[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

DicemanX написал:
jonrosado написал:
Hey everyone,

Since my luck has been so crazy this league I decided to go for this build and as you will be able to tell im not experienced at all, played couple weeks in prophecy league and Legacy since start so im kind of wondering why is my tooltip dps so low considering the high end gear I suposedly have and in comparison to others it seems like its not worth the cost for the damage I get. I dont know how to post items so a profile check would be nice if anyone has tips for me to improve my dps.


Your tooltip dps is low because:

1) You're using Barrage on a 5L and AoE on a 6L - reverse them since the AoE skill doesn't need very high dps. Your 6th link on Barrage will give you 49% more damage via PPAD.

2) You're missing a ton of damage scaling on your rings, belt, and amulet. Try to get T1 WED on all of those pieces. Try to also get it on either Diamond Rings (cheaper option) or on Opal Rings. Flat Phys is a nice option too, but won't have as much impact with your high pdps Harbinger.

3) Your pathing on the tree is inefficient. You're missing 2 jewel slots which will give you a gigantic damage boost if you use 4 dps stat jewels. You're also missing Heartseeker. Pathing through Forces of Nature, Void Barrier, and Depth perception is lackluster (you invest 14 points to get all of them). You can get the near equivalent of Depth Perception with one or two Accuracy affixes on any of the 5 pieces of gear than can roll the affix, and switching your ele resist ring to a Diamond Ring. More ES can be obtained by pathing to Foresight instead of Void Barrier, and the jewel slots and Heartseeker will give you much more dps than Forces of nature.

With those 14 points you can path straight up to Coordination from Vaal Pact (2 points), get two jewel slots (4 points), get Foresight (4 points), and get Heartseeker (2 points). The remaining 2 points can be combined with the lightning damage passive point near Melding and the two points invested in Quickstep to get the duelist leech nodes, since your non-legacy Vinktar isn't always going to be active. Get a better Quicksilver Flask to compensate - you should ideally be running an Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline to reach ~180% movespeed at all times.

Obviously you have some shopping to do in order to get your resists up, but if you switch from a Sliver Flask to a Taste of Hate then together with the Dying Sun you can take care of your Fire and Ice resists.

Wow, thank you so much for the in depth tips im so going to follow this and will bring an update soon, again thank you so much good man and have a nice day!
DicemanX написал:
Oneyedrunky написал:
Looking for some bow advice.
At a point where my next biggest upgrade would be the bow. Still using Death's Opus. Did some comparisons in Path of Building and the Deaths Opus yields almost the same damage as a 450 PDPS Harbinger with 30%~ Crit chance AND 30%~ Crit damage. I knew the 2 extra arrows were something, but I thought that 400 pdps would easily beat the Opus.

The comparison is of Barrage only (obivously there's never an issue of clearing trash so I dont care about LA\Ice-shot damage) and it includes the number of arrows (11 with Opus, 9 with Harbinger).

Has anyone compared that before? What do you guys think?


I posted about this several times previously. Opus is equivalent to a 450pdps harbinger at low arrow counts and crit multi levels, but even a 300pdps harbinger is better than an Opus once you start reaching the maximum number of arrows and very high crit multi. All damage multipliers in this game experience diminishing returns, which is why Opus gets progressively worse compared to a Harbinger as you scale your damage. This is reflected not only in the in-game tooltips for Opus and Harbinger bows (which are admittedly not accurate, but still give nice ballpark numbers) but also in how quickly you can take down Guardians and Shaper with both bows.

The upgrade to a 450pdps bow is easily worth the investment.

Thanks for your reply.
The comparison in Path of Building was WITH max arrow count. Maybe you'd like to see, perhaps I've made a mistake somewhere?

The comparison is basically my entire gear\skill set, I set up the usual things (flasks up, onslaught, I have killed recently, Power charges up) checked barrage with All Arrows and on Opus setup the damage is 1,693,293.9 (Crit chance: 77.84%, Crit dmg: 503%)

Harbinger 1 Setup (50-60ex on POE.trade) - 450 PDPS, 27 crit chance, 16 attack speed
DPS is 1,661,940 (crit chance: 84.83, crit dmg: 353%)

Then I swap to Harbinger 2 setup (80ex on POE.trade) - 448.9 PDPS, 34 Crit chance, 29 Crit multi, 12 Attack speed ::
DPS is 1,753,090.8 (Crit chance: 86.29%, crit dmg: 382%)

So as you can see, doesn't seem to be worth it..

EDIT: Gear used in the comparison-

P.S. - About the Barrage links, I compared both what you see and the usual setup (basically Added fire + Phys Proj instead of the current Added lightning + Slower proj), not much of a difference.
P.S.2 - And yes, this is with Dying Sun and I checked if my quiver was +1 as well, still same difference.
Последняя редакция: Oneyedrunky#1705. Время: 29 марта 2017 г., 10:32:11
Where is the defense , am lvl 52 and it sucks ball's
DicemanX написал:
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jonrosado написал:
Hey everyone,

Since my luck has been so crazy this league I decided to go for this build and as you will be able to tell im not experienced at all, played couple weeks in prophecy league and Legacy since start so im kind of wondering why is my tooltip dps so low considering the high end gear I suposedly have and in comparison to others it seems like its not worth the cost for the damage I get. I dont know how to post items so a profile check would be nice if anyone has tips for me to improve my dps.


Your tooltip dps is low because:

1) You're using Barrage on a 5L and AoE on a 6L - reverse them since the AoE skill doesn't need very high dps. Your 6th link on Barrage will give you 49% more damage via PPAD.

2) You're missing a ton of damage scaling on your rings, belt, and amulet. Try to get T1 WED on all of those pieces. Try to also get it on either Diamond Rings (cheaper option) or on Opal Rings. Flat Phys is a nice option too, but won't have as much impact with your high pdps Harbinger.

3) Your pathing on the tree is inefficient. You're missing 2 jewel slots which will give you a gigantic damage boost if you use 4 dps stat jewels. You're also missing Heartseeker. Pathing through Forces of Nature, Void Barrier, and Depth perception is lackluster (you invest 14 points to get all of them). You can get the near equivalent of Depth Perception with one or two Accuracy affixes on any of the 5 pieces of gear than can roll the affix, and switching your ele resist ring to a Diamond Ring. More ES can be obtained by pathing to Foresight instead of Void Barrier, and the jewel slots and Heartseeker will give you much more dps than Forces of nature.

With those 14 points you can path straight up to Coordination from Vaal Pact (2 points), get two jewel slots (4 points), get Foresight (4 points), and get Heartseeker (2 points). The remaining 2 points can be combined with the lightning damage passive point near Melding and the two points invested in Quickstep to get the duelist leech nodes, since your non-legacy Vinktar isn't always going to be active. Get a better Quicksilver Flask to compensate - you should ideally be running an Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline to reach ~180% movespeed at all times.

Obviously you have some shopping to do in order to get your resists up, but if you switch from a Sliver Flask to a Taste of Hate then together with the Dying Sun you can take care of your Fire and Ice resists.

What do you think about Deadly Draw line? Isn't that worth it?

P.S. Could you give me a little advice. Is this a good amulet or better to switch on thre regular one with more WED?
Последняя редакция: CakeOK#6581. Время: 29 марта 2017 г., 10:56:04
crit multi > wed in terms of tooltip dps. wed makes very small dps changes in conversion builds
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 29 марта 2017 г., 11:10:28
gakkeroel написал:
Where is the defense , am lvl 52 and it sucks ball's

Azaros60 написал:
Hi, I have a question.

I'm using HOI linked with assassin's mark and COH. I would like to know why it doesn"t work?

I don't have enlighten support lvl 4 linked with this 3gems.

And now i'm asking if COH linked with HOI and poarcher's mark work too? or it's the same problem as assassin's mark?

In fact i saw someone who wrote " you don"t need pcoc if you have assassin's mark with HOI and COH" but it doesn't work.

thanks in advance for answers.

ps: i'm running HOI + HOA + discipline

Do you use elemental focus support; try to take it out, at least for me prevents curses to be applied so I use it only in my barrage links and not in my clearing skill...
Hi all,

Just wanted to drop by to ask for some help. I newly leveled this character to be my end all GG character for 2.6 LSC. My gear is pretty good, and currently working on optimizing everything, however I find the following problems:

1) My character seems too squishy, currently at 9.3k ES but still dying alot for some reason

2) Despite having a Skyforth, I find myself stunned a good amount of times, leading to some deaths (1554 mana)

3)I just ran the guardians, and died of few times on those attempts as well when Vinktar ran out. I can't imagine when it comes to shaper, flask will be almost close to useless and I feel flat when Vinktar is not up. How is this dealt with?

Linking gear, tree setup should be available

Thank you in advance for all the help!!!

Current Gear setup:

Последняя редакция: g2v#2752. Время: 29 марта 2017 г., 13:27:23
Oneyedrunky написал:

Thanks for your reply.
The comparison in Path of Building was WITH max arrow count. Maybe you'd like to see, perhaps I've made a mistake somewhere?

The comparison is basically my entire gear\skill set, I set up the usual things (flasks up, onslaught, I have killed recently, Power charges up) checked barrage with All Arrows and on Opus setup the damage is 1,693,293.9 (Crit chance: 77.84%, Crit dmg: 503%)

Harbinger 1 Setup (50-60ex on POE.trade) - 450 PDPS, 27 crit chance, 16 attack speed
DPS is 1,661,940 (crit chance: 84.83, crit dmg: 353%)

Then I swap to Harbinger 2 setup (80ex on POE.trade) - 448.9 PDPS, 34 Crit chance, 29 Crit multi, 12 Attack speed ::
DPS is 1,753,090.8 (Crit chance: 86.29%, crit dmg: 382%)

So as you can see, doesn't seem to be worth it..

I don't use Path of Building since I do calculations by hand and I experiment directly in-game. I can tell you however that you'll feel a substantial difference using a 450pdps Harbinger against single targets. An overall Barrage dps of 1.7M is also way too low for a 450 pdps Harbinger; the true dps is much higher as evidenced by how fast the build can kill Shaper/Guardians.

In terms of calculations, an Opus has a 1.2 multiplier advantage due to having 12 arrows compared to Harbinger's 10 arrows with max arrows reached via Dying Sun/Helm Enchant/Quiver, and a x1.37 multiplier advantage due to the difference in crit multi if the Harb's crit multi is 400%. That means that a 200pdps Opus is equivalent to a 328pdps Harb *assuming* 100% crit chance and 100% accuracy. When you start factoring the true crit rate and 90% accuracy, the Opus multiplier advantage diminishes.

Since all the damage multipliers don't affect one another, it is unclear why Path of Building is telling you your Opus is as good as a 450pdps Harbinger.
g2v написал:
Hi all,

Just wanted to drop by to ask for some help. I newly leveled this character to be my end all GG character for 2.6 LSC. My gear is pretty good, and currently working on optimizing everything, however I find the following problems:

1) My character seems too squishy, currently at 9.3k ES but still dying alot for some reason

2) Despite having a Skyforth, I find myself stunned a good amount of times, leading to some deaths (1554 mana)

This is almost certainly due to your playstyle, since you have a lot of dps already based on your gear. You should be offscreening most mobs, and positioning yourself better when they are on-screen. You have very good mobility on Pathfinder, but you have chosen poorly for your QS: you need to be running Alchemist's QS of Adrenaline, and make sure Adrenaline is max 30%. You can basically run cicles around everything without sacrificing clearspeed - don't play this like a facetank melee build.

You also have the option of running a Kiara's Determination, but I think it's superior to just adjust your playstyle. Another thing that can help is getting a Commandment of Spite glove enchant, which will basically smoke any non-rare/unique mob 360 degrees around you and prevent other mobs from exploiting your momentary stun. I run Spite myself as a precaution.


3)I just ran the guardians, and died of few times on those attempts as well when Vinktar ran out. I can't imagine when it comes to shaper, flask will be almost close to useless and I feel flat when Vinktar is not up. How is this dealt with?

You still have a ways to go when it comes to your single target damage, and there are so many other ways to boost your Shaper/Guardian damage so that you can burst them down without having to worry about flasks expiring. I recently listed some of the other options for boosting damage - you should find that info in the last couple of pages. But the bottom line is that if your flasks are expiring causing problems for you, your single target dps could use some work.

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