[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable
Hey there. First of all, great build. I'm starting to enjoy this more and more as a starter build.
I just started making a bit of money and bought some really cheap gear. If you could check out my current gear, lmk what I can improve on. Also, I was wondering if you put "Detonate Mines" on your default "D" key? I find my "D" key to be less responsive than if I were to put it on my Q, W, E, R keys. My D key is working perfectly fine as well, so I'm just curious if you've encountered this situation. Thanks. |
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I'm doing my first hero in this game, never played the game before this and never played a game like this before. I'm currently around level 43. I don't have any of your suggested items. Would it be better for me to save up to get a Silk robe that already has 6 sockets or just buy a 4 socket and try to make a 6 socket for the build? The 4 links are in my price range and could buy one now, but the ones that already have 6 sockets would most likely take me like a week to buy as they are going for like 40c on poe.trade.
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Played Crit FNM in Legacy Leagues, so wanna give some thoughts.
First of all, different main setup + curses. Main Damage 6L: Fire Nova Mine - Increased Critical Strikes - Trap and Mine Damage - Minefield - Faster Casting - Empower. Curse: Blasphemy - Elemental Weakness - Enfeeble. So, we change Fire Pen + Elemental Focus for Empower + Faster Casting and it works nice even withour Flammability. For very fast bosses or mobs you still can use Temporal Chains + Elemental Weakness. I'm not playing FNM in Harbinger, but my Saboteur got 21lvl gems in damage setup - who interested can check it. Well, Faster Casting makes a big difference in this setup - you can try it and may be you'll like it. In CWDT - IC setup I found best solution to add Detonate Mines 20% - it works cool too (if crit done - boss kill in few secs). Abaxoth for map boss!!!
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" Not my topic, but I am playing this build in SSF HC after reading this awesome guide, currently level 69, and I am detonating them with the right mouse button. Sometimes it is not responsive at all, but works for me better than in other places. Give it a try. IGN: Gonorreitor
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" Yes it's an oversight, dont skill power charges if you dont spec into crit. Thank you for telling me. " Ele weakness is better than flammability if you want one offensive curse. It gives more minus resist to the mobs. Flammability is only better for builds that rely on ignite, which we dont do. For boots get these https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mutewind_Whispersteps they cost 1 alch and are perfect for us. Your weapon is ok although I think ele damage to spells is the best stat, and you are missing out on it. Check your headstones workbench (catarina's wb) and see what else you can craft on your weapon. Your ring is ok. Get a Diamond flask !! Yeah and then the obvious stuff that you already mentioned +2 helmet enchantment and 6l are huge boosts for you. " Blast cascade is probably good to get early, other than that I can just tell you that crit sucks anyways as long as you don't have most of the crit nodes. That's the reason I don't switch to crit before lvl 85-90. " The build feels a bit glass cannon like until you have your 2 defensive curses Enfeeble and Temporal chains connected to blasphemy. They help you quite a lot. I can just tell you to use your decoy totem on cooldown, it is your best friend and gives you the time you need to lay down your mines. Buy yourself a better weapon with some ele dmg to spells / spell damage or increased fire damage / attack speed ( buy a cheap one for max 3 chaos) that you use until you go crit with around lvl 85. Try to link your vaal clarity to increased duration. Both your rings are really bad , buy some that have around 50 life and 50 total res. Here I give you a direct link to the search. Those rings are super cheap but help you a lot. http://poe.trade/search/asikebakaterut Shield and belt could also have more life. You want at least around 120 life on a belt, and 70 life on a shield. " Your skill tree is totally different from mine, I guess you switched builds, if not you went full chaos damage which is useless for us. For your equip , you are not using any gloves, get some with life, you also need boots with more life. I see you are not using decoy totem which is our lord and savior especially during the leveling phase. " Weapon: No ele damage to spells hmm but a lot of crit. So you weapon is okish also it really hurts to have no ele dmg to spells. It also has no attack speed so you must be traveling around like a slug, lol. Ring: Get a better one with more life and resists. The rest of your gear is kinda solid. I can imagine your survivability is on the lower spectrum of the scale. If you feel too squishy get items with more life on the rare item slots. For detonating mines, I have always used "d" but that's totally up to personal preference. " I personally would buy a covenant and try to 6 socket it myself. Now what you have to know is that it can take up to 400 jewellers or even more if you are super unlucky. Don't buy a spidersilk robe and try to chance it to become a covenant, that will take you way more tries probably and is not worth it. IF YOU BUY A COVENANT MAKE SURE THE ITEMLEVEL IS 58 OR HIGHER or you can't 6 socket it. Poe.trade usually shows you a warning if it can only be 5 socketed. You can search for itemlevel in poe.trade. " Hey thanks for your input, although I would disagree with some points. Tried to replace empower (level 4) with either ele focus or fire pen and the dmg with empower is in both cases lower than using ele focus or fire pen. The only case I can see an empower lvl 4 being better is in a staff that has +1 to socketed gems and + 2 to fire gems. Now I understand that you can ignite once you take out ele focus, but when I tried out the ignites they were barely noticable since it's many small hits and ignites cant stack. About faster casting, I know fnm profits from fc , but you lose so much damage by removing Ele Focus or Fire Pen. Both ele focus and fire pen are "more damage" multipliers. Fire nova Mine itself has an awesome mechanic that it deals 29% more damage with each wave. So all those multipliers from the gem and FNM itself get multiplied with each other and give a gigantic damage output. If you take out one of those multipliers you lose tons of damage.Taking out Fire Pen which gives enemies 37% less resistance is like remove 37% damage, taking out ele focus which gives you 49% more ele damage is like losing half of your damage. Faster casting just can't make up for those huge losses. Your curse setup is fine if you don't feel too squishy without temp chains. Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498 Последняя редакция: KikosLive#5411. Время: 12 авг. 2017 г., 15:18:02
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Btw, which pantheons are you using and upgrading?
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Figured i'd give this a go. It's been quite effective so far. Navali gave me a prophecy to get a 20 quality gem. I was doing oak to get the 2 skill points and he just casually dropped me a 20 quality fire nova mine gem.
WELP guess i know how this run is going to go. Also i would highly recommend to anyone looking at this or for that matter any other build that uses a vendor recipe for the early game like this one does with the wand. Preform that recipe with quartz wands (or scepters/equivalent weapon of this tier) as it will usually provide the biggest bang for your buck in terms of the bonus spell damage (or elemental damage/equivalent weapon's passive stat) By the time you hit weapons that have a better passive you will hit the sage wands (i think) which are around level 30ish, when this build switches off wands |
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I really like to play with FNM builds and this one is awesome. I just buy enchanment of helmet. What is your next advice for my build? I didn't set up gem set up after purchased but i want to learn what should i do now? Thanks for build and help :) |
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A friend and i decided to go into Hardcore mode and the new acts completely blind this season, neither of us saw any of the new content, bosses, etc in beta and wanted to see if we could finish act 10. We just did it man, and the build i went with was your Fire nova mine. Thanks for the amazing build and thanks for the great guides.
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I just also did today, as a HC SSF harbinger, without playing the beta or looking for videos. And I only have a 4L and not covenant, and this crappy weapon: And the crap gear: So Build works, I give my thanks again. Starting maps now! PS: btw, can daggers or wands work for this build too? Im starting to think about changing. IGN: Gonorreitor Последняя редакция: Valmar#3550. Время: 13 авг. 2017 г., 19:01:52
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