[Theory, kind of tested] Scion cheap starter BF CWC BF 100% phys 250k+ dps for 3.0

Asheren написал:
Used to play something like that few patches ago. It still has its main drawback of having to stand still for too long in one spot?

yes it still stands in 1 spot but I don't consider it a drawback. With the panteon powers and arctic armor I can get pretty good phys damage reduction just standing around. And using a shield + acrobatics gives me good survivability. Also I usually just WB out of danger when in doubt.
Thanks for updated build, still sundering my way around act 4 but hopefully will start to play the real build soon :)
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
How to open this skill tree from pastebin link?
Последняя редакция: wojea#6961. Время: 5 авг. 2017 г., 10:43:53
poeplanner is down right now. Anyone have a screenshot of the skill tree that I can go off of until its updated?
wojea написал:
How to open this skill tree from pastebin link?

Second this, I can't see the second pastebin link.
Logic717 написал:
wojea написал:
How to open this skill tree from pastebin link?

Second this, I can't see the second pastebin link.

You will need "Path of Building", it's an offline builder tool. You can find it at github. The pastebin link is in the last post of the 3rd page.

I always wanted to make a scion, I think I will try this build.
Последняя редакция: RDMaster#5326. Время: 5 авг. 2017 г., 16:57:21
RDMaster написал:
Logic717 написал:
wojea написал:
How to open this skill tree from pastebin link?

Second this, I can't see the second pastebin link.

You will need "Path of Building", it's an offline builder tool. You can find it at github. The pastebin link is in the last post of the 3rd page.

I always wanted to make a scion, I think I will try this build.

Got it thanks!!
Love your build mate, currently level 60 in HC harbinger, working like a charm :) the only downside to your gem link might be the power charge generation, its often quite dangerous to be in melee in HC so I just clean with bladefall (like the harbinger pack) and I use a diamond flask for yolo crit. So the setup blasphemy + assasin's mark can be tricky sometimes. Otherwise, Pretty good, pretty fun and no ripperino for now so all good, gonna get the insta leech claw in 2 level which will boost my survivability by a lot.
Not sure if I wanna use bloodrage now, but ye I need a frenzy charge generation as well.
The other thing that worries me is the tabula in hardcore, I lose a lot of res/hp but my damage are insane for now, dunno if I will be able to sustain with only the leech and the arctic armour. (Currently at 3k3 hp) I will have to get perfect roll on my other gear or I get a 5L, what would you say?
Последняя редакция: saouled#0024. Время: 8 авг. 2017 г., 5:49:43
I found 4 Kaoms roots boots in 3 hours, then I decided 'eh what the hell' and put them on. It hurt my resists, but I can probably still cap it elsewhere. Great for more hp and stun/freeze immunity. But If you want to go 5L with a high life/resist chest piece I think you'll do just fine.

Also because I picked up the kaoms roots, I also modified my tree a little...took away 15% life for 2% regen so I can comfortably keep bloodrage up at all times.

And lastly, I found that you don't really need bloodrage once you get the ranger ascendency. You'll gain frenzy fast vs rare and uniques anyway, which is when you really need them.
Последняя редакция: id_rather_be_single#4748. Время: 8 авг. 2017 г., 18:48:58
id_rather_be_single написал:
I found 4 Kaoms roots boots in 3 hours, then I decided 'eh what the hell' and put them on. It hurt my resists, but I can probably still cap it elsewhere. Great for more hp and stun/freeze immunity. But If you want to go 5L with a high life/resist chest piece I think you'll do just fine.

Also because I picked up the kaoms roots, I also modified my tree a little...took away 15% life for 2% regen so I can comfortably keep bloodrage up at all times.

And lastly, I found that you don't really need bloodrage once you get the ranger ascendency. You'll gain frenzy fast vs rare and uniques anyway, which is when you really need them.

Man u make such a great idea with this build.
I'm using my variation of this build, but I'm already do 3\4 shaper guardians and even some twined t15 and t14. t15 dark forest twin Rigvald for sure.
U can check my profile if u interesting in my current gear and tree.
Sorry for bad English.
The touch of GOD!
Последняя редакция: Xpishko#3459. Время: 9 авг. 2017 г., 3:41:10

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