[3.2 Raider - Cyclone] Aggnog's flaming meatball massacre
" Hey there - I've tried several setups with this build and I would recommend a 6L with solid life and resists if your budget is in the 50-70c range for the armor slot. Missing Vaal cyclone is too painful IMO. Here are the armors that I've tried with this build and settled on a decent rare 6L: 5L Daresso's w/ WC in 6th socket 5L Belly w/ WC in 6th socket Corrupted Kaom's heart 6L w/ 100+ life and decent resists |
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Heya and thanks Aggnog for the build. I've been farming all the 4 Guardians with this setup. Would this build be Shaper-viable with a few adjustments?
I like Hardstyle. Also cats.
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Really fun build. Level 86 right now with the current gear:
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Ty for this build.
Have a question, someone had a question about which enchant is better but no one answered that or i missed. %15 cyclone attack speed or %40 cyclone dmg? And anyone tried retch belt with this build? Its hard to cap resist without belt but just to know, anyone used retch? ![]() Последняя редакция: realjam#3990. Время: 6 янв. 2017 г., 18:25:48
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Is this build HC viable as is or does it need some specific adjustments? The dodge and high life pool sounds great but not sure if reliable enough. How many rips do you have OP?
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" Attack speed is better because it increases both cyclone dmg and amount of balls/sec |
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I'm level 90 and have defense problems, damage is good but I feel I get wrecked too often.
I'm acrobatics, 5.3k life, using belly, basalt, sibnite, fortify (on leap slam). I died today twice to volatile one shot on full life and at least one of those times I had both flasks and fortify on. Using blasph with flammability and herald of ash. Iv'e looked at 3 different guides on this build and confused on weather I should go vaal pact or not, bm or not, acrobatics or not. templar area or maraudar area etc. I thought on swapping the flammability with a defensive curse or one of the cyclone gems to fortify for more consistency. Any suggestions? |
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I am almost done with the league and played this build quite a bit (currently lvl95).
You can see what I used in my profile (build, jewels, links). I have died once in the last few levels so the build is quite good and tanky if you know how to avoid stuff. Headhunter is great fun but it makes resists even worse to cap so I had to switch one of my dps rings to resists to try it out the last few days. For the guy who says it's expensive to cap resists, I don't even understand if he actually played the build. You can cap the resists with 3 rares easily paying max 5c each. If you want dps on all pieces too, that's an other story. Hell I am almost ele weakness capped with a headhunter and a 10c ring I bought for it. (Never forget the 3 endurance charges giving 12% resists from daresso's). Anyways, I am usually using a dps belt 40+wed and 24%phys and a dps ring and the dps is more than enough to facetank all T16s with vaal pact (only avoiding the onseshots of each one of them). I am pretty sure the build can do Uber Atziri and Shaper too - even though it's a map farmer and not a boss killer (may try them the next days, since I was too busy leveling). If anyone wants to ask anything, add me in game in the next days before I quit the league :) Have fun everybody and thanks for the build Aggnog Edit: I would suggest if you look at the build to not go for slaughter and take life nodes instead (it's more safe for leveling and the dps increase is not that huge to be worth the 500-600 hp that you are loosing. I just took those to try them out and because I was chaining maps, to get some more clear speed) Последняя редакция: p4rasite#2964. Время: 8 янв. 2017 г., 3:02:28
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Can you help a noob?When I level blood magic I get life reserved.Why is that?On your videos your life bar is normal not with life reserved.Thanks in advance.
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I respeced out of the Area nodes in Templar and took Catalyse in Templar instead for a bit more WED, since it scales a bit better thanks to build setup. I lose the bonus to area, but the single-target damage definitely went up.
" Because you have Auras or Curses on which reserve Life instead of Mana thanks to Blood Magic. I like Hardstyle. Also cats. Последняя редакция: M4kk3#2308. Время: 8 янв. 2017 г., 8:09:49
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