crit unarmed warchief

Последняя редакция: azrael12#2887. Время: 9 окт. 2016 г., 20:38:09
Last bumped11 окт. 2016 г., 10:37:59
nice build, sadly it's standard one
laik89 написал:
nice build, sadly it's standard one

It is not a "Standard" build - just hover over the gear, it says "Essence league". You can get the talisman pretty cheaply on Essence (about 1ex).
A big issue with such a build is capping resistances up to Ele Weakness cap, which OP has not achieved. But I guess you can avoid that by just not running maps with that mod.

The biggest issue is lack of Health Pool because of all those uniques and lack of meaningful defenses because of Abyssus. You can see OP getting insta gibbed left and right.

I have a crit staff warchief totem build on Essence which has almost double the HP (I use Kaom's) and it still dies to a lot of crap on top tier maps because of Abyssus.
Последняя редакция: noneskii#1196. Время: 11 окт. 2016 г., 10:41:51

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