(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

Reazion написал:
With properly rolled gear and cluster jewels, hitting 4,5k hp should be no issue whatsoever. If you're only getting 3,8k you've got gear with no life rolls somewhere.
You can look at my char, it's far from "well geared" but still reaches 4,7k hp with sub-par rings, helmet and belt.

Fair enough, after sacrificing some ele rolls and shuffling resist gears around to maximise life rolls I've ended up with 4.6k on the dot. I've made my character public too, in case someone can spot somewhere else I've messed up.

This is still short of the 6k figure given in OP though, how are you meant to reach that? Is it legit just ~60 more flat HP from 2 abyss jewel sockets at level 100 + highrolling t1 life where my t3 crafts are? Or is this due to legacy jewels or something?

I'm even thinking about anointing constitution rather than wandslinger, might do a comparison and see how much damage suffers

E: I also haven't maxed quality on some pieces yet, I'll be doing that this afternoon
Последняя редакция: Shamethat#2152. Время: 5 окт. 2020 г., 17:19:35
I imagine being 1 shot is normal because we cant dodge absolutely everything so how do we get more leech in non-standard settings. I often find myself being almost 1 shot but surviving but nor being able to leech fast enough to survive that next big hit. Any suggestions?
EgFlavien написал:
I imagine being 1 shot is normal because we cant dodge absolutely everything so how do we get more leech in non-standard settings. I often find myself being almost 1 shot but surviving but nor being able to leech fast enough to survive that next big hit. Any suggestions?

I can only think of 2 solutions in league, vaal pact (the no regen can be annoying though) or get a life flasked with panicked prefix (instant recovery on low life)
For everyone who is wondering if this build is capable of farming heists, it is 100% one of the best builds for heists IMO. I changed some stuff arround because im mainly farming heists at the moment. doing them in 1-1.5mins max, instead of a 6 link power siphon i use a 6 link kinetic blast wich is plenty of damage for heists. if anyone has questions on how i run the heists you can always ask me questions ingame @HeistFarmerMathac
Aight, I've got two somewhat silly questions.

Once you pass level 90 or so, what would you say is the easiest/safest decent way to level? I've got a bad habit of running into shit I shouldn't and/or get my arse oneshot by certain map bosses/conquerors/end-game bosses.

As far as "min-maxing" (for a lack of a better word) goes after you get the core gear (enchanted helm, 6L QotF, enchanted atziri's, capped resists etc.), how would you go about doing so? better wand first, then rings + amulet, then a crafted helm and lastly boots? Always get to a point where my gear is okay, but im still not quite comfortably doing certain things, like Sirus currently.

If it helps, here's what I'm currently running:
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I've got 3 out of the 4 cluster jewels you want (haven't bought the last Eye to Eye + Repeater cluster jewel due to not having points for it until level 94, i could slot it in if i were to remove one jewel socket, but im not sure if losing up to 50 flat lightning is worth it.)
Reazion написал:
Aight, I've got two somewhat silly questions.

Once you pass level 90 or so, what would you say is the easiest/safest decent way to level? I've got a bad habit of running into shit I shouldn't and/or get my arse oneshot by certain map bosses/conquerors/end-game bosses.

As far as "min-maxing" (for a lack of a better word) goes after you get the core gear (enchanted helm, 6L QotF, enchanted atziri's, capped resists etc.), how would you go about doing so? better wand first, then rings + amulet, then a crafted helm and lastly boots? Always get to a point where my gear is okay, but im still not quite comfortably doing certain things, like Sirus currently.

If it helps, here's what I'm currently running:
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I've got 3 out of the 4 cluster jewels you want (haven't bought the last Eye to Eye + Repeater cluster jewel due to not having points for it until level 94, i could slot it in if i were to remove one jewel socket, but im not sure if losing up to 50 flat lightning is worth it.)

When I lvled this build, I just go straight delving after lvl 90 all the way til 95, shouldn't take too long. After 95, the easiest way is chayula runs.

As for dealing with sirus, this build will not be able to tank his die beam in last phase anyway, even if you're min-maxed. So either you are really good with dodging skills, or you just get more and more dps so you can burst him down quickly before he can get those big skills down, you need like at least 15M dps to do that.

Does anyone have a link or better explanation on how to level with bows until you are ready to switch to wands and your normal gem links?

I'm trying to follow the leveling guide but it's confusing never playing a ranger before, and the tree links in the bow leveling youtube video aren't working.
MikeyTwoGuns написал:
Does anyone have a link or better explanation on how to level with bows until you are ready to switch to wands and your normal gem links?

I'm trying to follow the leveling guide but it's confusing never playing a ranger before, and the tree links in the bow leveling youtube video aren't working.

I tend to run this build right after league starts, so i usually leaguestart as TR then respec into wander after lvl 80. Bit expensive regret-wise but not too bad.
Which is being used currently, assassin's mark or poachers mark? I see poacher's mark in the gear on the first page of the build guide but assassin's mark on the PoB.
MikeyTwoGuns написал:
Which is being used currently, assassin's mark or poachers mark? I see poacher's mark in the gear on the first page of the build guide but assassin's mark on the PoB.

New poachers mark is probably more useful if you're having issues sustaining, but keep in mind the new hextouch support doesn't work with neither poacher's mark nor assassin's mark, you'd have to fit it into a cwdt setup (potentially wave of conviction - poacher's mark - cwdt), but i'm not entirely sure how helpful it'd be.

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