3.1 Updated - Pathfinder Crit BV - Dedicated Uber Lab Farmer - 375%+ Movement Speed

elite12 написал:
Can you take a Look to my build and let me know what i should get or find to be more effective

My character name is MariaCorinaMachado


I don't gear check people under level 85 because it's pointless.
However I will say that you're not even using the right pieces in most slots. Look at the guide again to try to understand Stat Priority.

Also, level up.

KIuRSaiD написал:
how do you leech life i did everthing like you but idont leech life at all

I leech with Atziri's promise, Warlord's Mark, 0.6% damage as leeched life and mana.
3 Sources. You should have at least Atziri and Warlords Mark. Boot enchant is a bonus.

Chocoholic написал:
Hi there,

I'm really interested in choosing this build.
I have, however, a question: how much chaos does this build cost, roughly, at this time in the Harbinger league? (Assuming a 5L instead of a 6L chest, because I assume that's where most of the cost comes from).

If someone could answer me that question, then I can decide whether or not I want to pursue this build!

Edit: I was also hoping for a bit more information regarding leveling. What links to use and to what level, recommended leveling uniques and such. I think that would attract newer players.

On stream today I was hearing from people that recently made this character that it will cost around 200 chaos to get this build together with decent gear. You could probably do it for less but this character does VERY well with large investments.

As for leveling information, I have a whole spoiler in the guide dedicated to it.
If you are saying that the mini-leveling guide I posted is not sufficient, I would totally agree. This is something I wanted to fix for a long time but I've been busy and have not had the chance. Also... I don't really know how to edit videos very well and so I think any sort of video guide I made would be pretty crappy.

Maybe check back in the guide and read through the forum thread because I've helped a few others with leveling tips also ;)
Последняя редакция: Jelbishi#4770. Время: 27 авг. 2017 г., 1:00:14
Why Blade Vortex instead of Glacial Cascade mines?
Jelbishi написал:

On stream today I was hearing from people that recently made this character that it will cost around 200 chaos to get this build together with decent gear. You could probably do it for less but this character does VERY well with large investments.

As for leveling information, I have a whole spoiler in the guide dedicated to it.
If you are saying that the mini-leveling guide I posted is not sufficient, I would totally agree. This is something I wanted to fix for a long time but I've been busy and have not had the chance. Also... I don't really know how to edit videos very well and so I think any sort of video guide I made would be pretty crappy.

Maybe check back in the guide and read through the forum thread because I've helped a few others with leveling tips also ;)

Hey bud - thank you for taking the time to reply. I've read through the leveling section and found it a bit lacking. (It's still better than a lot of other builds though, so don't take offense!) :)

Ideally, what I look for in a leveling guide:

- The levels at which I equip new gems/uniques
- List of recommended leveling uniques
- 'chunks' of the talent tree (which you've done an awesome job on!)

Something as simple as that, makes leveling a build for me way more enjoyable.

I will be leveling the build from scratch now. Hope to see you in-game some time!

Moksu написал:
Why Blade Vortex instead of Glacial Cascade mines?

Mines are REALLY strong BUT lack the consistency that BV offers. I've been working on a way to use other skills and retain consistency but it's not working very well.

Chocoholic написал:
Jelbishi написал:

On stream today I was hearing from people that recently made this character that it will cost around 200 chaos to get this build together with decent gear. You could probably do it for less but this character does VERY well with large investments.

As for leveling information, I have a whole spoiler in the guide dedicated to it.
If you are saying that the mini-leveling guide I posted is not sufficient, I would totally agree. This is something I wanted to fix for a long time but I've been busy and have not had the chance. Also... I don't really know how to edit videos very well and so I think any sort of video guide I made would be pretty crappy.

Maybe check back in the guide and read through the forum thread because I've helped a few others with leveling tips also ;)

Hey bud - thank you for taking the time to reply. I've read through the leveling section and found it a bit lacking. (It's still better than a lot of other builds though, so don't take offense!) :)

Ideally, what I look for in a leveling guide:

- The levels at which I equip new gems/uniques
- List of recommended leveling uniques
- 'chunks' of the talent tree (which you've done an awesome job on!)

Something as simple as that, makes leveling a build for me way more enjoyable.

I will be leveling the build from scratch now. Hope to see you in-game some time!

First off, I really appreciate the feedback and compliments. Thank you.
I will do my best to find time and revamp the leveling section to be a little bit more specific in the future.
Последняя редакция: Jelbishi#4770. Время: 27 авг. 2017 г., 13:54:17
Hey there,

I can't seem to stay alive in uberlab while trying to copy your build. Can you take a look at my char called Emile_Rattletire? I'm probably missing something major... hope you can point it out!

I have around 1k chaos to spend if need be. I know the belt is shit but I get 1 shotted, another belt won't completely fix that haha. (I have another belt with alot of evasion but currently lacking strength so I'll grab a few levels first)

Any pointers are greatly appreciated! I can't wait to start running uberlab, because I've never had a proper character to do them effectively!

Tumzie написал:
Hey there,

I can't seem to stay alive in uberlab while trying to copy your build. Can you take a look at my char called Emile_Rattletire? I'm probably missing something major... hope you can point it out!

I have around 1k chaos to spend if need be. I know the belt is shit but I get 1 shotted, another belt won't completely fix that haha. (I have another belt with alot of evasion but currently lacking strength so I'll grab a few levels first)

Any pointers are greatly appreciated! I can't wait to start running uberlab, because I've never had a proper character to do them effectively!


What I noticed right off that bat is that you're not using the right gem setup. The gem links I mentioned are not optional... They're mandatory. You'll especially need the shield charge linked with fortify to put up the extra level of defense to tank the larger hits. Also fix the lvl of your CWDT to make it 1 and not 4. You want this to proc as often and quickly as possible.

Second, you're missing a little bit of life on shield / belt so you're probably a little low on HP, especially being level 86.

Also it looks like you have "budget" jewels and none of them have any life% on them.

Lastly, it looks like you were starting to head toward Celerity on the skill tree (bottom right movespeed nodes)... Don't do that. Take that little 10dex node straggler you have and put it into the health/mana node at the top of the tree. All of the following nodes you get from leveling should then be allocated into the scion life wheel.

Thanks for the swift reply! I'll work on the things you mentioned and I'll let you know how it worked out!
Any reason you have the 30% incr poison damage on the rare dagger?
I got the dagger as part of a good deal so it's not perfect. The increased poison damage does nothing because the build does no poison damage to begin with lol.
Any advice with what I need to fix before running Uber Labs would be great. I specifically want to know if I need to replace the gloves and helmet before I start trying to chrome them. Right now I feel like I need to get fortify and additional toughness onto my decoy totem, I already have 4k hp and 2k mana with resists. Also I got a random Carcass Jack dropped, does it have good rolls for using or should I just sell it?


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