Permanently 100% all damage immune Flaskfinder [Theorycraft]
Hi there! First and foremost, the reason(s) why this has not, and probably will not be playtested by me:
- Stuff happened to my laptop, it's running linux now. And on linux, PoE "runs" at 11 fps at best no matter what I do (sometimes freezing for 10+ seconds), and to me that's outside of the "still playable" zone. That aside: - The build is expensive. (Some dozens of exalts for most iterations, 1-10 ex budget should be possible, but I'm to tired too keep theorycrafting). - It's clearspeed is (probably) low tier in relation to its cost (<- though this can somewhat be improved by throwing (even more) money at the problem). Now, that being the case, why would you ever bother playing this build? Well, there's no reason unless you want to: - Be immune to all damage types 100% of the time, including during extended (boss) fights without / with few adds, without having to rely on an aura bot(!). That is the one and only reason I made this build. I just wanted to see if it was theoretically possible. And it is. The only circumstance under which it is not possible is if the character becomes affected by a source of -max resistance that is not a curse (map mods, "the phoenix"). Let me repeat: The one and only purpose of this build is to be immune to all damage under most circumstances, reliably. The costs and subsequent consequences of doing so have been neglected (almost) entirely. It's more of a "could it be done if somebody (crazy and rich enough) felt like it?" then a "hey, this is pretty good, you might want to play this!". So, if your still interested, the following will show how to achieve "perfect" damage immunity. If you are not interested, stop reading. Chaos damage:
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- Chaos inoculation. Problem solved. Next.
Physical damage:
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- Immortal call. Some skill effect duration. Some endurance charges. A way to generate endurance charges. Done.
- For a pathfinder (as opposed to: Juggernaut, Ascendant Juggernaut, Hierophant) generating endurance charges reliably requires Voll's devotion. Which in turn requires generating and consuming power charges. Which (here) is achieved by using romira's. Which requires a so-so crit chance (30-70%). Elemental damage:
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Now this is where things get "complicated". The goal is 100% maximum resistance for all resistances:
- 75% base - 4(/5)% from Saffel's -> 79(/80)% - 5% from level 23 purity auras -> (84(/85)% - 6% from resistance flasks -> 90(/91)% Those are easy. Keeping the flasks up during an extended fight might require some investment, but it's doable. But we're still lacking 10(/9)% so... - 1% from corrupted amulet -> 91(/92)% - 1% from corrupted body armor -> 92(/93)% Still missing something, so let's add in some aura effect: - >= 80% increased effect of (your) (non-curse) auras (on you): 4% -> 96(/97)% So now we're missing 4(/3)%. Now, what's been shown so far can be achieved with any class. Also, any class could now cap out on maximum resistances by using a divination distillate. There's a problem though: Divination Distillate is a hybrid flask, so it will stop as soon as both mana and life are at their maximum values. And we're CI, so always at full life. So we'd have to make sure that we never reach full mana while using a flask to regenerate mana. Which (pretty much) requires using soul taker. I'm not saying it's impossible to use soul taker with a skilltree that has to get all aura nodes except for those around the duelist area. However that's an option I'll address later. Now, assuming soul taker + divination distillate is not used, we need 4% additional maximum resistances from somewhere: - >= 66.666666(etc.)% increased flask effect: 4% You may have spotted the "flaw" already: it's impossible to get that much increased flask effect. From the skilltree anyways. But as Pathfinder, 50% are easy to achieve. And with the "Alchemist's" prefix on all utility flasks, an additional 25% can be obtained, for a total of 75%. But now, since we're relying on those flasks... the problem is keeping them up. So onto that issue. Achieving 100% uptime on flasks:
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While killing stuff, that's easy. It only becomes troublesome when stuff cannot be killed for an extensive period of time. Usually during bossfights. The solution: Portal out, go back in. Well, that's how others might do it. Thing is, the goal of this whole build is not having to do that. Which is why I went through the trouble of doing some flask math. I'll keep it short: By using "Master Surgeon" and "Nature's Boon" and grabbing ALL the reduced flask charges consumed and increased flask charges gained and increased flask effect duration there is, it's (barely) possible. However a "Overflowing chalice" is required in addition to that. The only condition is to crit (at least) once every 0.2 seconds. In exact 0.2 second intervals. Because of this, I'd recommend using ball lightning or firestorm (These skills have a fixed hitrate off 0.2 / 0.1). As for the belt mod: 20% reduced flask charges used beats all other options. On that note: You'll want a belt with +1 to maximum endurance charges. For Immortal call. Note: A legacy Saffel's will make maintaining flasks a LOT easier, since the "Alchemist's" prefix can be replaced with another one (Experimenter's / Chemist's / Perpetual) or, the flasks can be replaced with their unique counterparts. Dying sun is great. Vessel of vinktar makes things troublesome again. Using a second vessel of vinktar fixes the problem. Depending on mods on flasks, another belt (mod) might be more optimal. As for the detailed flask math, there's a statement concerning that at the very bottom of this post. The (core of the) build:
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Just get all the relevant flask and aura nodes, and CI.
The remaining nodes depend on the rest of your setup. Actually, depending on it, some of the nodes taken here might even be unnecessary. There's no real need for Energy shield nodes: You're not supposed to take any damage. Example build:
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Skilltree: The main skill is ball lightning. As for the links, increased critical strikes is pretty much a requirement despite going elemental overload. The rest? Options include: LMP (unless dying sun is used), Lightning penetration, elemental focus, slower projectiles, faster casting, spell echo, added x damage. The only thing to keep in mind here is the mana cost. "Just" get 7 gggg damage jewels and the damage might even be acceptable. Gear is stated in the next segment. Required/ Recommended items:
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- Saffel's frame. - Apha's howl (+2 to socketed auras) - Victario's influence (0.75% maximum resistance from auras) - Ichimonji (0.5% maximum resistances from auras) - Conqueror's potency (Some more aura and flask effect, might be required to reach +4% max res from auras) - Romira's Banquet (for generating powercharges and consuming them) - Voll's Devotion (for generating endurance charges) Options:
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A legacy saffel's frame / legacy resistance flasks: Can be used to make reaching 100% easier. Not required, but a huge improvement. Soul taker: Can be used to enable reliable use of divination distillate. Doing so forces continuously using an attack skill, but enables using a shield other than saffel's / a second 1h weapon. It also frees up a jewel slot (Conqueror's potency). This item may well be the core around which a budget version of this build could be based on. Probably with cyclone. I'm honestly too lazy to come up with one atm though. Might do it later, or on request, but I guess you'll be able to come up with it yourself as long as you try. EDIT: Math done. With 2 Divination distillate, it's easily possible to maintain the flask up without even having to crit (yes, Nature's boon ALONE will be enough to refill the flasks fast enough). With one (flask), crit may or may not be required depending on skilltree and belt mod. A Guardian: Can make do without Ichimonji / Victarios, freeing up the respective slot. However for all non- pathfinder classes, maintaining flask charges is way, way more difficult / impossible (I know that this only applies to drawn out fights, but the whole purpose of this is to find a way to remain immune to damage even during drawn out fights). Scold's + Juggernaut (/Ascendant Juggernaut): Can be used to generate charges without having to invest into critical strikes. But this disables alpha's howl as an option, and furthermore removes one of the most important sources of flask charges: critical strikes. Hierophant: A cheap way to generate endurance charges. With the same issues as the other "alternatives" to pathfinder. Statement on detailed flask math:
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I did my calculations based on information obtained from the wiki and reddit. I sadly can't playtest, so I have to rely on that. When in doubt, I made a "worst case" assumption, meaning the real numbers might actually be better than what I came up with - it's unlikely that the results are worse than what I predicted.
I'm currently too lazy to type out the math concerning average flask charge consumption and generation with the different options (Flask prefixes, unique flasks including Overflowing chalice, belt mods and unique belts (/their mods), skilltree nodes). Might do it if requested. Последняя редакция: EmperorIzaro#2108. Время: 16 янв. 2017 г., 5:42:54 Last bumped12 окт. 2018 г., 6:24:21
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it would be pretty sweet if this was still possible. it was much easier a year and a half ago
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" - it is still possible, though? Or do you mean something among the lines of "if this was still easy to achieve"? EDIT: You probably did, as you wrote "it was much easier"... (still kinda confused, though) Последняя редакция: EmperorIzaro#2108. Время: 13 янв. 2017 г., 12:57:01
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" That being the case, why the heck would I socket my auras into it? It's just there for the aura effectiveness. |
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With Legacy Saffel's, you could also use Legacy Surgeon's Ruby/Topaz/Sapphire flasks and it would be easy to keep them up ;)
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Full immortal not real. Monster have eleres penetration.
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"actually not true. The surgeon mechanics have been nerfed. Even with legacy flasks there is a cooldown. Only 1 flask can get a charge per crit, and there is a cooldown to how often crits will grant charges per second now. This was also the final nail in the wormblastere coffin Последняя редакция: BloodBaneBoneBreaker#7706. Время: 22 марта 2017 г., 23:47:54
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I can't find a way to reach 100% resistances without +1 amulet (and no, i'm not buying a +1 voll's) and without divination distillate tho. I have exactly +100% aura effect so I get +1 that way.
Currently sitting at 99% :/ |
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I have a similar character set up in Standard with 100% resists, permanent immortal call, and CI. Here is the Path of Building link for those interested:
I don't use alchemist flasks or Victario's Influence. Instead I have the +1 max resists corruption on my chestplate and amulet, and I take all the +1 max resist nodes on the tree. Also, I don't need Overflowing Chalice for flask sustain, and after the 3.2 Pathfinder buff, Master Surgeon isn't required either. " If you link me your character I can take a closer look, but if you haven't already taken them, there are three +1 max resist nodes on the tree, one for each elemental damage type. Taking them will probably require redoing your passive tree, but you can look at mine for an example. |
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