Ranger Build List - patch 3.15

Hi, can you add my build to the list


tnx :)

edit: You already added it wow :D
If you could just update the title if that's not a prob

"Torstein's Ultimate Poison Pathfinder - Venom Gyre -All content&Map Mods- Videos"
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 14:28:42

Made a build, if you would be so kind as to add it to the list I would be grateful :)


[3.8] Aquarism's Ice shot/Barrage [All Content] [21m shaper dps] [Not temp league freindly]
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Последняя редакция: Aquarism#3776. Время: 9 окт. 2019 г., 0:42:00
thx :)
Ice Shot / Scourge Arrow - YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +4/+5 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Upto 50Mill DPS

Updated to 3.9
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D

[3.9] Aquarism's Ice shot [All Content] [League Starter]

Updated for 3.9 :)
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Hi i updated my Ultimate Poison Pathfinder for 3.9
Guide is now covering Venom Gyre, Cobra Lash, Pestilent Strike and Viper Strike.

It can do all content and every possible map mod
Thanks for sharing, will be getting into PoE and this helped me getting started.
Well im going to use the explosive arrow rework and Artillery Ballista. I wanna roll Pathfinder so ill cook up a build as i go :) 2nd time ever but i have alot more experience so hopefully i dont make a zdps build LOL. Good Luck everyone!!!
Holla at me on twitch, youtube, tiktok, X, and Rumble @beats4president

Always trading :)

Thank you GGG for the Great Game
Quoting previous build list creators (not sure who said it orginally):
I try to include only builds that have been played to ~ lvl 80-85

Hi there. That was me <3

Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp
Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo

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