Couple 3.0 Scion builds

IGN: BaconPizza

I have as many other players started theorycrafting builds by the lack of other content these last few weeks and thought I should share some of the builds I have created with you. Even though I have thousands of hours played in this game do take these builds under some consideration as they have NOT YET BEEN TESTED and may still need some adjustments. The new uniques have also not been considererd since they have not yet been revealed.

They have only been applied to interfere as little as possible with the new bandit rewards.

Scion's main weakness according to me is the clunkiness of the ascendencies. You basicly get nothing from normal lab because of the way the Ascendant tree is designed.
If it was not clear, do go for the second starting zone when ascending from uber lab.

As I dont know the position dots are in in 3.0 I will not show these builds yet.

Trees are updated using skill tree. A few nodes have been changed.

Life based RfScion

Build Theory
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Because of the recent buffs to the scion trickster path I created this build with that as a base. The build will most likely be doable without much investment what so ever but does still have a large room to be improved by expensive items. After the uber lab we also pick up juggernaut path to save 3 passive points and gain a massive boost to out utility and defense.

Why would this be superior in any way to the already existing chieftain or guardian RF builds? Because of the 50% recovery to life and mana if we've killed an enemy with a DoT effect recently (within 4 seconds). We have insane amount of life regeneration and defense. At a high level that would mean a Life recovery rate of roughly 19.65% life/sec. The overflowing lifereg/sec after rf would therefor be roughly 9.9% total life with Abberath(5% reduced fire dmg taken and araakali pantheon (5% reduced DoT taken) and 14.79% with ruby flask up.

But RF got nerfed?!
Righteous fire got nerfed by 20% yes... But because Increased Burning Damage support gem now gives more burning dmg the overall dmg from RF is more or less the same. It is also easier to sustain it now than before. It doesnt hurt that life also has been buffed on items. With this build on top equipment it is possible to reach 300k+ dps

Why scorching ray on a 3l?
Doon Cuebiyari has supported gem has Iron Will. Since this build would easily have 600-900 str the Increased spell damage to scorching ray would therefor range between 150% to over 250% increased spell damage to Scorching ray. That is excluding the 1% damage per 8 strength provided by the weapon itself. If you dont have Doon Cuebiyari use Doryani's Catalyst or a regular sceptre/dagger with good spell mods. (possibly +2 fire gems). Note that Scorching ray would most likely not be needed for most parts because of the high damage output from Righteous fire. Just as a extra boss killer since the Boss life has been buffed. If Kaom's heart will never be within your budget having

Get added lightning or cold damage on any accessory to apply vulnability to fire with your shield charge through elemental equilibrium. Do NOT have any added fire dmg to attacks through any part of your equipment as this would buff monsters resistance to fire.

Writhing jar is an alternative life flask since it provides 50%+ recovery from trickster ascendancy during boss fights. This means that along the 600life instant there will be a rough 2000-3000 life over 4 sec with decent equipment. Writhing jar also jas 3 uses
Blood of the karui is most likely still better however and that is why it is showcased over writhing jar.

Curse Option
Flamability or Enfeeble
I would suggest Enfeeble as I will play hardcore this league and Dmg will be good anyway but I'm not your boss.

Do not run no reg or 60% reduced reg maps. With good equipment I dont see why -max res would be a problem.

Delirium and Horror are referred to Essence of delirium
and essence of horror
Because Essnce of deliriums (30% more damage over time) Glove modifier and Horrors (30% more elemental damage) Head modifiers increases RFs damage by the exact same amount you can choose to place ur RF-setup in either slot. Since the damage only applies to socketed gems you do however only need 1.
These essences are currently 30-40 chaos in both leagues.

In terms of items; Life increases the base dmg output from the skill so that is your main objective. RF does however also stack with spell- elemental- fire- burning damage and damage over time. So that is what you'd be aiming for on jewels for example next to life.

recent updates
Mind over matter was dropped because it required a too large investment
Clarity was dropped because of the removal of mind over matter
Because of this change we can now have empower on both our auras


Gem Links
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4l(delirium/horror):RF+incburning+Elemental Focus+Increased aoe/concentrated effect


4l:Shield Charge+Fastatk+Curse on hit+Curse

3l(Doon Cuebiyari):Scorchray-Burndmg-elefocus

3l:vitality-Purityof fire+emp

Before Doon Cuebiyari use a +2 fire gem sceptre or dagger with good spell/elemental mods in this slot. More info in Build Theory.

Kaom's heart is by no means needed to run this build. Just pick up a Belly of the Beast or any other good life chest until you can afford one. This will also open up the possibility to run flame dash+arcane surge to get over ledges and boost dmg. Use your scorching ray in your armour in this case.

Blood of the Karui/life flask
Blood of the Karui/life flask
Ruby Flask

Help Oak for 1% life reg 2% phys reduction

When should I start using RF?
I sugest waiting until you have a Rise of the Phoenix but I think it can be done as soon as after cruel lab.


Build Theory
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I did this build in the Turmoil Event where I hit level 90 in 3 days and then quit the event. To note I am not a very fast racer. This version has been adjusted to 3.0
The old version was a CI build. This Health alternative does provide more damage and a smoother leveling curve by sacrificing a larger effective lifepool late game. This version will also rely more on getting maxlife% on jewels and might therefor be a little tricky as a first char. It is however still very possible. Especially if you are not playing hardcore.

The build is way better in general compared to 2.6

Most people have seen how this build works, you shield charge around and cast EK-nova while keeping up any vaal skill or in this case also arcane surge as often as possible. The damage of this build is insane and so is the clear speed. The new pierce mechanic will make it even easier to pierce enemies than before the patch. Especially on lower level.

While on low level You have the option early to use sunder or go bow for the first levels as your build will be just as good for these options as well. Do in this case swap out the spell damage for the faster atk speed out of the scion wheel.
I changed out of bow at level 50 but if I'd do it again I would have swapped earlier.

Do not run phys reflect, no leech or hexfont maps

The Pierce points in the tree are placed to adjust to the new pierce wheel. Poeplanner has apearently not updated.

Build tree

Gems and links
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6l: EK+SEcho+Cchance+Pierce+Maim+added chaos

4l: golem+Herald of ice+Flame dash+arcane surge

3l: CWDT+Imortal call+INC duration

3l: Shieldcharge+Fasteratk+fortify

4l: Hatred+Blashpemy+warlords mark+Enlighten

4l: Vaal haste+Inc duration+Faster casting+Vaal clarity

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Atziri's Promise
Vessel of Vinktar
Taste of hate

Note: Sin's Rebirth can be used over quicksilver or Taste of hate for more damage.

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This build does not require any specific uniques other than the Ring of blades. which seems to now be accessed through quests in the new acts.

Preferably get a dagger with good spell damage elemental damage to spells and crit/crit for spells. Use regular life items
Sceptre can work but your Sheild charge will be slower
Wand can work but you need to change the links from Shield charge to flame dash

While on low level You have the option early to use sunder or go bow for the first levels as your build will be just as good for these options as well. Do in this case swap out the spell damage for the faster atk speed out of the scion wheel.

Bandit: Help kraityn
Kraityn is 6% increased attack speed /Increased cast speed / 3% attack dodge / 6% Movement speed
Последняя редакция: Scbub#4798. Время: 13 авг. 2017 г., 11:08:25
Last bumped17 авг. 2017 г., 14:36:06
How bad was the nerf to the ek threshold? Still plays pretty well?
I dont think you will really notice it much. Would be more noticable for the people who stacked proj speed to clear packs far of screen.
Последняя редакция: Scbub#4798. Время: 4 авг. 2017 г., 9:26:12
Can you update your trees on some other sites? poeplanner seems to be down, and when it will become online, i suppose your trees wouldn't open because they will become outdated (at least code from other sites with trees see as old)
Skilltrees has been updated and transfered webpages skilltree.
Can we see your gear please?
for RF
Последняя редакция: Dk_Kiwi#5001. Время: 6 авг. 2017 г., 14:13:04
How do you sustain mana regeneration high enough to be able to compensate degen from RF+MOM? Path of building says that mana regeneration from your tree is 10-20 times smaller than life regeneration
I'm guessing you didnt add a rise of the phoenix, purtiy of fire gem and 5% reduced fire dmg from pantheon into that equation? These builds are as it says in the first paragraph, not tested yet and I am not sure whether or not it's possible to sustain MoM with this build. However Life regen provides more than enough regen to sustain RF on it's own. If it is'nt possible just drop MoM and clarity and run without them.
Hi! I played a very little with an ele witch so i don't know really well other classes. After the patch release i'd like to try something "new" and so I found your guide ;) Anyways, which are the main stats I need for the rfscion on yellow items? and what means "4l(delirium/horror)"?

Quite noobish questions, ah?
Thanks for the heads up. Delirium and Horror are referred to Essence of delirium
and essence of horror
Because Essence of deliriums (30% more damage over time) Glove modifier and Horrors (30% more elemental damage) Head modifiers increases RFs damage by the exact same amount you can choose to place ur RF-setup in either slot. (however helmets can have a slightly larger life pool) Since the damage only applies to socketed gems you do however only need 1.
These essences are currently 30-40 chaos in both leagues.

In terms of items; Life increases the base dmg output from the skill so that is your main objective. RF does however also stack with spell- elemental- fire- burning damage and damage over time. So that is what you'd be aiming for on jewels for example, next to life of course.

I added the information to the build theory as well :)
Последняя редакция: Scbub#4798. Время: 13 авг. 2017 г., 11:51:27

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