[2.5] CI+EB+BM+AB Scion - 0 DPS - 21 Jewels

This may be the single greatest build you've ever laid your eyes upon.

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- 21 jewel slots for unparalleled versatility
- Incredibly cheap to gear - 0c minimum
- Extremely easy gameplay

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- You can't use any skills, even the standard attack
- You can't dodge or block attacks
- You die in one hit.

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Literally anything you want. That's the great thing about this build! You can use any gear, or even no gear at all, and be just as viable as if you were kitted out in full uniques.

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You don't have to worry about gems! You can't attack, summon anything, or use any totems, because you only have 1 life and no mana.

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Coming soon!

Any serious constructive feedback on how to optimize the build is welcome.
Last bumped2 марта 2017 г., 19:58:43
I think you could optimize your gear by using 9 of your jewel slots to equip three of each Powerlessness, Fragility and Pacifism. That way you're never at risk of gaining charges, even in party play.

Another interesting addition to really get the most out of this build might be 10 Combustibles jewels for 100% reduced quantity of items found.
This is Build of the Week material right here, good work!
I hear this build is vulnerable to Righteous Fire Totems, can you confirm or deny this?

Edit: On a more "serious" note it would be kinda interesting to see how well one could do with 21 jewels and no actual passives.
Последняя редакция: codraziel#7216. Время: 25 февр. 2017 г., 13:52:28
Why no Acro/Phase acro?!

U can take MoM as well. Why not?
Последняя редакция: Dakkar890#2958. Время: 26 февр. 2017 г., 23:53:57
improve? its not even a "build" if you cant do anything stoopid
Set sail for epic fail
Why you can't use standard attack? It costs no mana, so it should work, or I'm missing something?

EDIT: also, you can run awesome and quite unique Portal Spell Totem build! Even more, with some Elreon jewelry you can run Cast while Channeling almost anything and do some great damage! Damn, that's the new league starter build I've been looking for.
Последняя редакция: gat0#7728. Время: 27 февр. 2017 г., 5:45:16
Don't think you can take CI and BM at the same time.... sorry mate your build sucks :)
Get_M4d написал:
Don't think you can take CI and BM at the same time.... sorry mate your build sucks :)

BM and CI has an incredible synergy... even more with a CwD and whatever skill.
Only imagine the possibilities, definitely my build for new league.
Sweet!! I've been always looking for something like this. Do you have a leveling guide?

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