[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable
" Yo for your defenses if posible get a higher life belt a stone golem arctic armour (then golem on bloodmagic) also buy a detonate mine support gem and link it to your cwdt or a spell totem so when you do get hit the mines you placed go boom and kill anything around you also more life on the tree xD gl m8 |
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lv 88 Sab, Character name: TomCrwn
I am new, so please bare with me :D Advice is appreciated. My passive tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.0.1/AAAABAYDAAN1BAcEswceCNQI9A5IDo4PxBEvEZYRwhZvGmwdFB8CIvQjXySqKgsrCjIYNj02xTbpNxc7fDwFPV9BlkIsRXxMs1JTUzFVS1XGXfJfBGHiYk9irGjyakNsCGwLbIxtGXBRcFJzbXZvfrB_xoPbidOKBow2jmSP-pMnlS6XlZeXl_SaO5uanWOdqp2undmf36BDoHmhL6IAoqOnCK6zswO0OLTFtvq3dbjKuQa5k76KwGbBxcHzwwnJBtAf0PXVptgk2FTb5-Nq5CLlGetj6_XtPO4V73zv6_Af8NXw-fGK8h32n_em-tL79Q==?accountName=TomCr0wn&characterName=TomCrwn Gear: I do have a +1 curse ammy, but just sold it for a huge profit, will replace soon. I am currently solo clearing T16 maps with not much issue. I have a few questions that seem impossible to find answers for: + Does anyone think Acrobatics would be a good investment? + Would we gain life/mana from Assassin mark curse? I know on hit does not, but this says 'when they die' + Why do i see people picking up +flat cold dmg? Doesnt it scale worse than +fire? + Why is no one taking snowforged? Seems really really strong. + Any tips on my gear? + Are there any sources of +flat spell damage im missing? + Why is no one going Tremor Rod? + Why is MoM ignored? + What are your thoughts on going down and getting destructive apparatus? + Why are people taking power charges? Just seems that the 2+ points are better spent in crit multi / Life + Why is no one putting enhance with their blas/enfeeble/chains set up? + Why are people running AA? Im never standing still, seems like a waste of reservation. + I realize i dont have fire pen support, is it necessary? I dont seem to have any issues with resistance. ( i do plan on it when i get 6L) Hoping to have an end-game discussion about FNM builds! Последняя редакция: TomCr0wn#7219. Время: 14 сент. 2017 г., 15:58:50
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" Hi m8 I'm happy you love the build as much as I do so I can try to give you my view on some of the questions keep in mind it won't be all since I'm currently responding from my mobile and stuff like skill tree is crap on it... For reference I have killed uber lab shaper (deathless) and uber atziri (died on trio) also all guardians minotaur being the most annoying one for me. Alright let's begin!! Acrobatics/face acrobatics in my opinion it is worth it in Hardcore I don't use it mainly because of 2 reasons nr1 I like my 1.4ish es buffer nr2 it requires to Manny nodes that I simply can not afford (lvl 95 now I think) and I'm happy with my defences as they are so don't feel a need to sacrefises so Manny points to travel there. Assassin's mark as you said yourself we don't hit and we do not kill I don't recal it's tool tip and will double Chek once in home this evening but as long as it says on hit or on kill it won't work also I am to big of a fan for the enfeeble+ele weakness combo monster deal less dmg less crit lower accuracy and rake basicly 40+%more dmg. Soo the flat cold I asume you are referring to the st boots you are right flat fire (remember flat anything NEEDS to say to spells or it won't work) does scale better cause we have increased fire dmg here and there if we wouldn't it would be equal cause fire nova mine does more spell dmg general on each repeat. Now tell me do you see any other source of elemental!! Dmg to spells with some crit that isn't cold on the boots slot? I couldn't find anthing similar in fire version and the immunity to child ground is nice haha try it out ofcourse also with the boots enchantment you got. Snowforged will get back to you once I'm home I asume for now that it's just isn't strong enough if you plan to go crit cause crit does require some more tree and gear investment. Your gear you already said you are getting another +1 amulet that's good also your gear is fine thibk of gwtting a 6 link and see if you can afford to get it to +1 lvl gems for a bis body piece haha. your crit chance even with all charges isn't to big is it? Fnm base crit isn't so great sadly so it requires a bit of investment to get it up look into crit rings with crafted crit essence or Opal rings with crit essence both are strong choices same goes for the amulet getting those 3 slots should up your crit chance by 4-8% also this unique boots or a unique helmet can give you another 5-10% all in all it adds up Chek my gear on my profile even though it's far from perfect it I'd a reference for what I was aiming for also I opted into a defensive shield so if I wanted u could up my crit by another 5-8% So sources of flat spell dmg main source you miss are the mutewind or whatever they are called unique boots that give crit to spells and flat cold yo spells an you could replace your rings with Opal rings that give a %increased elemental damage implicit (so jucy) I like my shield slot and enjoy the blood magic on the body so I didn't bother with tremor rod op got some reasoning behind why it's not better. But!! If I would do any other mine build or decide to choose another asendencys I would definitly go for the tremorrod cause of all its QoL stuff. MoM personly I have played enough MoM builds for now so didn't want to do it but another reason being if you plan to use 1-2 blesphamys then you do require at least some manna investment otherwise it is to low of a buffer pull to mitigate much not to mention you need manna regen and that is investment once again. I was going in with a mentality I want to do crit but tanky miner and I dud a give that with the proper gear I got (it can alwayse be better) and skill tree (currently 3 life nodes got took out in favor of crit multip) i achieve 6k life around 180 life regen around 1.4 energy shield 2 curses and arctic and a stone golem and u am satisfied with it finding Opal or crit rings wit essesed crit +decent life+manna+manna regen +atributs or res... is to much for my walet so I decided not to go for MoM (but I did craft a 6 link on a +1 to gems body hahahaha) Again same reason as the other time to high skill point cost for my taste I like all dmg and life nodes I have I don't want to get rid of them myself. But maybe you can pick it up if you change the build around picking up Acrobatics while you at it? Play with it test it out :) Power charges are nice Chek out my tree on my profile you see its lvl 95 5 power charges and still 3 life nodes that I can pick up 2x 5% 1x4% so that would be 98 and I have a idea for the last to points in short all other life requires travel points 1 poer charge gives you spell dmg and around 2%crit on 5 charges it is additional 10% crit it's hard to compensate that amount of crit with other sources also as I said earlier FNM got rather a low base crit so getting to 90-95% crit requires investment in both gear and tree and power charges are part of that investment Enhance question my reason is simply I do not have free gem sockets I got a 4 link cwdt 3 link shield charge 4 link trap/golem setup and a Vaalgems setup I could potently fit it in by changing my Vaal setup but don't find it good enough enhanced mostly gave quality if I remember right quality will basicly increase range and I don't need that u might consider it if it would increase CURSE EFFECTIVNES since that's strong very strong haha. AA i am a fan you say we don't stand still but how Manny times where you hit when you where placing your mines? Or a stunned even for a split second in all those situations it's when AA shines and when I want it going I can survive a minotaur smash if I stand still but if I try to avoid it I will die xD Fire pen is worth it think of it as a 40% more multiplier and 10% or so increased fire dmg with quality. I do like it and think it is worth it definitely for guardians here is what you can try for now drop temp chains and put in ele weakness see how it feels that's how it will feel with fire pen. I no longer use it cause after some consideration and debate I think that lvl 4!!! Emppwer on a +1 body is better then fire pen but I still use ele weakness That's about it try the changes out even replace trap and mine dmg for few maps with fire pan and see how it feels gl and I will hear what you think. |
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Thanks for the reply!
My effective crit is 90+~% w/ lucky/3power c/etc, with a 500 multi.. Tool tip is 17k~, at work cant look at it right now. At the moment, multi is my highest scaling stat. Crit chance i believe is slightly under ele dmg at the moment. Id like a 6L covenant, but the 450~ chaos price tag is a bit much (almost have enough saved up). It really is the only important upgrade left. I have considered going back to mutewinds, but struggle to find any with the +120% crit enchant =[ Enhance on temp chains & enfeeble does increase effectiveness :D More slow & less dmg taken Honestly, i rarly find myself die when i run into place mines. My deaths come from ranged casters who blast me and i am unable to engage them. I am speccing the next few points into life, and another jewel slot. Jewel slots are amazing for this build (id guess just in general really.) Im considering changing my CWDT set up to be baal lightening knockback.. I feel this would really energize with the playstyle, while adding some DPS (lots of spell modifiers.) Also a thought, id like to incorporate freeze mine for the same reason, maybe move detonate mines to CWDT as well. Would be nice to have a setup that drops freeze mine when i am hit/stunned & activates... This would absolutely take the build to the next level. Последняя редакция: TomCr0wn#7219. Время: 15 сент. 2017 г., 9:03:37
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Can't or simply don't know how to open my stats on the website so that will have to wait but hey you can alwayse try to 6 link yourself xD also perony I use CWDT with detonate mines vortex and imortal call with all the aoe we get the vortex is rather big and it's a nice slow since I no longer use temp chains also about enchant it sounds nice but I don't want Theo lose arctic and because it has a 115% manna multiplyer I'm not sure if I will have enough left for it. Ye ranged mobs are annoying definitly when they are outside of the curse range.
Do you know how much effective we actually gain with enhance let's say lvl 3 or 4. Still a bit septic about it if I would pick it up I will propably drop the trap setup since I do t use it all that often besides the beginning of a Bos fight. |
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lv 3 enhance = 16% quality on enfeeble & temp
so.. 8% slow / 8% reduced crit strike / 8% reduced accuracy. Pretty good IMO. Im not using mana, so im attempting to max out my reservation. |
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" Does look nice but I am at 95%reservation with my current setup and with cause of it manna multiplier I would have to drop AA so am not sure about it yet |
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Hey my friends,
I have to admit I more or less forgot about enhance and I honestly think it's a crazy good idea to use it on TC/Enfeeble. Honestly, I'd say fuck the 4l cwdt setup, get rid of vortex or inc duration, put it in a 3l and add enhance to the curse setup! About the idea of connecting detonate mines with cwdt. I think it's not a good idea with FNM since you might overwrite mines when you don't have full control over the detonating process. The last waves deal way more damage than the first waves and you always want to let each mine finish all its waves. Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
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" You can keep the CWDT set up, just throw enhance into the curse set up. Dropping AA gives you enough mana to reserve. I actually had a +2 repeat Veil i was using. REALLY liked it, however, in the condition ES is in.. I ended up junking it for a life/res/armor helm. (viel allowed me to use AA and enhance.. but wasnt worth it IMO.) I dont think AA is useful at all. |
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" Also not a huge fan of AA, AA wasn't used in my old setup but my Curse setup used to be in a 3 link, so with your suggestion , I would put the cwdt setup in a 3 link now and use a 4l curse setup with enfeeble-temp chains- enhance - blasphemy. Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
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