[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

Saevan написал:

I'm using the cheap claws, and I added the snakebite's to support them. I'm not convinced it's working though, i.e. I don't see much poison effect and chaos damage happening. Those effects are subtle though and I may be missing it. Obviously this is a boss killer mechanism, packs die too quickly.

Does anyone have any feedback on this combination?


You need to try this gloves
thraSh25 написал:
I'm currently doing this build before OP went full retard and changed everything to potential max, insane gear that's not achievable, and doing it strictly for Twitch views.

You're going to die.

You're going to die a lot.

This build has basically no survivable outside of max res. No secondaries taken into serious consideration. Just half-assed additions.

You're going to die.

This build can kill (by sheet DPS) anything quickly in the game. But pretty much anyone with half a clue on how Path of Building works can do the same thing.

The problem is putting it in to practice. And this build in its current state is nothing short of a failure.

You're going to die. You're going to pop. You're going to get frustrated.

You're going to die.

This is me to a tee. Can you point me to a build that I could switch too with higher survivability? How is PewPewPew's? I am on T3 maps and great clear speed, but I cannot kill any bosses past T1 bosses. Its pretty ridiculous. I understand some will think I just don't know what I am doing, but damn, all that time spent making this my first char for this league and I just don't have time to keep rolling chars because the builds don't come out like they should...

Any tips and help with be appreciated.
Guyz could anyone explain why OP put in 6l setup ruthless? dmg on full life provides 20% more dps, where is the catch?

And what alternative gem setup for boss killing can be? (Atziri mirror form makes me cry a lot)

I would replace ruthless with Hypothermia. For the 3.0 updates, all the cold damage always chill, hypothermia basically gives constant 39 more damage on chilled enemy, and it works on both melee part and projectile part. On the other hand, when ruthless link with multistrike, it only trigger the ruthless strike 1 in 9 shot, very low benefit and only works for the melee part.
gjkelehjr написал:
Saevan написал:

I'm using the cheap claws, and I added the snakebite's to support them. I'm not convinced it's working though, i.e. I don't see much poison effect and chaos damage happening. Those effects are subtle though and I may be missing it. Obviously this is a boss killer mechanism, packs die too quickly.

Does anyone have any feedback on this combination?


You need to try this gloves

Yes, I think I do. Thanks. :)
Saevan написал:

I'm using the cheap claws, and I added the snakebite's to support them. I'm not convinced it's working though, i.e. I don't see much poison effect and chaos damage happening. Those effects are subtle though and I may be missing it. Obviously this is a boss killer mechanism, packs die too quickly.

Does anyone have any feedback on this combination?


For sure its working, because I'm melting bosses way faster with this combo than 2x ToA - Tooltip DPS is higher with ToA, because that extra chaos doesn't show there.

ToA provides more AoE, but since AoE isn't the problem, I actually rather run 2x Wasp.
Poebuilds has a frostblade spec in the top 50 for the league at lvl 98. That is respectable.

edited, felt my feedback wasn't productive.

i enjoyed this guide very much as a completely new player but it's hard for me to follow it now. i'll come back to it down the road when i have a better understanding of the game.
Последняя редакция: taconight1977#0152. Время: 22 авг. 2017 г., 14:05:41
Well i liked the Build so far.
Played PoE before but this Harbinger I started real.
So far i'm good around T7 Maps. The One who cant kill a T1 Boss ... (I'm still a Newbie and didnt had a Problem until T4 first Time).
Since its my first "serious" Char im concerned too about "Endgame". There was one to write about Atziri Mirror Phase to switch to High Phys Claws + Double Strike Gem. Would like to know more about that. Are there some tweeks to make that Build viable for that. Positioning well i still have to see that fight ;)
I think the people that did a positive Criticism said all i think too. The others are just Toxic. And even when League started the "Cheap" well. Yeah ToA were 75C+. I mean I dont play 24/7 and i dont play little too. Now i'm 82 and it's like 10C and even Belly are from 110C+ too around 30. If you do that hardcore leveling and beeing 90 first Week. Sure everything is expensive i guess. And 10C arent that high (my Opinion, Vendor Recipe, Wasp will carry you there).
I will playing until T10+ Maps and maybe Uber Laby or Atziri and then I see.
What i like to know, since i started with that Thread into Harbinger and know it from Start, are the reasons why you changed the Passive Tree or the Ascendancy or the Gems. What are the plus in comparison to the old one.

Okay then Hf and Gl all

P.S. big Shoutout to the people that posted improvement all the time along this thread. Helped me too understand a lot more.
Dkm23 написал:

This is me to a tee. Can you point me to a build that I could switch too with higher survivability? How is PewPewPew's? I am on T3 maps and great clear speed, but I cannot kill any bosses past T1 bosses. Its pretty ridiculous. I understand some will think I just don't know what I am doing, but damn, all that time spent making this my first char for this league and I just don't have time to keep rolling chars because the builds don't come out like they should...

Any tips and help with be appreciated.

Well, you got like 16k flat dps on your sheet. That's pretty low. Even with charges you bump to 26k. If you want to do over T1, you should at least get to a 60k with charges up.

You could try to find some nice (and cheap) Izaro's Dilemma. I ran all my T1/T4 maps with that. Besides that, you don't have much life. The combo of not much life and not much dps is not really good to clean the Atlas.

And, well... a build does not come out as it should. You have to make it :)

Watch carefully what you drop, and use your essences and currencies to get some nice starter gear. And if you're not playing SSF, don't hesitate for a moment to dig on poe.trade. You can get at least 3 or 4 pieces of good gear for less than 10c.

Finally, expecting any build to work flawlessly without spending time or currencies... it's kind of impossible :)

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