[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

This title is literally a click bait, 4.5m dps with 1000ex budget, why would you put a POB so unreal like that? "to show what the build can achiev", meaning u will have to farm for 3 months non-stop to achiev that, so yea, change the title at least, the build is really cool etc, but what your title says is not achievable and you know it, and also remove the CHEAP, the minimum for this build is 2 claws and i'd say a belly which will cost arround 500c or so.
Sidefx06 написал:
For those thinking the gear is "impossible"
Yes the pob shows max rolled geared to show the potential dps out the the build. If you cant figure out what items are close to the items posted without having the guide hold your hand through poe.trade then I feel for you. The idea of any PoB is to show maxed out character with the gear possible for you to get. If you think getting Uniques is impossible, or yellows with resistances and flat damage is hard or even a belt with weapon ele is hard. Then this game is too hard for you.

As Far as not having a life flask. Have you never played a character that attacks so fast and has endless leech? guess what! You dont need a life flask.

No bleed removal? What do you think the blue flask is for on the PoB?

oh what was another thing read. Oh that's right was only a "add" for my stream. Really? All this effort into guides and updates ect? Remember one thing no one told you to be here or force you to play my builds.

For anyone else who is enjoying the build or my other guides or anything in that nature. Thank you and I am glad you are :)

S.I.C.K. build tbh, I played so far:
- Ancestral Warchief
- Essence Drain / Contagion
- Lightning Arrow
- "Golemancer"

And now this one... which is the best build that I have played so far. It gave me a lot of fun (still giving tbh). First of all, I just love that feeling when you fight against freezing mobs, and they can do shit to you, because you cannot be frozen...

DPS - Sick, even with Enfeeble, flask do their things.

All those builds b4 had problem of beeing frozen, and now I can finally say: "HA HA TUL F$#K YOU, YOU WON'T FREEZE ME".

I'm so glad that I started a new league with your build, the "80% pen" really caught my eye.
It's worth...

Even when I doubt in that "Cold penetration gem" (I wrote about that on page dunno even where but sth like 70), you said: "It's better against top tier maps" yeah, I started to play even on tier 11, and I felt the difference.


Still working on my 6L (wasted like 2700 fusings RIP, now I'm holding them for Vorici)
But with 5L I easly did tiers 15 even with Enfeeble :)

(Even got one Doctor - (second in my life))

So I hope that you'll create sick build - maybe for Shaper / Uber Atziri or sth like that.
(I know this isn't an Atziri's build, but is there any way to kill her? The one who reflects attacks is just so painful :( )


Gonna try those new gems - have fun, and enjoy playing PoE! :)

I'm playing this build atm ( not exactly the same, but kinda ).

As everyone is saying, it has insane clearspeed and decent single target dmg, but man, it is way too weak.

I tried everything to make it work but no matter what you do, you cant sustain your life only with VP, and when you throw abyssus into that mix, you simply get one-shoted by any big physical hitter.

I'm running with Iron Reflexes, about 4.6k armor without Rumi's and almost 9k with everything up but that doesnt seem to be enough.

BTW: nice bullshit update, you simply made a lvl 100 tree and went full deeps, as if this build didnt felt glass cannon already.
Morstern написал:
Sidefx06 написал:
For those thinking the gear is "impossible"
Yes the pob shows max rolled geared to show the potential dps out the the build. If you cant figure out what items are close to the items posted without having the guide hold your hand through poe.trade then I feel for you. The idea of any PoB is to show maxed out character with the gear possible for you to get. If you think getting Uniques is impossible, or yellows with resistances and flat damage is hard or even a belt with weapon ele is hard. Then this game is too hard for you.

As Far as not having a life flask. Have you never played a character that attacks so fast and has endless leech? guess what! You dont need a life flask.

No bleed removal? What do you think the blue flask is for on the PoB?

oh what was another thing read. Oh that's right was only a "add" for my stream. Really? All this effort into guides and updates ect? Remember one thing no one told you to be here or force you to play my builds.

For anyone else who is enjoying the build or my other guides or anything in that nature. Thank you and I am glad you are :)

S.I.C.K. build tbh, I played so far:
- Ancestral Warchief
- Essence Drain / Contagion
- Lightning Arrow
- "Golemancer"

And now this one... which is the best build that I have played so far. It gave me a lot of fun (still giving tbh). First of all, I just love that feeling when you fight against freezing mobs, and they can do shit to you, because you cannot be frozen...

DPS - Sick, even with Enfeeble, flask do their things.

All those builds b4 had problem of beeing frozen, and now I can finally say: "HA HA TUL F$#K YOU, YOU WON'T FREEZE ME".

I'm so glad that I started a new league with your build, the "80% pen" really caught my eye.
It's worth...

Even when I doubt in that "Cold penetration gem" (I wrote about that on page dunno even where but sth like 70), you said: "It's better against top tier maps" yeah, I started to play even on tier 11, and I felt the difference.


Still working on my 6L (wasted like 2700 fusings RIP, now I'm holding them for Vorici)
But with 5L I easly did tiers 15 even with Enfeeble :)

(Even got one Doctor - (second in my life))

So I hope that you'll create sick build - maybe for Shaper / Uber Atziri or sth like that.
(I know this isn't an Atziri's build, but is there any way to kill her? The one who reflects attacks is just so painful :( )


Gonna try those new gems - have fun, and enjoy playing PoE! :)

Thank you, its nice for someone to understand then to take everything at 100% face value and nothing else. All these complaints have been addressed in the past. They just dont care to look. They want it force fed to them and I just dont understand. I agree there is things I could do like put a pros/cons ect. but the same questions will be asked all day long. They are not in my shoes and have NO idea what its like to talk to a person who cant read a simple text that is in front of them. eh Oh well. In the end This build is amazing and thats that. If they cant see it. Move along :)
Also for those wondering, I was doing t11's on stream last night 3.3k hp Abyssus and 2 ToA and a tabula.. yea 5x+ to even to anything. K This is NOT your typical face tank the world build.

is this any good? or should i change to TOA?

already using 1 TOA though.
IGN - Duck_Ya
erimin5 написал:

is this any good? or should i change to TOA?

already using 1 TOA though.

yea thats not bad at all, MH it and ToA off :)
I think you made some mistakes in your tree, you should pick the 5% life under golem's blood instead of the 4% from Thick Skin :)
Hey, i'm really enjoying this build!

I have a quick question about the jewels (sorry if it has been asked before).
It says it needs to have 40 dexterity in the radius, but the first jewel only has 30 dex in the radius, and the second one 20? That means it doesn't activate right?
Hey guys, given that ToA becomes kind of self-nerfing when the crit goes so high and you can permafreeze, has anyone tried Hand of Wisdom and Action?

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