[2.6] Flash Freeze Ice Shot Ranger

This is my correct account. Im using quite a few cold dmg / freeze bonus gear. This is my first toon this league so my gear isn't that good but I'm doing good so far. One thing I see nowhere in this thread is hypotermia... Since everything is chilled all the time, isn't better than most gems? (like fast attack).
Последняя редакция: tahity#6900. Время: 2 апр. 2017 г., 5:30:58
Anyone get significantly far with this build...guardians or shaper or anything late game?
Lycai написал:
Haven't posted here in a bit, but I cleared Volcano on my Ice Shot Deadeye. 6L Slivertongue + Rigwald's and a 6L Queen of the Forest for Barrage support. Absolutely insane clear speed with current setup, and I was wondering how to push it even further for single target. Profile should be public if anyone is willing to help.

Once you get max level and quality on gems the only thing you can really do beyond that is get a stronger bow or change the passive tree to focus on single target more.

yeyoyu написал:
I'm trying that myself (slivertongue + rigwald)... I was wondering, do we actually fork if we have the +1 chain from ascendency? On Ice shot description it say that it chain one time but nothing about rigwald's fork.

The Slivertongue forces the Chain and Fork to work in the correct order.
tahity написал:
This is my correct account. Im using quite a few cold dmg / freeze bonus gear. This is my first toon this league so my gear isn't that good but I'm doing good so far. One thing I see nowhere in this thread is hypotermia... Since everything is chilled all the time, isn't better than most gems? (like fast attack).

Everything is chilled after a significant hit or while they are frozen/coming out of frozen. My experience they are either dead first shot or second shot. It might help kill them faster in between the chains but all that happens in a fraction of a second so it wouldn't help clear speed any.
Bruxieus написал:
Anyone get significantly far with this build...guardians or shaper or anything late game?

I have used the build to clear guardian maps but it would take skills above and beyond my own to take on the four bosses or shaper without struggling.
Guardians is good enough for me just the life pool is killing me. I'm only 82 now so I know i'll get more but only at 3.5k life right now. Ugh and don't have a 6l slivertounge not sure if that is a requirement to get to the endgame stuff.
im lvl 89 with the build, right now im a raider with death opus, my question is, which is the best unique bow that i should use (more dps overall)?

Akutsai написал:
im lvl 89 with the build, right now im a raider with death opus, my question is, which is the best unique bow that i should use (more dps overall)?

Technically a well rolled Double Legacy or Relic Reach of the Council, the only bow better is a rare that is mirror worthy. As far as affordable uniques, for a Raider the Death's Opus is going to be best you can get because you only need an LMP to get 5 arrows where the next best would be Lioneye's Glare which needs GMP and doesn't have the crit multi.
I have myself up to lvl 83 on this build and I have a question about the mechanics. I see this even on maps 8-10 levels below my level: Sometimes when I approach a pack I'll fire a single Ice Shot and everything freezes, shatters, and disappears, other times I sit there Ice Shot after Ice Shot DPSing the mobs slowly down. So, what is happening there (the non shatter)? A lack of crits?
Mr_Tact написал:
I have myself up to lvl 83 on this build and I have a question about the mechanics. I see this even on maps 8-10 levels below my level: Sometimes when I approach a pack I'll fire a single Ice Shot and everything freezes, shatters, and disappears, other times I sit there Ice Shot after Ice Shot DPSing the mobs slowly down. So, what is happening there (the non shatter)? A lack of crits?

Without seeing what happening it does sound like you aren't critting. Based on what I see with your gear you could quickly pick up some cheap crit chance and multi by switching your gloves out for Maligaro's Virtuosity. Also if you can re-color your chest to have one red socket and drop Added Cold damage and put in Weapon Elemental damage, which will give you a nice boost to damage.

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