JibJabberJab написал:
After some more play, i now have quant gem up and running and came to a couple of realizations which i will share, maybe you will agree with some :
First of, i unshaped strand and shaped spider forest instead. The map layout is quite decent and it turns out you can semi-reliably farm the doctor div cards there. I have farmed it for ~3-4 hours for 3 days now and gotten 4 doctor cads in total, seems to be a great currency generating option. This was done without journeyman sextants because they overpriced to the point of not being worth it atm. Spider forest has been a lot better for generating currency, though i do get somewhat less exp.
Secondly, I have switched herald of ice with herald of thunder. The reason being herald of ice actually getting a lot of kills on trash mobs and thus not getting the item quantity gem bonus from the tornado shot setup.
Thirdly I noticed that clear speed is quite a lot faster with GMP instead of Added cold for the mf setup. I still shatter almost everything without a.c so losing the quant bonus from ripper is of no concern.
And lastly I ditched my attack speed jewels because they were artificially inflating my dps while not actually contributing to clear speed. With frenzy charges and the pathfinder nodes the attack speed is more than enough. I noticed the same thing when i was playing this build as a raider before; the raider has much higher sheet dps, but the pathfinder was actually clearing faster because of the more reliable movement speed uptime (flask instead of frenzy charges) and the higher flask effect and penetration. It seemed to me that the attack speed from raider was a lot of wasted dps from attack speed, and the same seems to be true for pathfinder jewels.
Spider forest is nice for currency yes, i farmed two doctor cards myself there. I got all the currency i want now so my priorities are getting each class to 100 and Strand is better for that. This build can better farm spider forest than other farm builds like vaal spark or vaal fireball though.
you are correct, herald of ice can kill the mobs which can be annoying, but it is superior for clearing. But each to their own i guess :) If you are using greed's embrace version and you got a 6l you can use iiq and iir linked with your auras, this is an expensive option for league play though.
Using added cold helps freeze rares and bosses, and i think your DPS would suffer in higher level maps, but for lower level maps GMP probably increase clear speed.
I think gameplay is way more fluid and enjoyable with high attack speed. it does add sheet dps for clearing and low level maps, but it's not artificial DPS on higher level/HP bosses. Besides, the only other good prefix on jewels (other than life%) for elemental bow attack builds is IAS with bows.
boomgod24 написал:
Can this build start off with just a 5-link windripper? planning to go kaom's route since i got that chest piece available
Yes, strand is fine on 5 link. got additional arrow quiver and dying sun? If yes: TS, pierce, WED, added cold, added lightning. If no: TS, pierce, WED, GMP, added lightning.
Gonna try this build because i was looking for a nice windripper mf build for quite some time....
But what's the best lvling setup/bow?
Stormcloud and upgraded version into windripper?
Or Deaths Harp/Opus in between?
Or maybe even doomfletcher until windripper?
Сообщениеrossko#06865 мая 2017 г., 22:00:34
rossko написал:
Gonna try this build because i was looking for a nice windripper mf build for quite some time....
But what's the best lvling setup/bow?
Stormcloud and upgraded version into windripper?
Or Deaths Harp/Opus in between?
Or maybe even doomfletcher until windripper?
Been a while since i leveled with a bow build, i think what i did last was using spells until lvl 32 and then use tornado shot GMP with Death's harp and it should be pretty faceroll. I think maybe using silverbranch with ROA until like level 12 and then going stormcloud with split arrow or something might work too.
Lanfear88 написал:
rossko написал:
Gonna try this build because i was looking for a nice windripper mf build for quite some time....
But what's the best lvling setup/bow?
Stormcloud and upgraded version into windripper?
Or Deaths Harp/Opus in between?
Or maybe even doomfletcher until windripper?
Been a while since i leveled with a bow build, i think what i did last was using spells until lvl 32 and then use tornado shot GMP with Death's harp and it should be pretty faceroll. I think maybe using silverbranch with ROA until like level 12 and then going stormcloud with split arrow or something might work too.
Thx tho
But i know how to lvl a "normal" bow build but not sure about the windripper build. :)
If phys dmg matters Death harp/opus is probably the best otherwise i am not rly sure....
Never played a windripper build and gonna know where the dmg comes from when i already lvled^^.
Сообщениеrossko#06866 мая 2017 г., 9:54:40
rossko написал:
Lanfear88 написал:
rossko написал:
Gonna try this build because i was looking for a nice windripper mf build for quite some time....
But what's the best lvling setup/bow?
Stormcloud and upgraded version into windripper?
Or Deaths Harp/Opus in between?
Or maybe even doomfletcher until windripper?
Been a while since i leveled with a bow build, i think what i did last was using spells until lvl 32 and then use tornado shot GMP with Death's harp and it should be pretty faceroll. I think maybe using silverbranch with ROA until like level 12 and then going stormcloud with split arrow or something might work too.
Thx tho
But i know how to lvl a "normal" bow build but not sure about the windripper build. :)
If phys dmg matters Death harp/opus is probably the best otherwise i am not rly sure....
Never played a windripper build and gonna know where the dmg comes from when i already lvled^^.
Shouldn't be to different than any other bow build, just pick up the phys dmg nodes if you use death's harp and respecc them later.
Something like this should be the baseline:
From what i remember bow leveling kinda sucks, so be warned ^^
How do you sustain mana? is the only mana leech from vinktar's?
Сообщениеboomgod24#523410 мая 2017 г., 1:36:01
boomgod24 написал:
How do you sustain mana? is the only mana leech from vinktar's?
Yes, but if you are having trouble to sustain flasks (you shouldn't have) then you can pick up 1 mana leech node on the bottom right part of the skill tree
СообщениеLanfear88#733211 мая 2017 г., 9:36:09
hey how viable is this on legacy league rn? thinking of making this, and realised that a lot of gear would have to be changed. much of your items are standard league only, so i was wondering how good this build would be if i switched to not-too-expensive (under 10ex budget) legacy for this?
СообщениеVerxeia#068618 мая 2017 г., 18:41:53
Lanfear88 написал:
:) If you are using greed's embrace version and you got a 6l you can use iiq and iir linked with your auras
Can you explain this a little more? I had no idea you could link iiq/iir gems with an aura or is it just with greeds embrace?
Сообщениеnitetime#245519 мая 2017 г., 9:17:54