[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

From my side, i dropped all my gem in the recype and relvl them in low fast clear tier map (esay fun and fast)
When i was around Lv10 Gem i could do my hightest lvl map again, not that long at all.

But, you loose more than half of your dps if you do the same. And i take something like 15Lvl on all Gem to go back where you are (maybe Gear can change that value)

The only Gem i haven't poush like that is ST, i use 20 GCP and currupted it (failed 17%Q)
I have another Wrath/ST in lvling in my off set weapon (Wrath failed too, nothing happen) Near Lv20 (new attempt in coming)

But today, i feel REALLY unlucky AF. I don't want to list that sh*t :D

But i feel Lv > Q for DPS wise.
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
Did you use spectral throw for leveling?
Wurrdz написал:
Did you use spectral throw for leveling?

Yes ! No issue. Just pick the best eDPS weapon you can get, whatever the type (you pick Dagger nodes later)
Focus 3 or 4 slot max for lvling with it.

And it's done for me Guys, i'm poor AF now

Up to 88K dps flasked charged (no Vinktar yet)
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
Picked up this beastly 361edps Gemini

I think my weapon slot is good for the rest of this league :)
d3s0 написал:
Picked up this beastly 361edps Gemini

I think my weapon slot is good for the rest of this league :)

Congratz, i feel the same when i get mine :p
And, 2nd attempt to Corrupt ST and Wrath failed :/
I feel so unlucky today, i shouldn't do that !

Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
So, when you corrupt your lvl 20 gem, with 20% quality - what do you get out of it?

Its worth it to try and just buy a new lvl 1 20% if the corruption goes wrong?
I got a question to the choice of your weapon. I understand the need of the crit, but if you use Hyaon's Fury Legion Sword there is much more lightning dmg. Or do you think at 8 frenty charges there is the 28% more dmg u get to much?
VesicleLoL написал:
How do I upgrade to more life? I currently only have about 3.8k life and feel like it really isn't enough. What gear should I upgrade to get more?



It is not enough at all! Out of both your rings, your amulet, your gloves, and your boots you have less than 60 life in total, you should have more than that on any one piece.

Life is one of the most important stats you can get. Start there.

niuage написал:
g00fy_goober написал:

Not at all. First I would rather have a bit extra life on my golem and be able to put in my slower projectiles to level cuz I hate swapping it out. Netmos's does this and runs empower 4 + enlighten 4 + wrath. I am not against it or the dmg it provides, but I am not going to condone 15-20 extra exalts just to link one gem. Damage is fine as it is :).

I'm not aiming for "fine" ;) It's fun to min max, and I can somewhat easily get the 15/20 exalts, i already bought the enlighten 4 for 6.5ex, as it's useful regardless of if I go for empower or not, and I'll be able to afford empower 4 soon.
Anyway, I mostly wanted to know your preference between boosted wrath vs running HoT + some sacrifices on the tree, if cost wasn't an issue. I really dont mind having to swap slow projectiles once for really hard bosses. I never needed it for any map bosses (I haven't done all the guardians, just phoenix). And I dont really want to sacrifice going for some boosted wrath just to add some life to my golem.

Well then sure go for it. I mean empower level anything is going to boost wrath and its going to be more than a minion life gem. So if you want to go for it, feel free to go for it!

Dunark написал:
Hey guys

I might've screwed up. Alot of my gems are lvl 20 and i just realised its possible to quantity them to 20% aswell.

What do i do? recipe them with 1 gcp and lvl from 1 again?
or do i gcp them all from 0% to 20% <- might be too expensive?

any suggestions?

Always use the recipe. I did it to mine a couple days ago. Only takes a few maps and they back up to level 15ish. With 10 maps or so they in 17's and so on. Within an hour of mapping they 18 and soon 19. Well worth it.

niuage написал:
I disagree. Gem levels adds a TON of damage especially things like added lightning, wrath etc. And if you're running maps somewhat efficiently, you'd actually lose money having to go back to dry lake or something like that just to relevel your gems. If you really want to use the recipe, I would suggest leveling them in your alternate weapon, and buy corrupted level 20 gems to replace them, each costing around 2/3c.

Nah no need at all. I wouldn't be running twinned guardian boss maps or anything, but run 10-20 shaped mesa/strand, or gorge maps or something and it works out just fine. Yes they add a ton of damage each level, but your running at a much higher level so a gem going level 1 to level 16 only takes a couple maps. At around this point with all the quality bonus's you do as much or more damage than you did before you put quality on all them
Wurrdz написал:
Did you use spectral throw for leveling?

Yes, don't have first post updated with it yet, but lots of questions about leveling were asked throughout. Id ctrl + f and read about them for any help you need.

Dunark написал:
So, when you corrupt your lvl 20 gem, with 20% quality - what do you get out of it?

Its worth it to try and just buy a new lvl 1 20% if the corruption goes wrong?

For me ill get all my gems to 20/20 then ill corrupt one at a time. If I rip one ill just buy a new 20/20. 20/20 aren't overly expensive and drop in prices fast, ex:chaos like 1:70 ish and you can get a new 20/20 gem a lot of times for 10-20 chaos. Very easily affordable.

Also I should note when it comes to wrath you don't need quality at all as it just increased the radius. Herald of ice actually increased cold damage. So wrath you can just get to level 20 and corrupt it. Takes half the time.

Umbratilis написал:
I got a question to the choice of your weapon. I understand the need of the crit, but if you use Hyaon's Fury Legion Sword there is much more lightning dmg. Or do you think at 8 frenty charges there is the 28% more dmg u get to much?

Asked and answered multiple times.
Umbratilis написал:
I got a question to the choice of your weapon. I understand the need of the crit, but if you use Hyaon's Fury Legion Sword there is much more lightning dmg. Or do you think at 8 frenty charges there is the 28% more dmg u get to much?

I'll help you :p
Just look at the speed and crit. Both are awefull ;)

g00fy_goober написал:

Dunark написал:
So, when you corrupt your lvl 20 gem, with 20% quality - what do you get out of it?

Its worth it to try and just buy a new lvl 1 20% if the corruption goes wrong?

For me ill get all my gems to 20/20 then ill corrupt one at a time. If I rip one ill just buy a new 20/20. 20/20 aren't overly expensive and drop in prices fast, ex:chaos like 1:70 ish and you can get a new 20/20 gem a lot of times for 10-20 chaos. Very easily affordable.

Also I should note when it comes to wrath you don't need quality at all as it just increased the radius. Herald of ice actually increased cold damage. So wrath you can just get to level 20 and corrupt it. Takes half the time.

2nd attempt for me on ST & Wrath : Failed (again)
I feel so unlucky :(
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
Последняя редакция: KouboMog#5020. Время: 16 марта 2017 г., 5:19:50

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