[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

pemens1 написал:
Died at 78lvl ssf today, because of server lag.
This build look's interesting, but it's not really good to be in a depend from a unique weapon, you know. And it's not really easy to find this claw :(
Will think about it and, maybe, make any variation with frost blade, but without unique claw.

Well you can drop a ewars imo pretty easy. then u have 67 lvs to find a claw, i found 2 while leveling and my pal found 1. Not impossible but i understand.
By the way, what about crit? You taking a lot of node's for it, as i can see.
pemens1 написал:
By the way, what about crit? You taking a lot of node's for it, as i can see.

yes buffed atm i have 82% crit
Wow, that's sound's cool~
Tryed to make a HC version of this build, because 164% of live sound's not really great, but it's look's like impossible lol. You took all node's, what we can grab without huge waste of point's~
\Only one way - it's change spec. on non-crit type, we can have around 200% life, but no crit's with same dmg.
Последняя редакция: etoye#4549. Время: 10 марта 2017 г., 3:21:20
pemens1 написал:
Wow, that's sound's cool~
Tryed to make a HC version of this build, because 164% of live sound's not really great, but it's look's like impossible lol. You took all node's, what we can grab without huge waste of point's~
\Only one way - it's change spec. on non-crit type, we can have around 200% life, but no crit's with same dmg.

yea, its not the best choice for hardcore, but amazing SSF SC and Reg league
Created HC versrion, but, at first, SSF. At future, i think, will change a little.
Here is 115 point's build:
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pemens1 написал:
Wow, that's sound's cool~
Tryed to make a HC version of this build, because 164% of live sound's not really great, but it's look's like impossible lol. You took all node's, what we can grab without huge waste of point's~
\Only one way - it's change spec. on non-crit type, we can have around 200% life, but no crit's with same dmg.

Hey there, i am playing this build currently in SSF HC and so far it is fine!

I planned this build:


If I lateron finda ToA or/and a good shield i might just simply swap twin terrors for claws of the pride. If i stick with dual wield i will go for dervish and respecc out of the two dex nodes next to it.

the build gets 210% life in the lvl90 tree with another 13% life possible within the next 3 levels. Of course it deals less damage but so far (lvl 75 and running low maps) it feels fine despite i am running a 4l only and this crap gear:

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Последняя редакция: C4ph#3498. Время: 10 марта 2017 г., 4:17:30
Well, wanna ask - what about end game with this build? Is it can be strong such as Blade Flurry, for example?
Blade flurry is one, if not THE, highest single target dps skill. So don't expect too much for others skills to perform as well. Especially frost blade which is famous for its lack of single target.
That said, I am currently playing FB and hope to push damage far enough to be able to deal with guardians.
On Path of Building, I can already reach 400k effective dps and there is still room for improvement.

Whatever, don't expect this build to be as faceroll on single target as T1 skill such as blade flurry. This build shine more in map clearing than on getting boss down.
Yup, i am interesting in a typical farming maps, without shaper\guardians now.
So that's why asked this question :3 But i am planning to try with a high DPS claw, not this one uniq.
And worry about aoe and clear speed, without chain :/

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