Make old build alive again (need help)

LowLife Tornado Shot

Old tree:


Gem setup:

Wrath + Herald of Thunder + Enlighten + Vaal Haste (4L)

Anger + Discipline + Haste + Enlighten (4L)

Blood Rage + Blink Arrow + Frenzy + Summon Flame Golem (4L)

Tornado Shot + WED + Power Charge On Critical + Item Rarity + Faster Attacks + Item Quantity Support (?) (6L)

CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Enfeeble and Purity of Elements + Enlighten


Need help to make it work again! THX ALL!
Последняя редакция: The_Man_of_Greed#1120. Время: 16 окт. 2016 г., 9:52:30
Last bumped20 окт. 2016 г., 5:16:45
So gear stay same, i just start as ranger? And why i cant just take Scion Deadeye Ascendancy?
GunFinX написал:
ooDest13oo написал:
So gear stay same, i just start as ranger? And why i cant just take Scion Deadeye Ascendancy?

It's my recommendation to you obviously you're welcome to do as you like.

THX bro. I just want to ask it would be better to start as ranger or scion can get better boost from ascendancy?
Haste + Anger + Enlighten + Purity of Elements(4L)

Wrath + Herald of Thunder + Discipline + Enlighten (4L) ( get the +1 gems for boots they are so easy to get and provide so much more then uber lab enchant ) with lvl 21 warth you get +1% MORE DMG, more es and flat dmg <3

Blood Rage + Blink Arrow + Frenzy + Pcoc 4L)

Tornado Shot + WED + Item Rarity + Faster Attacks + Item Quantity Support (?) (6L)
you got a free gem slot so take Cold Dmg or Light Dmg :D

CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Enfeeble and Vaal Haste ( still a gem left maybe golem )

that would be my guess for gems, way more dmg overall with full buffs

atm i dont think scion is worth it, go pathfinder or deadeye ( even witch as ele would be viable, immun to reflect double golem and more dmg thx to prolif ( or what ever its called ) you would loose Enfeeble too :/ )

/E: tree is solid i only would swap the "true strike" cluster to "force of nature" more dmg again and with diamand flask crit isn't that important

tree for pathfinder
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF )
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker

Последняя редакция: KillerKrug#1803. Время: 19 окт. 2016 г., 9:19:06
KillerKrug написал:
Haste + Anger + Enlighten + Purity of Elements(4L)

Wrath + Herald of Thunder + Discipline + Enlighten (4L) ( get the +1 gems for boots they are so easy to get and provide so much more then uber lab enchant ) with lvl 21 warth you get +1% MORE DMG, more es and flat dmg <3

Blood Rage + Blink Arrow + Frenzy + Pcoc 4L)

Tornado Shot + WED + Item Rarity + Faster Attacks + Item Quantity Support (?) (6L)
you got a free gem slot so take Cold Dmg or Light Dmg :D

CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Enfeeble and Vaal Haste ( still a gem left maybe golem )

that would be my guess for gems, way more dmg overall with full buffs

atm i dont think scion is worth it, go pathfinder or deadeye ( even witch as ele would be viable, immun to reflect double golem and more dmg thx to prolif ( or what ever its called ) you would loose Enfeeble too :/ )

/E: tree is solid i only would swap the "true strike" cluster to "force of nature" more dmg again and with diamand flask crit isn't that important

tree for pathfinder

Nice, thx bro)

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