[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

Why would you use taste of hate, we are doing close to 0 physical. It's a total waste ;|)
velislav87 написал:
Why would you use taste of hate, we are doing close to 0 physical. It's a total waste ;|)

Probably you're right, haven't checked it close enough nor I've tested it. So yeah, wont help at all - tho is there another alternative for those who're using cold & icebite? At anytime I would like to do some tests for this build but due to lacking of time I will go straight with lightning damage as mainsource.
Последняя редакция: CutMySoul#2773. Время: 10 авг. 2017 г., 9:51:31
Godwar написал:
^ Why did you bail on this build for 3.0, is FB that much stronger?

I did not bail on the build what so ever. This build is my absolute favorite so far.
However that doesn't mean I am going to play 1 build every league for the rest of my life lol. I have dozens of builds I want to try still.

xSfy написал:

Maybe you could include this in the build? You skip most of the mana leech nodes in the tree.. you picked up 1 of 3. And i'm not sure what is correct on the build since this is an outdated post. If you are annoyed at people asking you questions, update the build.

It is updated. In the first giant line on post that says CHANGELOG in capital blue letters. Which the first line says the build now uses claws.... I literally can't get any more clear than that. My gear also lists this is the gear used in legacy league.

As for leech the same things applies. You have the tree that is used, follow it along and look at what you are grabbing. When you get to a node that says hey this gives you leech, while there you go, you have leech.

Princesseuh написал:
What are your thoughts on Winds of Change gloves for this build?

Sorry if this already been asked, couldn't find anything

Winds of change projectile is nice, but life is to low and your resistances are already suffering on other gear. Also attack speed roll on a good rare covers a lot of that damage and the gripped gloves implicit makes them give you more damage. Its much better to get a rare pair of gripped gloves with high life, good projectile damage and a lot more life.

tyranius написал:
Ok, I thought I'd chime in. I think everyone is handling this in the wrong way. People really should read the guide but OP could also save himself so much trouble if he would just take 5 minutes to update the guide with a big disclaimer "READ BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS" and adding a FAQ section at the top with answers to these questions being asked multiple times.

Well clearly you never read the build, as there is FAQ section right in the guide and has been so since I made it. As for writing a disclaimer saying read before posting? Why the hell would I ever do that? Your going to go to someones guide that you have never seen or played before and ask questions without actually reading the guide? Unbelievable how some people think now a days.

DuFFzbar написал:
Flat added lightning still the best for Vinktars flask?

Yes added lightning will be #1, especially if you swap gems and get more cold stuff, the lightning pen won't be a close 2nd anymore. Definitely the flat added damage.

dperls написал:
Not sure who posted it, but I really like the idea of going for onslaught with Merc lab, then regretting out of it after merc lab is done. Was getting ready to do merc lab tonight so will think about that.

I have nothing against onslaught at all, but would recommend against this. Going for the phasing/movespeed/eledmg/status ailment immunity/dodge/spell dodge gives you so much more for both offense + defense. Going for onslaught while you already have crazy attackspeed is "meh" at best. Also going for it to use for a short time, and spending 10 regret points a bit later on to respect doesn't sound very pleasurable either.

Fireturd написал:
Thank you sincerely for the build!!!!!

I feel bad that you have so many repeated questions if people just took the time to read through the guide you would realize that every question you asked has already been answered for the most part... multiple times.

Creating an in-depth guide is time consuming so appreciate the fact he has put the content out there.

This build is great!

Currently I am around 30k DPS with gmp. 5 link.

I do not have a belly yet and my gems are 18/19.

people who are struggling with dps have to realize that in his guide his gear is worth an incredible amount of exalts and end game, not achievable a week into the league. you have to be patient. The dps will come, gear optimization is incredibly important.

I am level 83 with a 290 dps ele claw 1.82 as. you have to optimize all your other gear. Currently my life pool is fairly low 3500 but all my next level are health nodes and I still have many gear upgrades to do.

Once again thank you for the guide. Fun, fast build that can easily clear all content. I will post a shaper video when i get there.

If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me.


I don't mind people asking questions at all. I also don't expect people to look through 100 pages to read a guide, im not a monster lol. However POE changes every league and 3.0 had like pages and pages of changes/updates. How people pick a build to play in a new expansion and DON'T read the guide, or the very first line that says "changelog" I will never understand.

When I was a new player back in torment I had a buddy tell me to find a guide or video that sounded fun, I picked a skill (freezing pulse). Found a guys guide, and read it like 3-4 times and went back to check certain things like 100 times.

Anyway, glad your enjoying the build and having fun.

CutMySoul написал:
shaunleo написал:
If we go added cold & icebite over add light & light pen, how does that affect oak's & vinktars?

A possible flask would be "Taste of hate"

Taste of hate is all physical and would not work with this build

CutMySoul написал:
velislav87 написал:
Why would you use taste of hate, we are doing close to 0 physical. It's a total waste ;|)

Probably you're right, haven't checked it close enough nor I've tested it. So yeah, wont help at all - tho is there another alternative for those who're using cold & icebite? At anytime I would like to do some tests for this build but due to lacking of time I will go straight with lightning damage as mainsource.

Flasks I would keep as the same. Even if you only do half lightning to ice, vinktar is still godly with that leech + shock. Wise Oak it would depend on your damage. I am curious to see if someone uses added cold + icebite over inc crit + lightning pen what their tooltip lightning/cold dmg is. Whichever is higher then use that for wise oak, or you could go all out and try to "match" them and penetrate both :)
g00fy_goober написал:
Flasks I would keep as the same. Even if you only do half lightning to ice, vinktar is still godly with that leech + shock. Wise Oak it would depend on your damage. I am curious to see if someone uses added cold + icebite over inc crit + lightning pen what their tooltip lightning/cold dmg is. Whichever is higher then use that for wise oak, or you could go all out and try to "match" them and penetrate both :)

Good to know, at least I had no other idea which flask could be compared with vinktar. If I have enough time at weekend I will try to do some tests regarding the gem-links, change them to cold dmg. I will share my results with you when I have a first statistic.
Well clearly you never read the build, as there is FAQ section right in the guide and has been so since I made it. As for writing a disclaimer saying read before posting? Why the hell would I ever do that? Your going to go to someones guide that you have never seen or played before and ask questions without actually reading the guide? Unbelievable how some people think now a days.

I clearly have considering the only questions I've asked were not answered in it. The disclaimer would serve to take advantage of human nature. If people know firsthand they're not getting an answer if they don't read the FAQ first they are more likely to read it.

As has been pointed out, a spoiler block titled "changelog" is bound to make people skip it. Nobody wants to read "Added a paragraph and changed formatting". This is the kind of thing one expects there will be in a changelog, not relevant information about a build.

As for the FAQ itself, it is outdated and literally doesn't answer any of the questions being asked over and over so it may as well not exist and my initial comment stands.
g00fy_goober написал:

Dagger is required for this build. Can use swords to level as well, but as we go dagger nodes, dagger is needed in the end. Swords can increase ur attack speed but will lower your all around crit. Trust me when I say your attack speed with already be through the roof and dagger and higher base crit is MUCH more important.

maybe you want to reflect the changed weapon-choice in the description. because I myself did not read the changelog but the build itself. I was not interested in the changes because I did not use the build before.

btw: I love this build so far. it feels pretty good even with swords and ist insanly fast. I just hit lvl70 yesterday.
Последняя редакция: The_L1ne#6624. Время: 10 авг. 2017 г., 11:39:10
Level 85 atm and kicking ass. Managed to snag a 358 edps claw so thats nice. Currently at 5.1k life.

In terms of upgrading the rest of my gear im working on a 6 link belly at the moment but I had a question about wise oak.

How important is balancing resists for wise oak? I currently have them balanced so that I get the full effect for each element, but if I was to upgrade some pieces it would be hard to get back, do you think in that case I should just make sure lightning is the highest? (i am using added lightning/lightning pen/wed combo)

Besides that, build is working great. Don't even have point blank yet but single target damage has been plenty up to the t10~ maps i've done.

Последняя редакция: bitbite11#0423. Время: 10 авг. 2017 г., 12:34:04
Really having a hard time making this build any good against bosses / big single targets, level 45 right now.
Bought one of the best claws I saw on the market and all but it's just not helping much yet.

I hope it becomes better soon. Clearing lots of small mobs is fine but any strong single target is awful.
zankioh написал:
Really having a hard time making this build any good against bosses / big single targets, level 45 right now.
Bought one of the best claws I saw on the market and all but it's just not helping much yet.

I hope it becomes better soon. Clearing lots of small mobs is fine but any strong single target is awful.

Do you use SPS or LMP? That boost your dmg on single target a lot.
I think it's best while leveling and accumulating gear to use faster attacks in a swap for gmp rather than slower projectiles. It takes too long to get the attack speed and leech going with sp and you take too much damage from bosses while gathering frenzy charges. Once your character is fully leveled and gear you can easily use slower projectiles in the swap for more damage.

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