten lv 3 at least)?

I'm using it for me instead of these 4 points.
http://joxi.ru/bmo9EkjsDeE8Ay (3 points + Melding, if link doesn't work)
I can't afford gear provide you to use 3 auras without mana reservation tree. And 3 auras better than 20% of ES in my opinion.

You should remove other nodes, maybe two from the other weel of life/ES or accuracy ones because with these that you mentioned + energy from within you get a lot of ES.

Yep, you are right. I'm a low level now and didn't try it yet :D

so, which one is best for this build?

sry for asking too much, i only have like a month playing PoE xD came from d3.
Последняя редакция: thepipen#0688. Время: 27 марта 2017 г., 9:53:27
Path of Building:

level 100 pathfinder. blasting cap skilltree and itemsetup with: a death opus and a temp league legal amulett (crit multi!)
with skyforce, power charges flask on, buffs up against a shaper/guardian boss encounter:
effective dps barrage: 330k dps
without skyforce and power charges and a valyrium ring : 251k dps

now raider ele build
level 100 raider, nephalim skilltree itemsetup like his in the op, without skyforce, but with flask on and frenzy charges up against a shaper/guardian encounter:
effective dps barrage: 528k dps!

whats wrong with the numbers? if signal shot build is the to go bow boss killer setup?


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