3.1 Updated - Pathfinder Crit BV - Dedicated Uber Lab Farmer - 375%+ Movement Speed

Peuce1989 написал:
WarcryLegion написал:
Retch > your rare belt.


probably right ill try it!

Anyone tried it? Instead of the rare belt? :)

would like to hear some experience with the belt :D
My_diсk_is_big написал:
absolutely agree about flask, about belt it is 18, since 18+15 is 33, which is only needed, i did a lot of carries, even 5 men no problem, they kinda catch up if there are waiting mechanics, aka charges, you 100% cannot uberlab boost supports though, all others are fine with beating mobs and going alone, just let them open uberlab on their offering
PS: i have better amulet, bought it for 35c long ago, lmao

Nice amu man ! You were lucky to find one with thoses stats and at this price haha.
Normaly, those kind of amu should go for way more currency. That's why I did this point on the amulet slot.
I looked the market for a long time, and there wasn't so much offer with %spell / Crit chance / crit multi / hp / %eva. And the few you can found rarely beat the amu I showed.
With this solution you can chose your base (Jade one would be the best), and get exaclty what you need with pretty descent overall stats. And it won't be as expensive as what guys are asking on market for a non multi-mods crafted one.
My_diсk_is_big написал:
An1Lusion написал:
Do you need QotF for Izaro or is it only for running through the lab? I have a 5b1g Carcass Jack and a 3b2g1r QotF, would it better to use QotF for running and swapping to Carcass Jack for the Izaro fights, or use QotF all the time?

You can do it like this, yea, but i would recommend to use qotf all the time in lab, 3b2g1r is playable setup BV-CD-Inc crit strikes or dmg depending on your gear-added cold-added fire

Whats the reason for wanting to use QotF during Izaro? Is it just to avoid having to swap it back after he is dead, or is there some other reason too?
What is the reason for controlled destruction in your 6L ? Doesn't it counter/void the crit chance gem ? (I might get the mechanics wrong, I am reasonably new to crit builds)
Ridiculous build.

I wanted to try a lab farmer, wasn't sure if I wanted something safe that could slowly grind it out (cheaper tbh) or something that could blast through it mostly for enchants, getting 3-4 keys per run.

Decided on this build after a guildy had a lot of success with it. (My_Dick_is_Big) He has a tiny dick btw.

Put about 600~700c into the gear which was mostly the QoTF and a decent damage shield and some regrets b/c I already had a ranger at 90 and god damn was it worth it. I got extremely lucky and made back my investment + 100c within 8 runs, which took me an hour, tops. I imagine even with bad RNG it would take a couple days maximum to make that kind of currency.

Almost certainly going to make this my starter build next league unless it gets nerfed too heavily.

Gear atm:
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Could do with a better life flask, but other than my first run I haven't come close to dying yet.
Peuce1989 написал:
WarcryLegion написал:
Retch > your rare belt.


probably right ill try it!

It's over 700c guys..
Can someone critique my build/char?



Ayrill написал:
Peuce1989 написал:
WarcryLegion написал:
Retch > your rare belt.


probably right ill try it!

Anyone tried it? Instead of the rare belt? :)

would like to hear some experience with the belt :D

I got the Festbind from a Card lately so i could easily get it, and i think it's amazing!
Easier to get than a full Flask/Life/Movement belt and the Flask Duration makes you slam Buttons less.
Movement feels awesome and Life/Coldres come in handy

Anyway the reduced charges gained during flask makes you want to have good Control on the flask usage,
since it's up to 50% redued charges in compare to a rare belt
So before I start this off I just wanted to say that my budget in this game isnt the best. Im trying to make this build with maybe 100-150 chaos. And have so far been working out quite well. Used like 200 fusings trying to get my qotf 5 linked since Im nowhere close to being able to 6 socket it. So far no luck. So today I tried to do a uber lab. I got demolished. I made the first trial then in the 2nd trial he hit me with the sword thingy. Because the phases takes so long maybe because I only have 11k dps with 20 stacks on blade vortexx. Anyway so I was wondering if I could get some help to why this is not working. I dont know how to link my gear in a thread. I do altough have every piece of gear in the guide with quite good stats. If that is any help. My evasions are all capped. I have 3k hp right now and around 2k mana. 30k evasion without any flasks. Yeah I think thats it, if you need any more info just write back to me and Ill do my best to provide it.

Edit: I dont have all the gems because I dont have all the right colours on my gear.
Последняя редакция: Lillotus#3586. Время: 8 сент. 2017 г., 16:04:31
First of all, thank you Jelbishi for this great guide.
Jelbishi написал:
On stream today I was hearing from people that recently made this character that it will cost around 200 chaos to get this build together with decent gear. You could probably do it for less but this character does VERY well with large investments.

A 6L Queen is like 600c+ at the moment. And crafting it, it would be minimum 1500 fusing (Vorici) for 6L (~600c). So did you say 200c because that was the price in the moment you wrote this? Or am I missing something? Thanks.

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