[3.2 Raider - Cyclone] Aggnog's flaming meatball massacre

Daresso's is more of a mapping chest since it gives you free onslaught but you can get that from other sources - one option for example is Perseverance belt (hard to fit in this build due to resists, might work with a rare 6L astral plate as chest) but personally I prefer flasks. Extra dodge is also nice since we're already heavily invested in this stat (acro + darkray vectors) plus it doesn't suffer from entropy like evasion and it's not affected by accuracy mods which makes it a pretty good layer of defense. Hyrri's Ire would also be a decent defensive option but it's hard to get the colors we want on it.

As for the beam - I try to spin in a half circle behind shaper when he's channeling and make sure my molten burst is hitting him. I do get nicked a lot because the beam has retarded aoe range (thanks for melee buffs, GGG) - I actually died a few times while standing behind him when I played Blade Flurry. With conc effect I practically had to crawl up his ass to do any real dps. If you feel like the dmg is too much try to move ~2-3 range units further away and let VP from delayed molten burst heal you and then resume dps.

As for the calc - sorry, no idea. My hideout dps with conc effect slotteed is ~59k if that helps you.
I'm really torn on whether or not to continue Etup's pathfinder CI version of this or not.

I got to lvl 95 with it, it's amazing.

However I just now noticed why movement speed is so fucking important. Speeds up cyclone tremendously and the frenzy/darkray vectors + Avatar of the Veil + Avatar of the Slaughter + devotos (which I cannot wear since I'm ES based), makes me think whether or not to switch over to this version.

We do get a good amount of movement speed from flask effect effect, however for single target bosses once that quicksilver flask it out, we're toast. Seems like on this build, you never really run into that problem because you keep your frenzy charges because of that sexy as fuck Way of the Poacher.

Seems like this build yea has a lower HP pool compared tot he ES Version. But for boss killing is much better?

Plus for map clearing, jesus fuck I just found out that those dark ray vectors give 5% per frenzy...

And I thought my clearspeed was already fast, jesus it could be even faster.

And the 6.6k HP thing is fine. More than enough for content, just need to dodge the 1 hit slams. Which the ES version can tank the 1 hit slams if we got GODLY as fuck ES on our gear but I'm no where near that amount yet (11k+). Rather be more mobile with phasing / retarded amount of movespeed and actually learn to dodge/interact.

Edit: So with that said, I think I might be switching over, put this jewel to good use

"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Последняя редакция: monkuar#2123. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 10:08:09
I've talked to Bawtzki and M4kk3.

Very nice people. I'm going to switch to Raider!
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym

Okay, so I just spent the 40 regrets. Did the merc lab run. Switched out from PF to Raider.

I already got the nice helm enchant of 15% IAS Cyclone (es based) but figured I'd switch my ascendancy just to see if there was a difference before going FULL LIFE build.

Holy shit, just from my 4 frenzies alone, and the phasing MY CLEARSPEED IMPROVED A TON. It feels SO, so much smoother like holy shit! Also, love the single target now with Way of the Poacher. 20% on hit is op as fuck. Gets my frenzies up a bit and I can feel it. Avatar of the slaughter I can feel tool. Although, not much because I only got 4 frenzies but my goodness gracious. The smoothness factor of clearing maps and dps boost is retarded going Raider.

Figured It might have just been a placebo effect because of spending the 40 regrets maybe my mind is saying it must be better.

So I did an Atziri run. Nope, definitely not a placebo effect. So much fucking better with Raider! I LOVE IT.

Now, I'm going to continue to play with Raider with my ES gear until I can afford a nice 15% Cyclone IAS devoto's and a nice dark ray and potentially make the move over to life.

However, I got 390+ accuracy on both rings, and helm and at 92% chance to hit. Don't even feel like I need to go RT so honestly not sure what to do. I am also using elemental focus and not FP. I might switch that out though later.

Raider is the best hands down. Cannot wait to get more frenzies holy shit

"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Последняя редакция: monkuar#2123. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 11:57:38
monkuar написал:

Now, I'm going to continue to play with Raider with my ES gear until I can afford a nice 15% Cyclone IAS devoto's and a nice dark ray and potentially make the move over to life.

However, I got 390+ accuracy on both rings, and helm and at 92% chance to hit. Don't even feel like I need to go RT so honestly not sure what to do. I am also using elemental focus and not FP. I might switch that out though later.

Raider is the best hands down. Cannot wait to get more frenzies holy shit

Glad to see you're enjoying raider. Darkrays are very cheap if you want to science some. Maybe get them to 4S first (don't forget 20% quality) and then vaal - if you hit +1 frenzy look for a master service. Alternatively, if you're sitting on a lot of fuses just link them before vaaling. Make sure you get the right colors for your gem setup first though. 2r2g is easy to hit if you want to use it as your leap slam setup.

As for RT - at that level of accuracy I'd just get Elemental Overload if you don't have it yet.
Bawtzki написал:
monkuar написал:

Now, I'm going to continue to play with Raider with my ES gear until I can afford a nice 15% Cyclone IAS devoto's and a nice dark ray and potentially make the move over to life.

However, I got 390+ accuracy on both rings, and helm and at 92% chance to hit. Don't even feel like I need to go RT so honestly not sure what to do. I am also using elemental focus and not FP. I might switch that out though later.

Raider is the best hands down. Cannot wait to get more frenzies holy shit

Glad to see you're enjoying raider. Darkrays are very cheap if you want to science some. Maybe get them to 4S first (don't forget 20% quality) and then vaal - if you hit +1 frenzy look for a master service. Alternatively, if you're sitting on a lot of fuses just link them before vaaling. Make sure you get the right colors for your gem setup first though. 2r2g is easy to hit if you want to use it as your leap slam setup.

As for RT - at that level of accuracy I'd just get Elemental Overload if you don't have it yet.

Thanks so much for your help the past few hours really appreciate it.

Yeah, looks like I got EO on this ES Tree for now. Honestly, not even sure if I will go the HP route until later. Need to farm a lot of currency to get the devoto's and stuff. Going to fiddle around with this ES Raider tree for now lol. Ultimately I do want to switch over but kind of hard atm (plus: im having too much fun and this 8k es pool isn't that bad.. lol)

I can definitely feel the frenzies though, cannot imagine what it's like at 11 O_o

If only there were some type of dark ray ES variant type boots hmm
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Последняя редакция: monkuar#2123. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 12:57:46
My personal feelings on the ES build I saw on the Front Page brings too many questions to mind.

Why go out of your way to get point blank, then run all the way around to elemental overload?

You're going to miss out on so many damage nodes. I think it's neat but it's one of those "Just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be" kind of builds.

I did a kind of "huh" motion when I saw the Vinktar flask... flasks are probably our most powerful tool, and wasting one just to get a potion that shocks doesn't seem reasonable in any way.

Also, tooltip if anyone can give me an idea of end result dps.
Added fire - Unbuffed - No flask

Fire Penetration - Unbuffed - No flask

So if I am doing my math right, and I'm pretty confident I'm certainly not doing it right.

Added Fire dps Unbuffed/No flask. 30 pen (assuming target has 75 fire res)

Fire Penetration dps Unbuffed/No flask. 67 pen (assuming target is the same)

Fortify with the same situation

If anyone could correct me or show me what the final dps would be at. That'd be awesome, otherwise I just have to assume the tooltip is correct, in which case fully buffed/flask puts me at around 210k sheet dps.

Edit: Missed the additional pen with weapons. For the sake of saving my brain, let's just assume I don't have the extra 16% pen, same goes for flammability. This is raw dog sheet dps.
Последняя редакция: Atomic_Tin_Can#1333. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 15:52:22
Hey Atomic, the only reason I heard Vinktar's is good is for the shock. The flat lightning damage isn't that much dps for MB (for cyclone ya, but meh), is the shock not worth it in this build?

However, maybe for Atziri's and certain bosses where they are shocked immunse is when not to use it?

Forgive me if I am wrong, just curious as I've heard Taste of Hate will add a good amount of dps and phys dmg litigation. However, still pretty expensive and not sure
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Последняя редакция: monkuar#2123. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 22:45:39
I guess some people think using a vinktar only for the shock application is worth it.

In my eyes it's a complete waste and I would rather waste one gem slot for 3 applications of shock than using one flask slot for 1 application. I stated earlier that flasks are easily the most overpowered aspect of the game, and I'll stand by it.

I got excited at first when I saw the CI version of this build, but then it was obvious it was likely some kid whose parents bought him 100 exalts worth of currency, and he decided to take a powerful build and just throw all 100 exalts on to it, then took the skill tree and shit all over it.

As for Taste of Hate, it's a very powerful flask, and you should definitely try to pick one up asap, it's like a basalt + lions roar.
You'd need Pyre to make ToH useful in this build because we have Avatar of Fire (deal only fire damage and no other types). If you can fit the ring in your build and come out ahead with resists and INT it's certainly worth it. Might as well use Hatred too then.

As for Vinktar, it definitely has its uses. I used it liberally when I still played with dreamfeathers and the shock alone is worth it, especially in places like Chayula's domain or guardians. However, t15 and other map tiers below are somewhat of a faceroll for most decent builds and you don't really need Vinktar for them. Shaper is also immune to shock so I'd say get the flask if you're having huge issues with guardians but again, keep in mind that those fights feature a lot of phase switching and you generally get 1 or 2 uses of Vinktar per fight at most if you don't have any way to enhance your flask charge gain.
Последняя редакция: Bawtzki#4628. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 23:57:58

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