[3.5] Death by a Thousand Cuts - Frost Blades & Blade Flurry Raider

thanks for comments all, i'll get WED on belt and hopefully a ring too, and level up a bit and see how i do. I tried 6 linking my a belly, spent 6 exa so far and nothing, should have just bought it but now i may aswell spend my currency on fusings to try finish it.. I did buy 20% gems which helped me somewhat.

Thoughts on this ring? Increases my tooltip by loads, would I be better off building around it, or just getting an opal?
Nevzat написал:
Thoughts on this ring? Increases my tooltip by loads, would I be better off building around it, or just getting an opal?

Only problem with that tooltip dps is the ring doesn't affect your projectiles from frostblades/molten strike.

Pretty much done with the build, nuked all guardians but haven't tried shaper yet. Still saving up for a 6l belly which is kinda silly since I have a +3 stark.
Cull strike on toa is amazing, really helps out. I dont miss the +46 as much as I thought I would.
Ditched blood magic for charged dash to cross gaps, GREATEST DECISION I EVER MADE.

If anyone has any suggestions, lmk :)

POB - https://pastebin.com/KY9Vh61X
(300k without lab enchant on boots active, 330k with lab enchant for molten strike magma ball, 400k for melee hit)
(310k w/o lab enchant for icy blades from frost blades,338k with. 186k melee hit)

edit: got the belly <3
Последняя редакция: ZebberZ#6441. Время: 2 янв. 2018 г., 1:14:06
would this build work as pathfinder?
streetRossi написал:
would this build work as pathfinder?

everything works as a pathfinder, just run bloodrage for frenzy charges maybe. I think with top end gear a pathfinder might be better.
Nevzat написал:
Thoughts on this ring? Increases my tooltip by loads, would I be better off building around it, or just getting an opal?

My advice is not to trust tooltip.

It's honestly not that great a ring. No life, good flat added ele but you can roll that yourself. Opals could be expensive though so using it isn't actually bad.

I made this ring I think i'll use it as i have the CWDT set up, this should help ?

Not sure whether to sell or use it
Последняя редакция: Nevzat#0411. Время: 2 янв. 2018 г., 11:54:28
Zankai написал:

CynthiaCrescent написал:
dragonblade1872 написал:
was molten strike+ ac fixed on bosses?

I tried shotgunning, and it didn't work for me. I never tried it again. If someone does have a way of consistently pulling it off, however, then it would indeed be quite good.

Hitting the ground right next to the boss doesn't work for shotgunning ?

Also, depending on interaction of multistrike + ancestral call (if all balls hit the target) :
- If it's 4 attacks while shotgunning with AC, it's a (0.84*4/3-1) = 11.7% more damage*
- If it's 6 attacks while shotgunning with AC, it's a (0.84*6/3-1) = 68% more damage*
- Elemental Focus is a 49% more damage*
(*more damage compared to a 5-link with molten strike -multistrike - elem dmg - conc. effect - ice bite)

So the shotgun with ancestral call would only be beneficial if it does work correctly with multistrike (copying all 3 hits). I'm still trying to find the answer to this question however. I can't access the game right now to test with a low attack speed and mono-projectile skill to see how many attacks the ancestral call procs when we hit the ground with a multistrike linked.

EDIT : I changed the calculation, forget about the reduced damage of ancestral call which result in a 0.84 multiplier at level 20.

So, I just tested Ancestral Call + Multistrike shotgunning and... it works !

With a molten strike with 3 projectiles (to see better), I attacked in place next a single target.
Ancestral Call + Multistrike is creating a total of 6 attacks with only one target.
I had only 3 projectiles per Molten Strike, so i get a total of 3*6=18 balls per click.

It's definitely the best option damage wise even for single target, if you can afford the weird playstyle of attacking the ground instead of the target :D
Zankai написал:

So, I just tested Ancestral Call + Multistrike shotgunning and... it works !

With a molten strike with 3 projectiles (to see better), I attacked in place next a single target.
Ancestral Call + Multistrike is creating a total of 6 attacks with only one target.
I had only 3 projectiles per Molten Strike, so i get a total of 3*6=18 balls per click.

It's definitely the best option damage wise even for single target, if you can afford the weird playstyle of attacking the ground instead of the target :D

lol, its would be broken, but i dont think its works like that.
IGN Pixelexer
Последняя редакция: pixelix#1840. Время: 2 янв. 2018 г., 16:42:49

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