[3.8] Arly's Ice shot bower

still strong in 3.0 i hope?
Mirandics написал:
still strong in 3.0 i hope?

Mostly the same besides the minor nerf to crit crit multi and flasks which affected all crit builds.

I am selling the majority of the gear used for the final version of the build minus the generic uniques:
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IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 31 июля 2017 г., 19:29:28
oh, also another question for me is another bandit system. Which one i need to pick in your opinion?
Mirandics написал:
oh, also another question for me is another bandit system. Which one i need to pick in your opinion?

Two passives.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Is Death Opus still the best unique bow or any other gonna be ahead after crit multi nerf to 100%?
Hejtero написал:
Is Death Opus still the best unique bow or any other gonna be ahead after crit multi nerf to 100%?

Opus is still the best in terms of price/performance.

3.0 PoB here:

The major change was using belly of the beast over coil because 40% legacy versions will not be possible in harbinger league and the prevalence of elemental damage late game.

IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 2 авг. 2017 г., 15:42:23
so its still gonna be a decent starter with big potential to upgrade into edngame stuff?
Hejtero написал:
so its still gonna be a decent starter with big potential to upgrade into edngame stuff?

Yes. If you look at the gear I used to do T16 maps in 2 minutes, it is fairly inexpensive besides the 6 links.

I would say, if you want to grind shapers, choose a more expensive bow build using a harbinger bow and signal fire.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Was running blasting_cap CI Signal Fire in Legacy with Legacy Reach and it was great but after the CI nerf it gonna be almoust dead, i had like 8.5k ES then so i don't imagine trying it now and without instant leech. Thats the reason why im looking for a Life version. So would u recommend starting with ur build and maybe later transition to Sarang's full ele singal fire PF? I saw he had a Raider starter also but im not sure which one gonna be the most effective as league starter.
Hejtero написал:
Was running blasting_cap CI Signal Fire in Legacy with Legacy Reach and it was great but after the CI nerf it gonna be almoust dead, i had like 8.5k ES then so i don't imagine trying it now and without instant leech. Thats the reason why im looking for a Life version. So would u recommend starting with ur build and maybe later transition to Sarang's full ele singal fire PF? I saw he had a Raider starter also but im not sure which one gonna be the most effective as league starter.

I see no reason why you would not follow his guide from start to finish in that case.

Level 78
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Level 83 - completed uber lab
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Level 89
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Level 89 - gear uprades 6 link and belly
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level 90
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IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 10 авг. 2017 г., 22:40:40

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