[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

Sidefx06 написал:
JohnnyV76 написал:
I'm wondering though... does a carnage heart even work since we convert all phys damage into cold damage?

It does, but we are currently testing Daresso's Salute

Thanks. Made it to 70 during the weekend. Found a tabula in my early 40's so that helped a lot for levelling. I now started mapping but with my current gear I have to work a lot on dodging / repositioning when attacking the map bosses. I die here and there on the tougher bosses but my 2.7k life with mediocre gear doesn’t help. Trash mobs die really fast and with the onslaught ascendancy buff it feels great. Using dual wasp’s nests which I sniped for 1c each and their damage in Tabula is good. I just want to get hold of a ToA asap and then hopefully generate a few chaos to upgrade my gear to get at least 4k life.

Another something I wondered about. In the build description it’s mentioned that we don’t use Vaal Pact but your tree does have it. Should we use it or not? I know it sucks for lab even though we do not really have a lot of life regen anyway. Izaro was a bit tricky (cruel) so I won’t go there before I have better gear.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
What pantheons are you using for this build in 3.2?

Having lots of fun with this as a league started so far, thanks for the guide!
thanks for the quick answer on the skilltree post! I have another question. I'm used to have herald of fire, I see you use herald of ice, is there a lot of difference in terms of dps?
yes, esp with the sweet pop + the added aoe damage to a single target while mobs are around from the HoI
Thanks for your build its really good stuff, but im little confused and im thinkin few things in your guide need additional explanation.

You wrote we need to use 2x Fight for Survival but in your final tree there is no reasonable place for second one...so use 2 or dont use them at all?

Same thing is about Vaal Pact, you wrote we dont need it but its choosed in final build.
Im not sure use it or no, tried both option but still not sure what to choose ;)
pablito77 написал:
Thanks for your build its really good stuff, but im little confused and im thinkin few things in your guide need additional explanation.

You wrote we need to use 2x Fight for Survival but in your final tree there is no reasonable place for second one...so use 2 or dont use them at all?

Same thing is about Vaal Pact, you wrote we dont need it but its choosed in final build.
Im not sure use it or no, tried both option but still not sure what to choose ;)

You do use two, ill check the final tree,
And Saying vaal pact not needed was talking about the insta heal change not vaal pact as a whole.
a little note: your standart anguisih has no 20% + dmg :)
And what's about "Onslought" points instead of "Phasing" points? Phasing Is still better?
GGG, сделайте уже торговлю автоматизированной-хватит лениться.Блевать тянет с торговли.Скоро кто-нибудь переплюнет выпуск реюзабельного контента каждые 3 месяца/на 2 недели игры.
gera23ret написал:
And what's about "Onslought" points instead of "Phasing" points? Phasing Is still better?

Phasing is always better early league early gear, you get a headhunter and onslaught becomes so much more fun.

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