[3.8] Arly's Ice shot bower

doing the build.. but leveling seems to be hard for now ;
Berkleys написал:
doing the build.. but leveling seems to be hard for now ;

Leveling it now myself and it's been fine with the usual leveling uniques.
Berkleys написал:
doing the build.. but leveling seems to be hard for now ;

Boots:Wanderlust -> Wake of Destruction
Quiver:Hyrri's Bite or whatever
Rings:Blackheart-> Thief's Torment
Amulet: Karui Ward-> Karui Charge
Weapon:Storm Cloud-> The Temepest

Should be really easy leveling with minimal deaths
Leveling bow chars is pretty fun with some twink gear but generally wont be as auto pilot as leveling with a spell.

You can use these at level 1 until you get to prismweave.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 31 дек. 2017 г., 18:32:19
Hey OP its me again got 90 ex from selling watchers eye lol decided to craft a bow i wonder how good rare bow need to be to be better than chin sol? like i got this thing at the moment still crafting in process

I get more dps in tooltip when i use this bow by 6k on barrage but i know shin sol ahve 100% more dmg at close range so is it calculated on tooltip dps already? i have 21k barrage tooltip unbuffed with chinsol does that mean i actually have 42k in close range?
NukeFonKillazz написал:
Hey OP its me again got 90 ex from selling watchers eye lol decided to craft a bow i wonder how good rare bow need to be to be better than chin sol? like i got this thing at the moment still crafting in process

I get more dps in tooltip when i use this bow by 6k on barrage but i know shin sol ahve 100% more dmg at close range so is it calculated on tooltip dps already? i have 21k barrage tooltip unbuffed with chinsol does that mean i actually have 42k in close range?

Not even mirrored ele bow could beat chin sol..

You need to use pob and ignore in game tooltip.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 31 дек. 2017 г., 22:55:16
Ah aight well il just keep crafting random things then since its the best thing to do in this league
Not yet optimized , and i know in this patch vp cant facetank everything so i had to dodge around . ill progress later taking the life nodes , i just notice about the two nodes u said no gain, sorry, this is my equipment right now
Скрытый текст
feels good overall, but a little squishy and my barrage feels like its not hitted sometimes,maybe my latency issue,i had 94% with golem , so far the clear speed is superb and just be more careful over the rare mob with high phys damage and proj damage
Would be a assassin's mark curse on hit ring be viable for this build?
Scarraner написал:
Would be a assassin's mark curse on hit ring be viable for this build?
There is really no value in such a ring unless it has good stats outside of curse on hit which will likely be very rare or very expensive.

Curses have little effect on bosses and you will already have max power charges via curse on hit + assasin mark + HoI.

naimhairix51 написал:
Not yet optimized , and i know in this patch vp cant facetank everything so i had to dodge around . ill progress later taking the life nodes , i just notice about the two nodes u said no gain, sorry, this is my equipment right now
Скрытый текст
feels good overall, but a little squishy and my barrage feels like its not hitted sometimes,maybe my latency issue,i had 94% with golem , so far the clear speed is superb and just be more careful over the rare mob with high phys damage and proj damage

You should spend some alts getting an alchemist QS of adrenaline, you are missing out on so much movespeed and clear speed potential as well as a warding flask to negate curses. 94% is probably more than you really need.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Последняя редакция: Nephalim#2731. Время: 1 янв. 2018 г., 11:41:18

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