[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

@Mika Your pastebin Link is still passive tree 3.9 ...
mika2salo написал:

Hello :)

Primordial Might seems to be 16 c in the trade. That is pretty much in line with earlier league, so the prices might not hopefully be raising that high.

Hey Mika,

Thx for the tip! I hadn't even looked at prices really. Anyway, just bought my Anima Stone, Primordial Might and 6 Primordial Harmonies plus a lvl 21 Flame Golem. Also snagged a 6-link uncorrupted Vaal Regalia cheaply so I can have some fun trying to craft that up at some point.

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I'll hopefully get a couple of eminences to give them a bit of cast speed and not look to run carnage spectres initially. I'll look into a Pledge at some point and then consider spectres (utility or DPS if you find some good ones) or zombies if I feel I need some extra tank!

It will be interesting to see how good the clear is and when the damage starts to drop off. I'm sure that the golems should be ok as far as being virtually indestructible but I can take some of the defensive orientated notables if they have issues.

It's quite a rippy league though in general. I hope my golems can be a bit of a distraction as it feels like some of the delirium monsters absolutely murder you if you get out of flasks. I think it will be very interesting figuring out how best to build them this league. Whether you need to prioritise golem damage, whether spectres are required for single target or whether you need to build a fairly tanky character to survive some of the hits. Looking forward to discussing it with you once we get to that stage!

Hope you are enjoying league launch Mika.

All the best :)
I am currently trying to run the Pledge of Hands version of the build. The league mechanic is rippy. Figuring out how to survive better in 5+ stacks delirium.
Are you using Winter Orb as the channeling skill still ?? It don't appear to be in any of the videos.
In game since Minotaur League..
Mydgard6 написал:
@Mika Your pastebin Link is still passive tree 3.9 ...

Hey :)

Thanks for the notice! I just updated all PoBs for 3.10.

Hey Mika,

Thx for the tip! I hadn't even looked at prices really. Anyway, just bought my Anima Stone, Primordial Might and 6 Primordial Harmonies plus a lvl 21 Flame Golem. Also snagged a 6-link uncorrupted Vaal Regalia cheaply so I can have some fun trying to craft that up at some point.


I'll hopefully get a couple of eminences to give them a bit of cast speed and not look to run carnage spectres initially. I'll look into a Pledge at some point and then consider spectres (utility or DPS if you find some good ones) or zombies if I feel I need some extra tank!

It will be interesting to see how good the clear is and when the damage starts to drop off. I'm sure that the golems should be ok as far as being virtually indestructible but I can take some of the defensive orientated notables if they have issues.

It's quite a rippy league though in general. I hope my golems can be a bit of a distraction as it feels like some of the delirium monsters absolutely murder you if you get out of flasks. I think it will be very interesting figuring out how best to build them this league. Whether you need to prioritise golem damage, whether spectres are required for single target or whether you need to build a fairly tanky character to survive some of the hits. Looking forward to discussing it with you once we get to that stage!

Hope you are enjoying league launch Mika.

All the best :)

I am currently trying to run the Pledge of Hands version of the build. The league mechanic is rippy. Figuring out how to survive better in 5+ stacks delirium.

Hi :)

Gz on very nice set at this early in the league!

The monster damage seems to be very high this league. I wonder if running more physical minions with chance to taunt could do the trick. Using Zombies, Animate Guardian and TV Specs should add enough target for them to hit and to trigger taunt.

One interesting alternative could be running 1-2 Stone Golems with Increased Area of effect. They have built-in taunt and adding 1x Abyssal jewel with taunt should increase the chance to trigger to pretty high. Then supporting their ground slam ability which has AOE with increased AOE support or multistrike could add very solid layer of defense.

You could also equip Animage Guardian with "Dying Breath" to increase Temp Chains effect or with "Singularity" to add huge Hinder effect as it's area just got boosted in this patch. Maybe pair Singularity with "Whakatutuki o Matua" -shield as it has "f you have Blocked Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate 5% of Life per second"

Are you using Winter Orb as the channeling skill still ?? It don't appear to be in any of the videos.

Hey :)

Yep, I use Winter Orb in the videos. Most likely in boss fights.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
"Have up to 71% block chance, 51% spell block chance" how do u achieve that with current setup ?
primordial might again broken... agressive mode dont activated
Hello, i am currently running your build Golemancer (Elem).

Unfortunatly, i am a bit lost... Sometime you speak about necro, sometime about elem and i have difficulties...

Atm i am playing Elem with specter + clashayper.

Would you recommand swaping to Primordial chain/Pledge of hands.

Thing i dont understand, in your build when i want to check elem skill tree you recommand to use Primordial chain/pledge of hands but before you say "recquired gear" clayshaper + shield...

+ should i only summon Flame golem or stone golem is important ? (regen and use of jewel)

Thanks in advance for your help
Последняя редакция: LOKAPANDA#1310. Время: 17 марта 2020 г., 8:46:44
LOKAPANDA написал:

Unfortunatly, i am a bit lost... Sometime you speak about necro, sometime about elem and i have difficulties...

Atm i am playing Elem with specter + clashayper.

Would you recommand swaping to Primordial chain/Pledge of hands.

Hey Lokapanda,

I think Clayshaper and Victario's charity shield are "required" in the "normal" version of the build if there is such a thing. Usually once you have played the build a few times you figure out how best you like to run flame golems. The clayshaper and Charity is good for those wanting to play it first time as it tends to be cheap and works well.

Personally this league I am running one clayshaper and then a shield that gives ES, life & res which I don't put on necro aegis. I like to be a bit tanky as delirium is quite rippy.

If you want to get the most damage out of your golems then the Pledge of hands "variant" is the way to do it. I wouldn't necessarily want to level with it due to losing the benefits of a shield in my case but you can decide that for yourself. If you can get your character tanky enough then it should be fine.

You want to use a few different golems in order to benefit most from the Primordial Harmony jewels. You get up to 20% increased damage per TYPE of golem summoned. So if you had all flame golems then each jewel would give you 20% increased damage. With one stone golem & one chaos golem and the rest flame golems each jewel gives 60% increased damage. So deciding how many different types you can have out versus how many flame golems you have out to do damage is always a bit of a juggling act.

Personally I am not using the primordial chain so I have access to 7 golems in total. I have 4 flame golems, 1 stone golem (for the life regen), one chaos golem (for the phys resist) and one lightning golem (for some extra cast speed and it is also really good at keeping feeding frenzy activated). I tend to find if you have less then 4 flame golems your clear starts to suffer. Obviously you can have more flame golems if you prefer and if you run the primordial chain then you might want 5 or 6.

Mika will be along soon and he'll straighten you out on any questions you have. I thought I would just post a bit of advice till he does but basically your gear looks fine. I would carry on as you are until you decide how you want to build them going forward. Just get some more primordial harmonies as they always tend to be a good investment if you have space for them on your tree.
Последняя редакция: DrHarvey12#0114. Время: 17 марта 2020 г., 10:32:24
I have run the Pledge + Primordial Chain version for few days and I decide to get back to the normal version.

Here's my feel while the Pledge + Chain Version.

I get can get nice Phy Reduce and Regen from golem and I have fast clear speed.

However, I don't invest so much into the minion defense, delirium monster can kill the golems easily because of the less life in Primordial Chain. My golems have high chance to die in the delirium encounter and it's hard to keep survive and resummon the golem.

I think the other reason that my golems get killed easily is because I don't have quality on my golem gem and I don't have a 6L for higher level golem. So, I decide to changed back to a normal version and try the Pledge of Hand version until I get a golem gem with quality and 6L for the Pledge.

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