[2.5] The Infernal Queen - Burning Arrow Ascendant
" Split arrow is meh imo. No double dipping on ignites, no ele weakness and flammability. It's not bad but it's not how I'd approach it. |
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I was thinking about re-doing my ignite archer. I am thinking however to add EE into the setup
poeurl.com/VVC Different pathing, did not spent as much point in Ranger area, but traveling to the Duelist tree for some nice passives. What you think? I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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" Personally I don't like EE with this build as it requires a separate skill to apply the lightning/cold damage, that's up to you though. My take: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAABeAMEB0QN1BLMILgthDR8TcRZvGGoYkRmOGjgdFB3CIbAirySqJy8qjS6UMn4yiTT3NZI22DboNuk4UzpSOlg62DrhPCg8LUGHRtdJG0rITeNVxlZIV-JYB1h3WK9Z81pSXwRj_WZUZp5o8m6qbztxhXIPdud35XgNeC965ntue8N85X11gpuDX4PMhFOGYIcHj0aQVZErlG-XIZeFm12boZy-na6hIqIAokCmV6avpwin1KiaqW6smK9sr-uxQrXytz6747yfwBrBfMSixq7Tftgk2L3e3OFz42rsVe0g7YPv_fAf8WzyRfKX8xH0-PfX-tL-Cv6P_rr-yA== |
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well, yes. But the only concern in build is the single target dmg. Normally in EE maps with my RoA Chief , i oneshot blue packs with Inc. AoE gem on 5L, so for general clearing it's no problem.
For bosses, tanky ones, that's a different story. Having Orb of Storm + CoH + Flama + Ele Weakness & EE proc .. counting general curse effectivness , roughly 100% fire res reduction (curse effectivness bring it to 120ish on boss). Scorch Ray totem might be another 20% but since it's totem, i don't take it as reliable debuff (totems die) That might be solution for killing some bosses that are pain in the ass for me, like Quay 4 respaws -> can't one shot with Vaal Burning Arrow. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Which skilltree would you call better, the one youre using or the one displayed in the guide?
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" Still figuring out the right balance. The mana leech from ranger is really nice for sustain but I'm trying out mana regen while also getting pen from Lava Lash and the Iron Grip notable. I'll update when I find a combination I like. |
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I am preparing second run for glory :)
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Progressing T11 at lvl 87 , testing Burning Arrow from time to time, but that skill seems to be lacking something. Perhaps with pierce it would be better.
Still best bang for a buck with RoA despite my overall low chance to ignite. Herald of Ash works like a charm tho. Iron Grip does not seem to scale that well, using it right now tho. EE was a bust with Orb of Storm with Ele Overload proc and Conc Effect, tooltip 100k dps reached. Gear still needs some optimization Vaal Lightning Trap helps a lot on bosses. I hate Urza in Underground River. Always rolling Double boss in that map :D sketchy I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Hey all, /u/FujiwaraNoMok0u linked me this on reddit since I'm playing a build with the same idea - scion burning arrow but the differences between our builds are really big. I'll crosspost my criticism and what I've been doing as well, but I wanted to preface this by saying that it's really cool how two people can take the same build in such a different path and still get something efficient.
The pathing on the tree is interesting, especially opting to go down for Iron Grip instead of getting more jewels. Using a jewel slot for green dream/nightmare instead of using bloodrage and vinktar's leech is also interesting, especially considering all the other bonuses you'd gain from bloodrage itself and the rare jewel: 7% life and 38% dmg is a lot for ~3 points, especially when the fire and projectile damage double dips. Only having 4 jewels is bad, no better way of putting that unfortunately. Not recommending vinktar's itself is odd as well. They also didn't take the templar's aoe nodes which scale your prolif (and HoA, since they're using it), but I guess if you're focusing on bosses that's not a big deal. Shuffling towards gear, Essence of Hysteria on opal rings for 10% phys dmg gained as extra fire dmg isn't mentioned at all. Yes it's really hard to craft a ring with that which also gets wed/flat fire/%fire/life+res, but that's 20% more dmg if they're crafted on both rings from the essence alone. Esp considering that phys conversion is calc'd after the extras it's kinda weird that they overlooked that -- maybe they just didn't know; I had to do some testing myself to make sure it was a dps increase considering Xoph's + BA has 100% conversion. Same goes with +2 auras to helm essence since you could slap anger+grace+lv3/4 enlighten and your golem/decoy totem there, so it's plausible that they just skipped Essence League and aren't aware of the super niche crafts. One thing I found really strange was cursing on hit. Ideally you want to 1shot everything unless it's bosses, so cursing with OoS with inc crit for EO procs on bosses is a lot better (and less expensive) than praying for a good corrupt. You won't be able to take advantage of on-hit effects during the hit that applies it so the mob needs to live, plus without the corrupt you can opt for gripped gloves for that double-dipping goodness. Speaking of curses, relying on them for ignite chance is flat out crippling your clearspeed. You're at the mercy of RNG outside of your blasphemy range and it reduces your clearspeed from 3-4 screens to 1-1.5, and at that point forget about offscreening really scary bosses. While I agree with some of the enchants (gripped gloves) the rest kind of lose me. They didn't mention the 30% increased chance to ignite with burning arrow which is essential for hitting 100% without flammability. I suppose they considered flammability essential for the build so it was overlooked. Boots can roll flat fire if you've killed recently or 10% ele pen if you haven't (for bosses with few adds). Also makes sense that they didn't mention flat fire because it wasn't pointed out as a crafting option - it's pretty strong with all the scaling going on. Fortunately I do agree with their 6L, but that's about it in terms of gems. OoS + CoH + ele weakness/flammability/enfeeble + Inc crit - Your boss cursing setup as everything else should die in 1 shot anyways. Inc crit helps maintain EO uptime, and also means that if you're on a really nasty boss you can spec into EE for it since OoS is a spell, not an attack (and thus won't have flat fire added from gear, just swap to boots with the ele pen enchant instead of flat fire). Anger + Grace + Enlighten + Decoy Totem - Ideally in a +2 helm while taking a single point into Acuity's cluster for MP sustain. Chieftain's ascendancy will give you more damage and benefits with a totem than a flame golem, and they'd both be alive for around the same time anyways. Anger is very strong for this build, and with the mp freed up from expensive blasphemy you have the option of running really strong auras. Inc duration + Vaal Haste + Blood Rage + Blink Arrow - Fairly straightforward. That point in Acuity means you're able to take advantage of vaal haste and inc dur will affect your blink arrow's minion timer (proj speed and faster attacks affects the actual travel time). If you need a CWDT setup switch inc crit in your OoS to blood rage/blink arrow and swap vaal haste for a CWDT IC. If a lv3/4 enlighten is out of your budget then snagging Sovereignty will let you drop it (and get a CWDT setup by doing the above either without dropping inc crit, or swapping vaal haste and blink arrow/bloodrage over). Generally if a build can fit a portal gem in its main links something can still be optimized yet. Yes there's no way to chill to take advantage of Dyadain Dawn's leech but not only do you not need it (vinktar's), the belt stands on it's own. 20% more dps for your ignites on something that has life and dual res is insane. Equipping it doesn't interfere with things like vinktar's and hysteria ring enchants' extra damage effects because after the extra damage, conversion, and actually dealing damage, you don't deal any physical damage anyways. One thing to note is that you'll need 2% and 3% chance to ignite on two jewels respectively to meet 100% ignite chance. Or use two passive points on the holy fire cluster, but the opportunity cost of that is way too high for me to justify. My current tree is this. Do note that if pierce gets the more multi removed then it's probably better to swap it for chance to ignite, respec into Berserker, take the pierce cluster and move your witch nodes over to Shadow nodes (nullification, frenzy charge, etc). I was running this until I got more skill points and was able to make the switch. I'll probably have to respec a few points and shuffle down to sovereignty as I'm super broke trying to get enough off colours for the above setup while trying to 6L a second Xoph's. Current gear is
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I've got these waiting to be coloured properly before I can use them. So far I've been smashing through T15's (when I get them) as long as they don't have any more than 60% chance to avoid status ailments. Haven't been able to justify actually killing the guardians instead of selling their maps to pump currency into my build however, there's just so much that needs to be altered, so many expensive essences, and so many off-colours on pure evasion gear. |
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This build scales with the currency you pour into it. That's for sure.
The Iron Grip is not worth the travel, unless you have on all your gear flat phys dmg, then it's a nice way to scale further. If you max flat fire dmg rather than flat phys, then it's better to scale through pure ele/fire nods. I like the addition of Forces of Nature and Acro. I don't like adding Vinktar's to the build. I don't think that you attack fast enough to justify facetanking with Vinktar's leech and for shocking, Vaal Lighting Trap is better. You can easily safe up charges while still spamming Vaal haste. No need for trap outside of boss rooms. Since I play even more different version than the OP, i have comment why i like the Duelist area - the Art of the Gladiator, combined with Devoto's Devotion is to maximize movement speed, ergo the clear speed. Might not be as efficient for boss kills, but the movement scaling is quite nice (incl. Harrier at right scion side) I swapped for now to different char (managed to 6L infernal Mantle so testing the META tripple dipping Firestorm Zerk) , but i was able to oneshot T11 Argus with this. Map mods however seems to be kinda terrible for this build - avoidance to status ailments, Ele reflect, BM, cannot leeech, no regen. It's pretty hard to progress through red maps. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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