[2.6] Martyr of the Infernus - Ball them 'till death [HC/SC]

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This build is based on https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1806321
but using new 2.6 staff Martyr of Innocence.

Build is pretty cheap to start with (unless its first week of league - because of amulet), but can be pretty expensive to master.
After several trials I ended up using Sunder for regular map clearing, and Molten Strike with 2x Wild Fire for Guardians and Daresso on example.
Sunder gives this build pretty nice clear speed, and because of high block, immunities and decent ES it is very tanky. High block - spell block means it doesnt have any problems with reflect and makes it very HC viable (if you know how to level up).
I think that it can even run reflect maps if you put Sibyl's Lament since one ring slot is kinda optional.

*Videos & Screenshots
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-Reflect map test (without Sybil's Lament)

*Key Features
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-Immune to Stuns
-Immune to Chill/Freeze
-73% Block (buffed)
-47% Spell Block (buffed)
-450% Increased Fire Damage

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*Skill Tree through levels
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100lvl tree - www.poeurl.com/bfdz (alt link)

Leveling coming soon

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-2x Passive SP

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Passive, Passive, Passive

*Skill links
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Main 6L:
-Molten Strike/Sunder
-Weapon Elemental Damage
-Faster Attacks/Point Blank
-Concentrated Effect
-Life Leech

Secondary (5)6L:
-CWDT (lvl 1) + Fire Storm + Enfeeble + Orb of Lightning + Curse On Hit + Flammability

4L: Cwdt (lvl 2) + Molten Shell + Fireball + Magma Orb

4L: Flame Dash + Faster Casting + Increased Duration + Vaal Discipline (pretty much can switch to Vaal Haste)

4L: Discipline + Anger + Ice Golem + ? I use Vaal Summon skeletons just to fill the slot basically atm - give me ideas

*Mandatory Gear
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-Martyr of Innocence
-2x Mokou's Embrace or you can use one The Pariah for more defense (or even white one for quantity if you feel tanky enough)
-And pretty common combination which synergies extremely well with Martyr

-1x Reckless Defense
-Energy from Within - if u have cash
-Wildfire x2 - only when you use Molten Strike

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-1x Reckless Defense
-Energy from Within (If you you can afford)
-2x Wildfire

For the rest of the slots:
-Fire Damage
-Area Damage
-Attack speed with staves/Two handed weapons
-Attack speed
-Increased max ES
-Projectile Damage (only if you want to swap when using molten)

*Buld Mechanics
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Self ignite from Amu + ring gives the character nice bonuses from the staff plus endurance charges from ascendancy node (10% chance when hit) which basically ends up with max (3 charges) in few seconds and stun immunity kicks in (plus 12% phys reduction why not)

*My Gear
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I've managed to get my resistances all to 136, its not necessary but its very neat with wise oak. Also got helmet with molten enchant and its ridiculous how good single target dps is.

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-Rumi's Concoction

*Pros and Cons
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-Very tanky
-No probs with ele reflect maps
-Insane single target dps even with 5L
-Viable for tier 15 maps already on level ~80
-Pretty cheap (under 2ex until you start going for the best es gear and 6L)

-Painful leveling

Последняя редакция: mafiamighty#4680. Время: 8 апр. 2017 г., 10:46:59
Last bumped3 авг. 2017 г., 8:23:01
I didnt have much time to level up, but build seems very viable even with 5L setup only, cheap es gear and missing quite few es nodes.

Ive got some time to play this weekend so here are the first two runs on guardians:
*Ive made some minor tweaks, will be posted

it looks really fun!
I'm interested in playing one scion which i never build in previous leagues.
Waiting for details to hoard equipments for this build.
I've updated thread a bit including my gear. This one of the better all around builds ive tried up to date. I think its pretty well balanced all around.
Shaper Gloves are fking awesome for this build as they give like 1300 acc, 1000 es. For the second ring i basically removed Molokou's since i feel that dps is more than enough and i used ventors gamble or pariah
I only just started playing realy, but since you dont get any hard passive resets, i decided to follow some build to not get myself screwed, the build being yours, obviuosly.
As i'm leveling i often swap gear for upgrades, for weapons i always just looked at the molten strike dps tooltip to decide if i want the new weapon. I ended up dual weilding for 99% of the time. Yesterday i wanted to try sunder, it also had quite a lot more tooltip dps too, but in practice i was struggling with rare monsters, they took quite some time to kill. Idk what the problem is, sunder description says it strikes with main hand weapon, so is dual weilding not good with it? Molten seems to have much higher attack speed and despite tooltip saying sunder has more dps (~1600 compared to molten 1300) when actually hitting monsters molten works better for me.
Sunder is not very good to level up. You should probably use one of those
Reddit guide
and when you get staff you can switch to Sunder.
Molten is not remarkable AOE skill thats why Im not using it for mapping.
As for dps, Molten basically have 6-7 times dps of sunder on single targets
Последняя редакция: mafiamighty#4680. Время: 10 апр. 2017 г., 2:28:48
4L: Discipline + Anger + Ice Golem + ? I use Vaal Summon skeletons just to fill the slot basically atm - give me ideas

When you use the Pariah Unset Ring you have two free slots in this setup if you do not want to level some other gems in there. My ideas to fill those slots are to run a incresed duration support + vaal haste setup or to support the ice golem with gems like increased minion life support or increased minion speed support (this wont be really impactfull but i think it could be a nice boost)
Please correct me if my ideas are not that great. I´am relativly new to the game.
Последняя редакция: BlackLortus#3470. Время: 10 апр. 2017 г., 10:29:11
Yes indeed. Inc Duration + Vaal Haste is great option and u can switch Vaal Discipline here too, remove other Inc Duration and put Golem + totem in other 4l
Which totem do you think would be the most viable for the build. I´am tending to either devouring totem or decoy totem.
Последняя редакция: BlackLortus#3470. Время: 11 апр. 2017 г., 2:01:49

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